feel guilty



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Don't feel guilty. That must have been a pretty puny cheesecake to only have 1000 calories.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You are not overweight, you are doing excessive amounts of exercise and keeping your calorie intake ridiculously low...is it any surprise your body is rebelling and crying out for food ? It sounds to me as if you have an eating disorder, or are well on your way to one, from your post and from your calorie intake. I'd suggest getting help or helping yourself before you do yourself real damage.
  • Went waaaayyyy over my 1470 calories yesterday, 1st time since I have joined My Fitness Pal. So yes I felt soooo guilty, but after reading your post I have resolved to jump right back in there and start the day anew. Thank You for your post. This is primarily aimed at ladyraven68.