NO Saints Bounygate/Jeremy Shockey accusations...

jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
Anybody else following this? Since I'm a Carolina Panthers fan, I've been completely hooked on this particular drama for a couple of reasons:

1. Jeremy used to play for the Saints, but played for us last year.
2. The Saints are a division rival of Carolina.

Personally, I don't care one way or the other if Jeremy did snitch. (Although, I happen to be of the opinion that he did not.) I do, however, think it's absolutely SHAMEFUL what people are posting on his Facebook and Twitter pages all because ONE guy (Warren Sapp) pointed the finger and said, "He did it! He snitched and got the Saints in trouble! It's all his fault!" Granted, Jeremy has a reputation of being something of a hotheaded badboy, but I don't think he deserves the awful remarks people are making. Seriously, some of this stuff I'm reading just makes me want to cry it's so full of hate. :cry:

P.S. I don't mind people posting critical remarks, but please keep it clean and civil. I don't want this thread to get locked.

Edit: Spelling error in tagline *bounTygate*


  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Honestly...I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of Sapp's mouth. He was a dirty player back in the day and doesn't know his @ss from a hole in the ground now.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    The NFL has confirmed it wasn't Shockey but it's probably best not to speculate at this point. What has happened is in the past and now it's about moving forward for both the Saints and the other 31 franchises.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I wonder if any players will be fined and suspended...
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    Well, I'm putting up a grand to anyone who takes him out this season. Who's with me? Oh wait...
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    The NFL has confirmed it wasn't Shockey but it's probably best not to speculate at this point. What has happened is in the past and now it's about moving forward for both the Saints and the other 31 franchises.

    I agree. My post is more about the things people are saying to him and about him over unfounded accusations. They're still saying it in spite of the fact that the NFL has said he didn't snitch. He also posted a screenshot of a text he received from Sean Payton today, but people (namely Saints fans) still refuse to believe he didn't snitch. Whether he snitched or not isn't the issue. Even if he had, people have no business saying such hateful things to anyone, let alone someone they don't even know personally. And many of these people were just posting comments a few days ago that they miss him in NO, and wish he would come back... It just hurts my heart to see people being that hateful to someone else. It's one thing to criticize or make a negative remark, but some of those comments are downright venomous.

    Also, the NFL legally HAS to say that it wasn't him, whether it was or not, or face a possible lawsuit for outing a whistleblower.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I wonder if any players will be fined and suspended...

    I think they ought to be if it can be proven that they took part in the program. My sister in law and I knew something wasn't right whenever we watched a Saints game last season. We kept saying, "I SWEAR it looks like they're TRYING to hurt someone!" Turns out, they were. Whether the disciplinary action was too severe or not, I'm just glad the NFL put a stop to it before someone was SERIOUSLY injured...and I'm not talking knee injuries and such. The way they were hitting people, it was only a matter of time before someone was paralyzed or killed. Don't get me wrong. I love to see a good tackle as much as the next football fan. I understand it's a violent sport and injuries are bound to happen. I don't even have a problem with coaches encouraging their players to be more aggressive. However, there is a difference between aggressive playing and malicious behavior. What they were doing was unethical and malicious, not to mention against the NFL rules and safety regulations.
    CHEFCH♥ZZ Posts: 127
    peyton got what he and the others(so far) deserved. im a huge football fan and was disgusted!!! GO BEARS!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    dont care.... why? because my boys are champions... GO GIANTS!!!
  • charlieduc
    charlieduc Posts: 108
    Well, I'm putting up a grand to anyone who takes him out this season. Who's with me? Oh wait...
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Well, I'm putting up a grand to anyone who takes him out this season. Who's with me? Oh wait...

    Can we vote Swannysez for a "funniest posts" award? Where do I send that to? I have to say, Swanny, your posts regularly make me laugh!
  • lamendo
    lamendo Posts: 1
    I agree. I couldn't read the comments on Facebook for very long because they were disturbing. I can't believe people can be so vicious. I live in Louisiana, by the way.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I think the whole thing is bazaar! I LOVE football and since I'm a Lions fan, I haven't had much my whole life to cheer for, until very recently. It pisses me off that we played them twice this year and we got SOOO many penalties, it was crazy. Now I think back and wonder if they had a bounty on Stafford (even though he wasn't named in the 4.)

