Beginning a 125 lb Journey

Hello Everyone!! I just joined the site (thanks to "Plussizediva24" as my inspiration). My starting weight as of Jan 2012 was 311 lbs. My weight today is 286.4. My goal is 160-155 lbs. I have the eating down but the exercise is not so fun :sad: would love any advice! All the best --Pam


  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I was never fond of exercising but I have found that once you start, it actually feels good. I also found out that 30 minutes of dancing (in my room with my door closed, all by myself so no one can watch sort of dancing) burns more calories than walking for the same amount of time.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I started out at 270 in January and am currently 239....I've acutally found the key for me to lliking working out is two fold....1. Varietyyyy! I love my current gym because they offer free classes and they range from weight lifting bootcamp to cycling to yoga & pilates to Zumba and's kept me interested in doing different things....I'll get on the treadmill or lift weights, but I can also swim or try things I never have but have wanted to. So keeping things interesting is really key for me. The other thing is setting a fitnessy goal. I got it into my mind that I wanted to run a 5k by november....I actually ended up doing it 2 weeks ago! I didnt run the whole thing, but I finished! So now I'm aiming at pushing towards running the whole thing, and then in the longer term to run a half marathon. I'm a huge disney freak, so I want to run the Disney Princess half next feb! So..I've been using Couch to 5k to get me running!
  • sxynjzzy45
    sxynjzzy45 Posts: 4 Member
    I like to walkif there is a school nearby u canwalk around
    the track n workup to a jog:smile:
  • sheriwhitmore
    sheriwhitmore Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Pam check this website out it makes things simple
    If you need help let me know its always good to have support.
  • maurodim
    maurodim Posts: 28
    WOW ! good for you....I also work at a gym and we offer everything that your gym offers.....its great to have a variety !! good luck and keep up the Journey....friend me if you want to !
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    I find being able to eat more an excellent motivator to get me exercising!
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    I started with a 120lb journey to go. Exercise can def be daunting but any type of activity can count. And its true that once u get started it does feel good & ur body will adapt. After a few days even you'll find ur body beginning adapt to the change & after the first wk or so you'll find u have more stamina :). And if you do workout vids don't be afraid to modify the modifieds (I least till I can handle it better). I figure trying is better than not trying & you're still getting the benefits. Maybe not as quickly, but with a journey like ours we don't want to lose too much too soon anyway. Dancing is def a great idea because u use ur whole body & who cares if u can't dance well or aren't getting the steps perfect? No one has to watch & it's a great mood lifter! :) Ur doing great! Even just walking is great, & the fresh air is wonderful for the mind as well as body :) Good luck on your continued journey!
  • AprilG412
    AprilG412 Posts: 13
    I know what you mean about exercise. Just remember that just getting up and moving burns calories. I try to listen to music more so that it will help me want to move around. I am a stay at home mom and once I dropped my picture of the ideal mom. I started on taking care of me too. I had been at my heaviest 225 and had not moved since Jan. and it went up to 231. I cried and said enough is enough and since joining and making friends and getting GREAT support. I am now 221. I too have the goal of 160 or so. Don't get discourage when the scale goes up or down just keep logging in and before you know it you will be telling your success story. =D