Girl Problem!



  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    I actually do still lose weight during that week. Maybe it is because I don't change my eating or exercise routines during that week. Or maybe I'm just a freak that way :laugh:


  • cockneypaul
    cockneypaul Posts: 52 Member
    Being a bloke I dont get this, I get water retention from BEER
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I so opened this topic thinking someone had issues with courting one of you lovely ladies.....

    I did too. :grumble:
    Thought it would be something new for once.
    But nope, just another person who can't use the search feature first before posting.
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I gain weight by about 4lbs, so i always avoid weighing week before/ week during my period, or i get frustrated :/

    But once off my period i've lost that 4lb gain.
  • mbrowder30
    For SURE! those few water pounds are so annoying, and disheartening (ESPECIALLY at that time of the month!!) What I do that usually helps is switch to cardio exercise that week and get my sweat on, hard! I'll switch some weight training for extra swimming, biking, running, etc. I find it helps the water weight kind of distribute itself better, not to mention it eases cramps & stress, and a little alone time exercising personally helps me clear my mind & let my crazy PMS thoughts loose! haha!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I so opened this topic thinking someone had issues with courting one of you lovely ladies.....


    LOL, me too!

    But I agree with the others, just water weight. I avoid weighing myself around that time because it's only discouraging!
  • herangel3
    herangel3 Posts: 32
    I also have those cravings & mood swings right before; if I give in I don't sweat it. I just pick myself back up and get moving the next day. No one is on the "perfect" diet and we need to allow ourselves a "cheat" moment. Don't tear yourself down over it. Try to plan for the next month when you know IT is going to happen....I use an app that tracks mine just as a previous poster. So I try to look for some healthier alternatives to the unhealthy food cravings. I like to get up from my desk at work and get a cup of hot herbal peppermint tea and sweeten with splenda; it seems to soften my irritable mood sometimes.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions to help with cravings and mood swings during that time of the month?
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I so opened this topic thinking someone had issues with courting one of you lovely ladies.....

    I did too. :grumble:
    Thought it would be something new for once.
    But nope, just another person who can't use the search feature first before posting.

    She's new. When I first joined, I didn't think to use the search feature. A lot of other newbies have the same questions though, so it's nice to have someone ask.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I get this, but does anyone have the feeling of bloating and just plain old "I need a day of cheating!"

    I feel like crap today. I want to just say to hell with this diet.... But today, I want my sweats, chocolate, chinese, fries, diet dr pepper and some ice cream.

    I go by the fit of my clothes more than the scale, so I'm not sure how much it goes up when Aunt Flo visits. But I'm definitly uncomfortable and in my bigger pants. And I get wild sugar, carb and lazy cravings that week. T

    he main thing that keeps me on track is keeping up with exercising, less cramping for me when I stay active :) And I cut myself some slack in the eating department. If I don't do those two things that week I end up being overwhelmed and exhausted by guilt. Which is a huge trigger for me to revert back to my old unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Manda530
    Manda530 Posts: 4
    I so opened this topic thinking someone had issues with courting one of you lovely ladies.....

    I did too. :grumble:
    Thought it would be something new for once.
    But nope, just another person who can't use the search feature first before posting.

    No need to get all snippy, that is the point to these message boards. Yes there are search engines, but it is not the same as actually hearing it from others just like myself, it makes it better than just reading it on a search engine.
  • PughTooFew
    PughTooFew Posts: 44 Member
    Thankyou thankyou thankyou for posting this! I've had an implant for 3 years and just had it taken out and am expcting mine very soon. I've been doing okay up til now but have gained this week - just as I've started a challenge to lose 25lbs! :mad: I'm so relived to hear it's likely just to be water and will go after a week - phew! I'll try not to be discouraged now :smile:
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member

    No need to get all snippy, that is the point to these message boards. Yes there are search engines, but it is not the same as actually hearing it from others just like myself, it makes it better than just reading it on a search engine.
    But it IS the same. Sure they wouldn't have responded to your exact post, but if it's the exact same topic, then it is the same as hearing it from others.
    If you had used MFP's search engine you would have found THOUSANDS, of similar posts to yours, on MFP, some even been replied to by some of the people who replied to yours, saying the same thing.

    I wasn't snippy, you can't assume my attitude by text, unless I specifically said I was snippy. I was just pointing out that you could have used the search.. Which is just as easy as posting this topic, if not easier.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I'm actually pretty worried about "shark week." I don't have a gym membership, and due to...erm... anatomical difficulties, I can't do my regular floor workouts during that time. It all gets reeeeaaallyy dicey. The bloat doesn't actually bug me. I use it as an excuse to weigh more! :P I try not to ignore the cravings, either. Makes them worse. I just drink a lot of water.
    The workout thing is gonna bug me though. Damn lady parts... :grumble: I seriously wish "shark week" wasn't even a thing. (I don't mean the real Shark Week. real sharks are cool) I mean "having the painter's in", or whatever kids call it these days. I dislike it. It interrupts everything.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I fluctuate SEVEN freaking pounds from morning to night during that TOM. I don't go near the scale for this time and cut myself some slack with the calorie counting. I'm lucky to only have my TOM for 3 days a month.
  • shar0006
    shar0006 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes that and I typically eat more the week before, don't know why, but I try not to worry too much about it because it does come off. ;) I just eat a few of things I'm craving and make sure to continue to work out. I typically feel better if I maintain my workouts.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Girls tend to have bloating and water weight during that time... For me, my weight goes up and down during that time. Its expected. You'll lose it once the "that time" passes. Many people don't weigh themselves during it. I DO, but that's purely out of habit, I don't stress over that week, but I do continue to push my self and hold myself for my food intake. I crave sweets during that time, and I tend give myself a little wiggle room to splurge on those things... But I also exercise it off afterwards. So far since starting this weight loss journey my weight does change frequently during that time, but not nearly as bad as it used too.One day it may be up, the next back down and so on... but usually after its all over I have either maintained my weight or lost a little.

    As long as you are still sticking to the healthy food choices and exercising it is most likely water weight. Make sure you are drinking a bunch of water during that time... it DOES help!
  • kalikelli
    kalikelli Posts: 22
    I usually see a 2-3lb gain when auntie comes to down, I know it happens and it goes away when she leaves so I just mentally prepare to see it each month.

    As for cravings hubby bought a 10 pack of the snack sized snickers for me and if it's a craving I can't just walk away from or focus on something else he will go grab one and give it to me, I add it into my calories and that way I get a small taste and still feel proud because I stayed within my limits.

    Looks like there are a few with a visitor currently ITT, i wish there were a way I could email you one of my tiny candy bars :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I so opened this topic thinking someone had issues with courting one of you lovely ladies.....


    Hahaha- I'm pretty sure all the ladies knew what this post was getting at :)

    And yes, like everyone else said, it's just water retention :) Don't stress abt it!
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    It's usually just water weight that'll drop off...

    Drink some fennel tea. Aside from being tasty and caffeine free, it can help to shed water weight and ease cramps. Win-win--win! :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    It's usually just water weight that'll drop off...

    Drink some fennel tea. Aside from being tasty and caffeine free, it can help to shed water weight and ease cramps. Win-win--win! :)

    Good to know abt the fennel tea!!