    I think the penalties might be a bit harsh but like the local sports guys are saying, once it infiltrated into the front offices, a bigger line was crossed. I'm not a Sean Peyton fan at all actually but I don't know if 1 year was necessary!
    As for Shockey, I have always liked the guy as a person and player. As someone else stated, Warren Sapp is a numbnut and I would take what he says with a grain of salt. If people are considering Shockey a snitch, I think that's the wrong term.. I think of it more as a whistle-blower and I DO applaud him for that, if he did. People LOOOVE the hits and the hurting, I mean, it is football, right?? but I work with closed head injury people on a daily basis. It's no laughing matter. I think the commissioner needed to take a stand, it just sucks that ONE organization had to take the brunt of it, when we know other teams have very similar programs (no proof, but I believe it to be true!) I hope everything in this bounty comes out, even if it's my own team!! It's just not cool.
  • jennylsapia
    jennylsapia Posts: 236 Member
    I wonder if any players will be fined and suspended...

    I think they ought to be if it can be proven that they took part in the program. My sister in law and I knew something wasn't right whenever we watched a Saints game last season. We kept saying, "I SWEAR it looks like they're TRYING to hurt someone!" Turns out, they were. Whether the disciplinary action was to severe or not, I'm just glad the NFL put a stop to it before someone was SERIOUSLY injured...and I'm not talking knee injuries and such. The way they were hitting people, it was only a matter of time before someone was paralyzed or killed. Don't get me wrong. I love to see a good tackle as much as the next football fan. I understand it's a violent sport and injuries are bound to happen. I don't even have a problem with coaches encouraging their players to be more aggressive. However, there is a difference between aggressive playing and malicious behavior. What they were doing was unethical and malicious, not to mention against the NFL rules and safety regulations.

    Ok yea I am a Saints fan and could care less if Shockey ratted or not....and yes what the team did was wrong but everyone is acting like the Saints were trying to literally KILL other players....not so much! It is a contact sport...hello??!!? I don't want to see flag football......and what about the other players who have been fined and suspended during the season for rough plays? Like the colts Suh who intentionally stomps on players and bangs their head into the turf..... I mean apparently the Saints hits were legal hits. Even the guys who were supposedly targeted are not in an uproar (Kurt Warner and Brett Farve) everyone is saying that it happens in every NFL locker room.

    Don't get me wrong I do believe that there should be some discipline but this is ridiculous a whole season we lose our head coach?? C'MON NOW

    Now just to leave you with a bit of information.

    So, Sean Payton gets suspended longer than Michael Vick got for gambling and murdering dogs....longer than Ben Roethlisberger got for multiple rape accusations...longer than Bill Belichek got for actually cheating..longer than Donte Salworth got for killing someone while driving drunk.....longer than Ray Lewis got for being part of a murder committed by his posse...longer than Michael Irvin got for cocaine possession.....longer than Chris Henry got for assaulting a teenager......longer than Tank Johnson got for his arsenal of guns and assaults........longer than Plaxico Burress got for illegally discharging a gun in a New York nightclub.........All for playing a little HARD hitting FOOTBALL!!!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think the whole thing is bazaar! I LOVE football and since I'm a Lions fan, I haven't had much my whole life to cheer for, until very recently. It pisses me off that we played them twice this year and we got SOOO many penalties, it was crazy. Now I think back and wonder if they had a bounty on Stafford (even though he wasn't named in the 4.)

    I think the penalties might be a bit harsh but like the local sports guys are saying, once it infiltrated into the front offices, a bigger line was crossed. I'm not a Sean Peyton fan at all actually but I don't know if 1 year was necessary!
    As for Shockey, I have always liked the guy as a person and player. As someone else stated, Warren Sapp is a numbnut and I would take what he says with a grain of salt. If people are considering Shockey a snitch, I think that's the wrong term.. I think of it more as a whistle-blower and I DO applaud him for that, if he did. People LOOOVE the hits and the hurting, I mean, it is football, right?? but I work with closed head injury people on a daily basis. It's no laughing matter. I think the commissioner needed to take a stand, it just sucks that ONE organization had to take the brunt of it, when we know other teams have very similar programs (no proof, but I believe it to be true!) I hope everything in this bounty comes out, even if it's my own team!! It's just not cool.

