Insanity Friends

ax150 Posts: 28 Member
Hello! My Insanity DVDs just arrived this morning and I can't wait to get started! I'm really looking forward to the next 60 very challenging days. I'm looking for some friends that are doing Insanity to share the pain with! I'm a 29 yo female hoping to lose about 40 pounds total (eventually) Please add me !


  • Lms528
    Lms528 Posts: 10
    HI i just did my first day of insanity the asylum. I was going to do a hybrid of P90x and asylum. Id love to be workout buddies and check in with each other to make sure that were "sticking to the schedule" i'm a 31 yr old mother of 2 girls hoping to lose 18 pounds (i've already dropped 17 pounds by using p90x and insanity). i dont know how to add people but if you want to partner up please feel free to add me. lisa
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm getting ready to end my 1st round and start my 2nd round of Insanity! You will love it!!!
  • Kotasmommy
    Kotasmommy Posts: 124 Member
    Finished day 4 just a little while ago. I love it so far. Feel free to add me :)
  • ax150
    ax150 Posts: 28 Member
    Great thanks!
  • 4Nori2
    4Nori2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, 25 year old mother of two. Hoping to lose 22 pounds :bigsmile: I'm on week 1 day 6 and I'm a little confused about something... When I calculated my daily calorie intake using the Elite Nutrition Guide from Insanity it told me I'd need to have 2,248 calories a day divided into 5 meals so around 450 calories each meal to lose weight. I'm confused because when I signed up for this site MFP and put in my information it's telling me that I'm only supposed to eat 1,220 calories a day to lose weight! Which one should I follow to lose this weight??? PLEASE ANSWER
  • My Coach through beachbody told me that MFP is showing NET calories (or the calories after working out). If you take the amount that the nutrition guide figured and subtract what you burn by working out, you should get close to the same amount that MFP is showing. She told me that Insanity is going to take a TON of fuel to keep body from burning out. I hope this helps. The nutrition guide has be at 1830 calories and the MFP has me at 1440. She told me starting out at 1800 should be fine.
  • amyckoo
    amyckoo Posts: 2 Member
    Just starting insanity myself! Would love some company. :)
  • Woo! I'm on the last day of week 1 of Month 2...omg so hard!!!

    Get ready for some serious sweat, and amazing results! I have muscles where I never knew I had muscles!
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all, 25 year old mother of two. Hoping to lose 22 pounds :bigsmile: I'm on week 1 day 6 and I'm a little confused about something... When I calculated my daily calorie intake using the Elite Nutrition Guide from Insanity it told me I'd need to have 2,248 calories a day divided into 5 meals so around 450 calories each meal to lose weight. I'm confused because when I signed up for this site MFP and put in my information it's telling me that I'm only supposed to eat 1,220 calories a day to lose weight! Which one should I follow to lose this weight??? PLEASE ANSWER

    The 2248 calories includes the extra food you will need to make up for calories burned during your workouts. The 1220 caloreies is what you need if you do not exercise. Hope that helps :)
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    I have some pointers for you. Just wrapped up my 2nd month. Be prepared for intense cardio!

    >If you are out of shape, go every other day for a spell, then add a day. etc. I could never get more than 5 days in a week due to traveling and such.
    > DO NOT try to keep up with the 25 year old hard bodies in the DVD. Go at your own pace. I really enjoyed watching them recover in the fetal position ... which was the same position I was in. lol
    >You might gain 2 or 3 pounds at first (muscle) but you do lose inches. I lost 6 pounds total - but did not have much to lose to begin with.
    >Use the pause button and get your heart rate DOWN when Shaun tells you to recover.
    >If you can't do a particular exercise very well - or at all - DO SOMETHING ELSE - but do something... and do it at your own pace.
    >Hydrate hydrate hydrate!
    >Use a chest-strap heart monitor.

    Good luck! I love to hate Shaun T but hate being out of shape more. Message me if you need any future help.
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I plan on starting a week on Monday, cannot wait even though it look super tough! I'd love to see other people suffering from my friends, haha. Best of luck!
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Feel free to add me, I'm on week 3! Just mention in the ADD message you're doing Insanity.
  • reneeecooper
    reneeecooper Posts: 1 Member
    I have started and stopped and started and stopped. I'm ready to comment so add me in so I have some accountability! :0) We can do this!!
  • 4Nori2
    4Nori2 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the response. Makes sense ^_^
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm on day 5 of insanity.
    Friend me if you want.
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    I love Insanity!!!! After I finished, I wanted to get more strength training in but wasn't willing to give it up so I am now doing the Insanity/P90X hybrid program. Best of luck on your 60 days! I guarantee, you won't regret it!

    Follow my FB Fitness Page!
    Be stronger than your excuses: Recipes and inspiration for a healthier life
  • Lms528
    Lms528 Posts: 10
    Hi friends, started Day 1 of p90x/asylum hybrid with Chest & Back & ab ripper x. So excited to do these workouts!
  • I have the Insanity DVDs too!! Did them 4 2 wks then my DVD player when out!! Then my workout partner is no longer motivated to do it with me. So i would love to get back into it again and hear about your pain after a week you really start to feel good!!! I have been doing ellipictical and ab workouts given to me by a Beachbody instructor. There is a girl with long beautiful dark hair on the videos(one of them at least) She does NOT put her hair up during the workout!!!!! You know her butt is sweating!!!! DUMB woman!! She annoys me everytime i do that video! LOL!! However wish I was build like her!! I LOVE to HATE her!!!! LOL!! Now you will be looking for her!!LOL!!! Good luck I am going to have to get busy this weekend doing it as well. Friend me please!! Thanks Sheli
  • Lms528
    Lms528 Posts: 10
    lolol so funny, the hair down thing gets me too
  • Cueball55
    Cueball55 Posts: 152 Member
    i finished an entire program and loved it...

    to add to some of the advice:
    just try your hardest and rest when you need to.
    push yourself, but don't kill yourself.
    it does get easier (not the program, you just get better), just keep pushing thru.
    have lotsa water handy.
    diet is a huge part of this.
    focus... and go.

    feel free to add me for motivation!