Chocolate Chips and Whipped Frosting. Yup. Did it.

McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
I *LITERALLY* just sprinkled about half a cup of chocolate chips into a huge tub of icing and ate it. Haha. Okay, not the tub of icing. But a good 6 tablespoons off the top layer.

It was glorious and disgusting and I NEVER did anything like that when I was super-fat.

How come getting skinny makes me wanna eat crap??!!!!!


Anyone else find their cravings becoming a little bizarre now that you're losing lbs.?


P.S.: Ow. My cavities.


  • kelbelzz
    kelbelzz Posts: 92 Member
    Lol, that sounds delicious. I haven't done that, but I find myself eating a spoonful of frosting too frequently. I love it.
  • msarazine
    msarazine Posts: 65
    I still have abot 200 calories left for today, is there any left???? Haha. Sounds delicious!
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    it does sound delicious. and it's something i used to do pretty frequently.

    i try not t keep total bad-for-me stuff around like that, but when i have the not-so-bad-for-me stuff around like almond butter, pb2 chocolate, or any type of baked good, i inhale it more portions than i like to log.

    what flavor was the icing?
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    that sounds delicious
  • suzannnicole
    suzannnicole Posts: 10 Member
    wow! Sugar is addictive, so maybe it was a relapse binge that something in you needed after being deprived for too long. Maybe you didn't deprive yourself when you were heavier, so never felt the need to binge like that? For example, have you switched from regular soda to diet soda? That might do it. Hey, congrats on losing 79 lbs! Go you!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Maybe it's healthy eating fatigue?!
  • bigredhearts
    actually, before i started my diet i was never a chocolate girl. i always thought it was so weird because apparently women "love" chocolate! now, its all i can think about! and i crave it like crazy!
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    you should try saltines + chocolate frosting

    thank me later :wink:
  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    When Im doing well with weight loss I say to myself "You're doing good, you deserve this!" And I'll go for something like frosting or chocolate. I dont know why!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    It was glorious and disgusting and I NEVER did anything like that when I was super-fat.

    How come getting skinny makes me wanna eat crap??!!!!!

    Anyone else find their cravings becoming a little bizarre now that you're losing lbs.?

    I always had a goal to be in the normal weight for BMI. As soon as I reached that, I feel like all my motivation went out the window. I'm really struggling. I feel you.
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    Mmm sounds delicious. Cupcakes is my biggest weakness!
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I did something like that when I lived in Prague. I would get a container of imported canned frosting, and I'd put a little whipped cream on every spoonful. Thankfully I couldn't eat more than a few spoonfuls since it's so sweet.

    And thankfully, I stopped doing that when I left Prague! :D
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    actually, before i started my diet i was never a chocolate girl. i always thought it was so weird because apparently women "love" chocolate! now, its all i can think about! and i crave it like crazy!
    Chocolate is for sure my wife's weekness. Lest just say if I want to have a little fun before we go to sleep I make sure to feed her some chocolate! :wink: :laugh: :devil: :smokin:
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i carry a spoon in my purse (because i usually carry food with me and eat on the go a lot -- i'm someone who should never allow herself to get hungry). i am guilty of, on more than one occasion, going to the store, buying a can of frosting, and eating it in my car in the store parking lot with the purse-spoon.
    i don't consider it an utter failure if i track it!
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    Well u did good! Because I woulda ate the entire tub of frosting, and that only would have been the beginning!!!!! I have major bingeing issues! I Need to learn to mature in that area, or whatever it may be.....