    I think I love you! :laugh: I couldn't have said it better myself. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • demiashlyn
    demiashlyn Posts: 9 Member
    i am a die hard saints fan born and raised in new orleans and although i think that the punishment that our team got is COMPLETLY far fectched i still think that it totally unacceptable the way my fellow saints fans have been acting towards shockey who was once seen as a hero for our city and team.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Well, I'm putting up a grand to anyone who takes him out this season. Who's with me? Oh wait...

    Can we vote Swannysez for a "funniest posts" award? Where do I send that to? I have to say, Swanny, your posts regularly make me laugh!

    He's got my vote
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I wonder if any players will be fined and suspended...

    I think they ought to be if it can be proven that they took part in the program. My sister in law and I knew something wasn't right whenever we watched a Saints game last season. We kept saying, "I SWEAR it looks like they're TRYING to hurt someone!" Turns out, they were. Whether the disciplinary action was to severe or not, I'm just glad the NFL put a stop to it before someone was SERIOUSLY injured...and I'm not talking knee injuries and such. The way they were hitting people, it was only a matter of time before someone was paralyzed or killed. Don't get me wrong. I love to see a good tackle as much as the next football fan. I understand it's a violent sport and injuries are bound to happen. I don't even have a problem with coaches encouraging their players to be more aggressive. However, there is a difference between aggressive playing and malicious behavior. What they were doing was unethical and malicious, not to mention against the NFL rules and safety regulations.

    Ok yea I am a Saints fan and could care less if Shockey ratted or not....and yes what the team did was wrong but everyone is acting like the Saints were trying to literally KILL other players....not so much! It is a contact sport...hello??!!? I don't want to see flag football......and what about the other players who have been fined and suspended during the season for rough plays? Like the colts Suh who intentionally stomps on players and bangs their head into the turf..... I mean apparently the Saints hits were legal hits. Even the guys who were supposedly targeted are not in an uproar (Kurt Warner and Brett Farve) everyone is saying that it happens in every NFL locker room.

    Don't get me wrong I do believe that there should be some discipline but this is ridiculous a whole season we lose our head coach?? C'MON NOW

    Now just to leave you with a bit of information.

    So, Sean Payton gets suspended longer than Michael Vick got for gambling and murdering dogs....longer than Ben Roethlisberger got for multiple rape accusations...longer than Bill Belichek got for actually cheating..longer than Donte Salworth got for killing someone while driving drunk.....longer than Ray Lewis got for being part of a murder committed by his posse...longer than Michael Irvin got for cocaine possession.....longer than Chris Henry got for assaulting a teenager......longer than Tank Johnson got for his arsenal of guns and assaults........longer than Plaxico Burress got for illegally discharging a gun in a New York nightclub.........All for playing a little HARD hitting FOOTBALL!!!

    You, madam, have said it all...thank you and good night.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    Anybody else following this? Since I'm a Carolina Panthers fan, I've been completely hooked on this particular drama for a couple of reasons:

    1. Jeremy used to play for the Saints, but played for us last year.
    2. The Saints are a division rival of Carolina.

    Personally, I don't care one way or the other if Jeremy did snitch. (Although, I happen to be of the opinion that he did not.) I do, however, think it's absolutely SHAMEFUL what people are posting on his Facebook and Twitter pages all because ONE guy (Warren Sapp) pointed the finger and said, "He did it! He snitched and got the Saints in trouble! It's all his fault!" Granted, Jeremy has a reputation of being something of a hotheaded badboy, but I don't think he deserves the awful remarks people are making. Seriously, some of this stuff I'm reading just makes me want to cry it's so full of hate. :cry:

    P.S. I don't mind people posting critical remarks, but please keep it clean and civil. I don't want this thread to get locked.

