My husband just bought me ZUMBA 2 for the wii, wanna know what u think!


  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    bumping myself
  • kellym0710
    I love it... I have ZUMBA 1 and ZUMBA 2 and I like 2 better. Love the fact that when you set up your profile it will use the info and tell you how many calories your burned.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I kept hoping someone would post whether they liked it or not when I was debating buying it. I finally bit the bullet and got it- I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I get together with some friends every week and we were doing the Zumba DVD. It was okay but it got boring doing the exact same stuff all the time. Now we have been doing the WII. I wear the sensor (they are too chicken to see their score!) and the first week I was mostly getting 2 or 3 stars but this week I got almost all 4 and 5 stars. We all find we sweat way more and work harder then we ever did with the DVD. I only have time to do it once a week but it is so fun I really enjoy it!!
  • jeaninemckinney
    I love love love it!! U sweat like after 2 minutes! So much fun so that makes u want to actually do it! Im sure i look crazy lol so im glad to do it by myself instead of with a big group of people! :blushing:
  • imakethislookez
    imakethislookez Posts: 2 Member
    I love it...only thing I will truly stick to....feels less like working out and more like a party in my living room
  • Andrea_McQ
    Andrea_McQ Posts: 56 Member
    I love it! It will burn about 10 cals per minute, even when you're just in the part where you're trying to learn the steps! You can do a song from a choice at different intensities and then classes at different lengths or intensities - and you can set up your own playlist if none of that suits! I did a high intensity song and a medium intensity class tonight, about 65 mins including non dancing time, and burned 683 cals! Feels good, lots of fun and if you can't follow any of the steps you just laugh and keep moving to keep working! The more you learn the steps and the higher the intensity you dance at the higher the burn will be. And I love the belt so you don't even have to hold the control. Can't see me getting bored with this one any time soon!
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I love it! It will burn about 10 cals per minute, even when you're just in the part where you're trying to learn the steps!

    I just tried it tonight...that is exactly what I burned just trying to learn the steps! I feel like such a klutz...I don`t know if I will ever learn the steps but if I could I think that I would absolutely LOVE this. It would be a great substitute for my walk when it is raining and miserable outside.

    How long did it take everyone to learn the steps.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Absolutely amazing. This is my sole source of cardio. Its so much fun you don't even realize you are working out but you burn a lot of calories.
  • Naturalgal4u
    I do the Zumba for the X-box Kinect and it is very challenging. The thing I love about the virtual games is it tracks your calories for you. Thats a plus!! I want to hear from someone who has actually lost weight from mainly doing the exercises on the games.
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    Thumbs Up! Absolutely LOVE my Zumba 2 for the Wii :-)
  • Babs0077
    Babs0077 Posts: 51 Member
    I love it and really need to use it more, but I can tell you one thing..... this girl can NOT salsa!!! (mmmm..... salsa.....)
    So much fun though, for real. My greatest achievement is when my 12 year old son said, "Wow mom, you're pretty good..." (Then I kicked his booty in the Michael Jackson Experiance.... can you tell we love all the dancing games??)
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    I have Zumba Rush for Kinect and I love it! That's my cardio right there! You sweat buckets.
  • carisle
    carisle Posts: 25 Member
    I love Zumba 2!! I use it almost every day after my "regular" workout! I have the first one too and they've definitely improved in this new one!
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    sounds like im gonna love it too!!!
  • Andrea_McQ
    Andrea_McQ Posts: 56 Member
    I love it! It will burn about 10 cals per minute, even when you're just in the part where you're trying to learn the steps!

    I just tried it tonight...that is exactly what I burned just trying to learn the steps! I feel like such a klutz...I don`t know if I will ever learn the steps but if I could I think that I would absolutely LOVE this. It would be a great substitute for my walk when it is raining and miserable outside.

    How long did it take everyone to learn the steps.
    Oh me too, was much harder to learn than I expected. Maybe try different types of dance, I find some of them harder than others to keep up with. And realise it doesn't matter how much you're keeping up with them, just that you're having a go, having fun and moving. The rest comes after a few goes at the same song (or more than a few goes for some songs for me, some of them I don't think I'll ever get to grips with!) Soon I want to figure out which ones I can do so I can set up a playlist of ones that I am able to do, need a bit more time to figure that out. That's the biggest problem I have with it to be honest, finding the time to actually clear the floor and do it!
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I had the first one and I didn't like it, so I'm wondering what's different in 2?
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm curious too
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    Reply to the negative input;

    all i know is that it counts calories burned and it seems fun.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    I love it!! My friend had the first Zumba Fitness Wii game and didn't enjoy it. Apparently you had to unlock everything bit by bit. They seem to have scrapped that idea in Zumba 2 because there are loads of classes available to you straight away. Short ones which are roughly 20 mins, Medium at 40 mins and Long ones at 1 hour. I really enjoy it and the variety of the music. I go to Zumba class once or twice a week as well, but this is good for extra Zumba, I just love the beat, makes me feel happy whilst I burn loads of calories!!
  • cookiet83
    cookiet83 Posts: 30
    I love zumba 2 on the wii, ive only done it twice so far but my gosh what a work out!!! im trying to do it every other day (also im totally unco-ordinated!!!) but learning the steps a few times im slowly getting better lol :)