Dr. Oz's 10 weigh loss commandments!



  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Words to live by! Thanks for posting!
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    WOW PEOPLE ARE ****ING *kitten*!!!!!!!
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    I can honestly say I've never watched a doctor Oz show....I'm not a big fan of Oprah so therefore I"m not a big fan of his.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The only one I find really difficult is the red meat one. I love a nice barbequed steak. Its one of my favourites. :(

    Yea, and saturated fat is actually good for you. Dr. Oz needs to do some research. Give me a 8-10oz thick, juicy med-rare steak and I will enjoy every last bite of it!! Along with some butter-drenched broccoli!!

    Here's my commandments:
    Eat real food (not edible foodlike substances - this is more than 90% of the grocery store)
    Eat When Hungry
    Drink When Thirsty
    IF Occasionally (Intermittent Fast)
    Lift Heavy Things
    Sprint occasionally
    Get up and move around sometimes.
    Get good sleep
    Don't stress about things too much.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hmm, I didn't do any of those while I was losing.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    don't know about beef in the U.S. but a fillet steak here (U.K.) has less fat gram for gram than chicken :D
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I came here to hate on Dr.Oz, but I can't disagree with what he says.

    As far as red meat, there are few studies published recently about how red meat probably isn't the best for you (depending on how it is prepared)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hmm, I didn't do any of those while I was losing.

    I have to say, your profile pic looks really yummy.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    I definetely agree with # 1 and 2 its soo true
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    It's so funny that I read this today..... I must say I have come to terms that I must throw out/donate all my "fat clothes" I was just telling 2 people today, that I am doing this this weekend! I have kept all sizes of clothes around and inevitably I cycle around to needing the larger sizes... so since I don't really like to shop (very unwomanly of me isn't it :laugh: ) and... I am too cheap to buy a new wardrobe, so for me I feel it's best to rid myself of anything but what I am wearing now & smaller sizes... that way there's no turning back! So for this reason, I agree with #2!!
  • waferzdog
    waferzdog Posts: 29
    1 - these rules are for the "majority" of people - everyone is different. The 7:30 thing is based on heading to bed at about 10 and no activity until early morning. Take the rules with a grain of salt and apply what works for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I definetely agree with # 1 and 2 its soo true

    Really? No pants that stretch? What about when you workout? Personally like the way my butt looks in stretchy pants. And I like the reaction from my husband when I wear them. :wink:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I came here to hate on Dr.Oz, but I can't disagree with what he says.

    As far as red meat, there are few studies published recently about how red meat probably isn't the best for you (depending on how it is prepared)

    Yes and if you go and look at those studies you will see that the folks who ate more red meat also smoked more, exercised less, drank more, etc. Those studies tell you nothing. (what is interesting is the the more red meat they ate the lower their cholesterol levels). You can't pull one food out of the diet and blame sickness on that.


    Please ignore where the posts came from. Yes I follow a certain lifestyle (I eat mostly meat/fat) but I'm not here to push it on anyone.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    As far as red meat, there are few studies published recently about how red meat probably isn't the best for you (depending on how it is prepared)

    I have to wonder about these studies that say all red meat is bad. Are they differentiating between a lean steak that has been trimmed of fat and grilled? Or pink slime ground beef that has to be chemically disinfected so it doesn't kill you...
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    1. Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants that Stretch

    Your clothing is an early-warning system for weight gain. When it's getting hard to snap your jeans, you know it's time to be vigilant. Wearing stretchy clothes allows you to live in ignorance of how your body is growing, making it easier to pack on pounds without knowing it.

    2. Thou Shalt Not Keep Fat Clothes in Your Closet

    When you keep the clothes you wore at an unhealthy weight, it gives you a back-up plan if the pounds don't come off. Instead, force yourself to stay on track by 86ing your "fat pants."

    3. Thou Shalt Not Eat Meat That Walks on Four Legs More Than Once a Week

    Meat that comes from an animal with 4 legs is higher in saturated fat (the unhealthy kind) than that which comes from 2-legged animals such as chickens, or animals with no legs, like fish. Plus: women who eat large amounts of red meat more than once a week have a 50% higher chance of dying from heart disease and have higher cancer rates.

    4. Thou Shalt Not Graze

    Plan your meal before you open the refrigerator, get what you need, and close the door. Opening it throughout the day leads to impulsive choices and overeating.

    5. Thou Shalt Not Eat After 7:30pm

    When you eat late at night you are more likely to be eating in front of the TV (when you won't pay attention to how much you're putting in your mouth) and you're more likely to pick high-calorie snacks.

    . Thou Shalt Not Pile Food More than 1 Inch High or Within 2 Inches of the Plate Edge

    Larger portions equal more calories. 'Nuff said.

    7. Thou Shalt Not Chew Food Less than 20 Times Per Bite

    Chewing allows your body to realize that you are eating food, prompting it to create a sensation of fullness at the appropriate time. When you don't chew enough, you get ahead of that process, eating well past when you are actually satisfied.

    8. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Plate

    Spend your day nibbling bites on someone else's sandwich or afternoon snack, and you will add on 1,000 calories easy.

    9. Thou Shalt Not Carry Small Bills

    Nothing loves a small bill better than a vending machine. When you have them at the ready, you are one step closer to an impulsive, calorie-loaded afternoon slip up.

    10. Thou Shalt Not Eat While Standing Up

    Eating sitting down enables you to be aware of what you're eating and eat it slowly so that your body can tell you your full before it's too late.



    OMFG! I just rolled at work... so much so that I knocked over my water and co worker had to check on me!

    hahhaha epic! i heart these vids -- happy friday!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I think we can agree that in general, Dr Oz probably isn't the person to listen to.

    Eat real foods. Lift weights. Drink water. Do some form of conditioning.
    It's not rocket science.
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    If you cut off the right front leg of a pig (and make bbq pork, of course), Is it still a 4 legged animal?

    Just wondering, cuz I do that all the time.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Umm for me, eating late is a lot better for me than eating too early. Otherwise I'll binge :P
  • JordieJ
    JordieJ Posts: 4
    Very well said. These are simply guidelines..