    Edit: Spelling error in tagline *bounTygate*

    The New Orleans people are a lively bunch. An emotionally driven bunch. And their reactions to such news will always be emotional ones. If Shockey did snitch, I don't have a problem with people voicing their feelings of betrayal. These are mostly people who remained a Shockey fan after being sad to see him go. My own mother posted on his FB wall... It wasn't crude. It was simply "I wish I could figure out how to 'unlike' you on this darn phone application." (She's not so tech savvy.) I think it's totally justified for the fans to be upset. They're fans. All they know to care about is winning. When their team is punished (possibly rightfully so) in a way that could potentially kill TWO seasons, they are allowed to have ruffled feathers. (I'm not saying it's okay to send death threats. But voicing disdain is not inappropriate.)

    I'm kind of in the minority on this in general, b/c I expect football to be a dirty game. I've grown up watching SEC football. It's just what I know. However, paying for "take outs" and "cart offs" is wrong. And I do believe a punishment is in order. But punishing a CURRENT group of guys for something FORMER guys did is RIDICULOUS. Suspend Payton for a year, sure. Punish the manager for letting it happen on his clock, yea. Fine the organization, okay. TWO YEARS OF DRAFT PICKS taken away?! No effin way. Fine/suspend the players (those currently still with the Saints and those who have moved on). I'm fine with that. But there are innocent men being punished for this "crime." And that is a bunch of chickenpoop.
  • I'm a huge Saints fan. The way I see it is it really doesn't matter how the NFL found out or who "snitched". Greg Williams and the Saints players who participated broke some serious rules. If someone had the balls to step up and say "This is wrong," good for them. Someone should have said something sooner. The players chose to do it and Sean Payton chose to let it go on. They need to face the consequences of their actions.

    However, I think the consequences are a bit steep. I personally believe that the commissioner imposed such a serious punishment because of all the pending litigation surrounding him. Many current and former players are suing the NFL saying that the league didn't do enough to protect players from getting serious injuries. (If you don't want to get hurt, don't play a sport where huge men are trained to hit you really hard multiple times.)

    I'd like to know if the NFL is going to investigate the other teams that do this sort of thing, or if he's just going to make an example of the Saints and be done with it. Greg Williams coached more than one team in his career...
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I wonder if any players will be fined and suspended...

    I think they ought to be if it can be proven that they took part in the program. My sister in law and I knew something wasn't right whenever we watched a Saints game last season. We kept saying, "I SWEAR it looks like they're TRYING to hurt someone!" Turns out, they were. Whether the disciplinary action was to severe or not, I'm just glad the NFL put a stop to it before someone was SERIOUSLY injured...and I'm not talking knee injuries and such. The way they were hitting people, it was only a matter of time before someone was paralyzed or killed. Don't get me wrong. I love to see a good tackle as much as the next football fan. I understand it's a violent sport and injuries are bound to happen. I don't even have a problem with coaches encouraging their players to be more aggressive. However, there is a difference between aggressive playing and malicious behavior. What they were doing was unethical and malicious, not to mention against the NFL rules and safety regulations.

    Ok yea I am a Saints fan and could care less if Shockey ratted or not....and yes what the team did was wrong but everyone is acting like the Saints were trying to literally KILL other players....not so much! It is a contact sport...hello??!!? I don't want to see flag football......and what about the other players who have been fined and suspended during the season for rough plays? Like the colts Suh who intentionally stomps on players and bangs their head into the turf..... I mean apparently the Saints hits were legal hits. Even the guys who were supposedly targeted are not in an uproar (Kurt Warner and Brett Farve) everyone is saying that it happens in every NFL locker room.

    Don't get me wrong I do believe that there should be some discipline but this is ridiculous a whole season we lose our head coach?? C'MON NOW

    Now just to leave you with a bit of information.

    So, Sean Payton gets suspended longer than Michael Vick got for gambling and murdering dogs....longer than Ben Roethlisberger got for multiple rape accusations...longer than Bill Belichek got for actually cheating..longer than Donte Salworth got for killing someone while driving drunk.....longer than Ray Lewis got for being part of a murder committed by his posse...longer than Michael Irvin got for cocaine possession.....longer than Chris Henry got for assaulting a teenager......longer than Tank Johnson got for his arsenal of guns and assaults........longer than Plaxico Burress got for illegally discharging a gun in a New York nightclub.........All for playing a little HARD hitting FOOTBALL!!!

    And THIS too. :o)