
JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
So for the people who have done (or in the process of doing) C25K, do you recommend doing it more then the 3 days a week? I'm just starting and I'm not sure if I should just do the 3 days on the schdule or more often. I want to try it like 5 days at least but I'm not sure if its recommended.. Thanks to all who respond :)

I originally posted this in the wrong area!:blushing:


  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    I did the running 3 daysbabweek and then did some weight training or other form of cardio 2 days a week. It is a great program and you can find podcasts online that tell you when to walk and run.
  • mad8588
    mad8588 Posts: 21 Member
    I did it last year and it was great! I stuck with three days a week but sometimes went up to four. If I had to do it over I'd do C25K the three days a week and a different type of exercise another day or two or heck even three depending on time. Reason I say that was at the end of the weight loss I found myself "skinny fat". Not talking extreme weight training, I'll tell you I've really liked some of the P90X cardio videos like plyometrics, kenpo x and even the yoga. Not saying you need those videos but after two months of jogging outside, hitting the treadmill the scenery can get old.