Its getting hard!!



  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I plan cheat days. But am responsible about it. Grab a couple tacos from tbell or 1 sandwich from McDonalds, I avoid the fries/soda and do my best to fit it into my daily food so it doesn't set me back any. There's really no reason to abstain from it, its all about moderation. I feel avoiding it and trying to resist those intense cravings usually just results in a big binge that can set you back weeks of hard work.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    While I don't understand anyone having a craving for something from McDonald's (yuck!), I think we all have foods that we enjoy that aren't necessarily good for everyday eating due to nutritional values, fat content, whatever. However, most can easily be worked into your food plan without going over your calories.

    I zig-zag my calories with a weekly target rather than a daily one. Some days I just can't eat all my calories, particularly if I've eaten super-healthy that day AND had a big calorie burn, so I save those calories to eat later in the week if I want a splurge. The splurge might be a dinner out with friends or a swing past my favorite, locally-owned greasy-burger joint or pizza or some yummy dessert or whatever. Sometimes it's several small splurges, sometimes one huge splurge. As long as I meet or am just a tad below my weekly calorie target, it's all good.

    Although I've never been one to be able to eat a lot of food at any one serving, even at my heaviest, so I'll often only eat half the portion in a restaurant at that sitting because some restaurant portions are huge and ask for a take-out box to be brought with my food so I put the other half in it for lunch or dinner the next day before I even start eating. This really helps keep me from overdoing it at one meal and getting overly stuffed so that I'm uncomfortable.

    If it's a lifestyle change, rather than a diet, you need to be able to learn to allow for splurges in a way that doesn't trigger binge-eating. If I know I can have it, I don't feel a need to binge as there is no deprivation. Just knowing I can have it if I choose to have it, often makes me decide that I don't really want it or that I'd rather wait until another time to splurge. Deprivation is what causes me to want to binge. I don't feel deprived this way so I don't binge. Hope that makes sense.

    In the end, I think if you're going to splurge, make it really count. For example, I love baked goods but I don't eat them more than about once a week, usually, give or take. But I don't waste my calories on any old, just OK baked good. If I'm going to eat it, I either make or go to a good bakery and get something super scrumptious and then savor it slowly. I almost make a ritual of it. I might make a good cup of coffee, put it all on my nicer china, go sit in my favorite spot, and really enjoy the whole process of eating it. Or I'll do the same with getting my occasional chocolate fix. I'll go buy a wonderful, rich and creamy chocolate truffle, take nibbles, let it melt in my mouth slowly....yummy heaven! I don't waste my chocolate splurge on a crappy piece of chocolate or eat it so quickly that I barely taste it. Don't use up your splurge calories by eating mindlessly.
  • Elixe
    Elixe Posts: 1 Member
    It's hard to make the change without cravings specially when we were raised on the stuff!! ahaha. But what has helped me, is eating an apple, or a cucumber even if don't want it. Or drinking water until i feel stuffed. The mental battle is going to be there, just decide you don't need fast food, and just picture it being gross.. Just keep it up! You're doing great!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I get the carb cravings big time. So far I haven't given in...only been 11 days though so I hope I can hang in with the good choices. What works for me in those moments is to imagine how guilty I'd feel after I ate it and remembering how great I feel after making good food choices. I spent too many years shaming myself about being overweight to keep that crap up now over some pancakes. It doesn't make the craving go away, just helps me manage it and make the absolute decision that it's not worth it. If I can get to the place mentally where the answer is a NO!!, i can ride it out.
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    thanks everyone this helps a lot!! You will all be happy to know that the craving is completely gone and no i didnt go get mcdonalds lol. I really like telling myself i can have it if i want....cause then it makes the craving go away more! Also, I usually know when i do give in i feel like crap afterwards. Not just cause i ate something gross and its giving me a tummy ache but worse like i failed a little. Thanks again everyone you guys are great :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    The cravings will go away eventually. I used to crave fast food at first (bojangles was a weakness of mine) but I ate it once and realized my taste had changed.

    fast food tastes gross to me now
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    I agree, once you start eating healthier you will pass those fast food places by.
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    wow lots of feedback :)
    I agree with most others...don't deprive yourself or you will just set yourself up for failure.
    If you want to eat out, then do it. Try to eat the healthier choices. I stay completely away from any french fries.
    Last week, my craving was for Wendy's Root Beer Frosty Floats. I indulged but I counted it towards my calories as well.
  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    I always plan before I go to McDonald's. I check out how many calories I have left and then I go to Mcdonald's website to see what I can get. It's extra work, but its worth not going over your calories. I always tell myself it's a sometimes food and not to go all the time! feel free to add me!
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    thanks everyone this helps a lot!! You will all be happy to know that the craving is completely gone and no i didnt go get mcdonalds lol. I really like telling myself i can have it if i want....cause then it makes the craving go away more! Also, I usually know when i do give in i feel like crap afterwards. Not just cause i ate something gross and its giving me a tummy ache but worse like i failed a little. Thanks again everyone you guys are great :)

    Good Job!

    I make deals/ challenges with myself sometimes.

    Ex. I want to watch a movie, but I eat and eat and eat when I watch one by myself. So the deal is I can only watch the movie if I don't snack while watching. I fill up a glass of water, of diet coke, or crsytal light and watch my movie. Then if i feel snacky and go to the kitchen I remind myself that if I have a snack I have to turn off the movie for the rest of the night. That stops me dead in my tracks.

    Works for other stuff too. I bite my nails watching tv/movies, so when I notice I've started biting I stop and put on a coat of clear nail polish - can't munch on them while the polish is drying!

