Ridiculous things people say to about your weight loss...

The father of one of my son's friends, whom I've known for 14+ years and who has seen me at my highest weight of 252 (in 2002) and at my lowest weight of 155 (in 2008), recently saw me at our boys' high school baseball game and said to me: "What are you on...a crack diet?"

My reply: "Um, no, I don't do drugs, Eric...this is what happens when you get off your *kitten* and run 3 miles a day."

His retort: "Yeah, right...crack diet."

Rather than punch him in the nose, I just walked away. Why don't people realize that they can give you a straight up compliment without being an *kitten*? Although, with him, I just consider the source...he's a local, village idiot.

I'm curious to hear everyone's stories...

(Forgive my typo in the header...caffeine hasn't kicked in yet...)


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    He was probably being sardonic.
  • lizzielou67
    I'm glad you "considered the source." He obviously is an idiot. You know that you are in great shape and taking good care of yourself!

    I'm lucky that when I lost weight several years ago (although it's all back plus some) I got all compliments! I've never had anyone tell me something so stupid as what he said to you.

    I re-started my "new" healthy lifestyle in January and have only lost 5 pounds (and some inches) so I'm quite far from hearing any stupid comments like that.

    I can say though that if I do, I WILL punch that someone in the nose. I tend to react like that, not calmly like you did! HA!
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes, when people say things like this it is a true reflection of themselves and how they feel about their own lives. So, just let it slide on off your back and let him worry about being an a-hole to someone who has worked their butt off to get to where they are.