    With specific cravings, like mcdonalds, the challenge I give myself is to delay gratification. I can't have it today, but I can on a different day. Then I set about picking what I want (with idea of working in the calories) and pick the day I can have what I picked. It puts me back in control. I, and I alone, pick what and when to have it. The craving doesn't get to choose. Then I look forward to it without the guilt of being a failure during and after eating it
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Cravings can come from just not getting enough calories in your daily diet. I took a peek at your diary. What I am seeing is missed meals and way too few calories consumed. I don't know your stats, but you should be eating at least 1200 cals/day, a little more if you are active/exercise. Also drinking plenty of water can help with the cravings. Spacing your calories over the day can help keep your blood glucose levels from dipping too low which can cause cravings (example: 300 cals each for 3 meals and then (3) 100 calorie snacks). Also try to get protein at each meal. Hope this helps--I know McDonald's can be hard to say "no" to:) Good luck!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    wow lots of feedback :)
    I agree with most others...don't deprive yourself or you will just set yourself up for failure.
    If you want to eat out, then do it. Try to eat the healthier choices. I stay completely away from any french fries.
    Last week, my craving was for Wendy's Root Beer Frosty Floats. I indulged but I counted it towards my calories as well.

    French Fries are my FAVE!!! lol but im doing good with out them!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    Cravings can come from just not getting enough calories in your daily diet. I took a peek at your diary. What I am seeing is missed meals and way too few calories consumed. I don't know your stats, but you should be eating at least 1200 cals/day, a little more if you are active/exercise. Also drinking plenty of water can help with the cravings. Spacing your calories over the day can help keep your blood glucose levels from dipping too low which can cause cravings (example: 300 cals each for 3 meals and then (3) 100 calorie snacks). Also try to get protein at each meal. Hope this helps--I know McDonald's can be hard to say "no" to:) Good luck!

    Thank you!!! I havent been skipping meals there was one day i didnt finish everything I thought i did but didnt! I need to learn to enter it as i consume it not at the end of the day. I will get on the calories :)
  • dstsur5or
    dstsur5or Posts: 30 Member
    I still eat fast food but I order a kids meal.
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    All this discussion about McDonald's reminded me of when my kids were small and would beg to go to McDonald's because they saw the toy advertised with the Happy Meal. All I had to say was, "If you get a Happy Meal, you have to eat the food," and they would decide they'd rather go home and have lunch. Every once in a while, I would surprise them with some small gift (toy, coloring book, an interesting rock---whatever I had hidden away as small surprises) with their lunch as further reinforcement for their good choice to come home and eat.

    Needless to say, McDonald's isn't high on my list of food I would crave, but I understand the craving. I'm not bothered by too many cravings now, as now that I'm eating mindfully instead of mindlessly, I'm eating higher quality foods and foods I genuinely enjoy. However, I know all too well that could change tomorrow. Right now I'm coexisting with the remainders of a box of Hostess chocolate donettes (haven't eaten any of them). Not craving them so far, and plan to be rid of them before they start calling to me.
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    All this discussion about McDonald's reminded me of when my kids were small and would beg to go to McDonald's because they saw the toy advertised with the Happy Meal. All I had to say was, "If you get a Happy Meal, you have to eat the food," and they would decide they'd rather go home and have lunch. Every once in a while, I would surprise them with some small gift (toy, coloring book, an interesting rock---whatever I had hidden away as small surprises) with their lunch as further reinforcement for their good choice to come home and eat.

    Needless to say, McDonald's isn't high on my list of food I would crave, but I understand the craving. I'm not bothered by too many cravings now, as now that I'm eating mindfully instead of mindlessly, I'm eating higher quality foods and foods I genuinely enjoy. However, I know all too well that could change tomorrow. Right now I'm coexisting with the remainders of a box of Hostess chocolate donettes (haven't eaten any of them). Not craving them so far, and plan to be rid of them before they start calling to me.

    Way to go on not eating the Hostess's! That would be hard for me too i love chocolate! I eat like 5 dark chocolate almonds every 2 hours or so...that seems to help with that craving!
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    I try hard to just cheat a little. I have a problem where if I cheat it gets hard for me not to over due it. This has been my downfall. Im doing surprisingly well so i like to reward myself with those naughty cravings lol

    I am in no way trying to be rude but I heard this great quote that made me laugh and there is some element of truth to it.

    " Do not reward a good job with food. You are not a dog."

    I think that binging once a week is not the answer, but by all means have a cheat day and have something small like small fries or maybe some ice cream!!
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    I try hard to just cheat a little. I have a problem where if I cheat it gets hard for me not to over due it. This has been my downfall. Im doing surprisingly well so i like to reward myself with those naughty cravings lol

    I am in no way trying to be rude but I heard this great quote that made me laugh and there is some element of truth to it.

    " Do not reward a good job with food. You are not a dog."

    I think that binging once a week is not the answer, but by all means have a cheat day and have something small like small fries or maybe some ice cream!!

    Totally not thinking that quote is is very true! Id rather have just a small cheat with a meal rather than a whole cheat day though. Those are tough for me to go back to eating healthy the next day.
  • steeniehart
    We have a cheat "day". Fridays, we drink as much wine as we want, and either Sat. or Sun. dinner we cook something "forbidden" if we feel like it, or get take out. No counting calories or points. It helps us to feel like we're not depriving ourselves :)
  • FrancineC514
    McDonald's isn't even real food. I have not had it in 8 years!!!! Think about what you're putting in your body. You might as well make yourself a homemade hamburger with FRESH meat and vegetables and remember, lighter the cheese the better it is for you ;)