*FIT BY FALL* weigh in for August 3rd

Okay ladies, I decided, since I'm up late tonight...I"ll get the new thread up and running! I will weigh in in the morning, however...also...does anyone have Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred or The Biggest Winner Series?? I am wanting to do a HARD MONTH OF JILLIAN...and wondering if anyone on here would be with me....

On to motivation for today!! I am so very proud of this group! I've read other threads...and this group just seem the most optimistic...motivational...bonded group...and we're all just E-friends! I am so thankful for MFP...and for the chance I've gotten to "get to know" each of you ladies!! Keep up the hard work...keep your eyes on the prize...and KICK SOME BUTT! This is our last month...lets make it count! I've got about 17 more lbs to get off to make my goal of 168 by August 31st...that's why the kick butt with Jillian month! I can do it and SO CAN YOU!!!

:heart: The really happy man is one who can really enjoy the scenery when he has to take a detour:heart:
(ladies, there's always going to be detours on our journey...deal with it...don't let it drag you down...and get right back on track!):drinker:

:heart: The kindest way to help yourself is to find a friend.:heart: ~Ann Kaiser Stearns
(I am so very thankful that I've met the great group of friends!! YOU pump me up...keep me motivated and on the right track!! Thank you ladies!):flowerforyou:

:heart: Do you see difficulties in every opportunity, or opportunity in every difficulty:heart:
(well, do you?) :laugh:

:heart: The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way a man uses them:heart:

and finally....:sad:

:heart: The greatest mistake a person can make it to be afraid to make one:heart:

wait...no...just one more :laugh: :ohwell: :love:

:heart: How are you going to respond when the clock radio of challenge emits the irritating buzz of opportunity? Are you going to roll over and hit the snooze button of complacency? Or are you going to wake up and, after performing the bodily functions of preparedness, boldly grasp the toothbrush of tomorrow? ~ Dave Barry :heart:

Have a great Monday...and enjoy your week!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:


  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back!! Between being gone for vacation and then playing catch up on everything last week I just barely popped on here. I hopped on the scale this AM and I've maintained, but I'll take it b/c AF is in town and I feel horrible. Ugh! I'm hoping to keep my sweet tooth under control while she's in town, so I can shed a few for next week. It's time to buckle down again before the next vacation. :glasses:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    I'm just popping in real quick to weigh in but, will be back later to post once I've read everyones entries.

    I weighed in this morning at 193.6. I lost 3lbs
    I have went over my goal by 1 pound.

    MrsP. I haven't done Jillian 30 day Shred but, heard it was kick *kitten*!!!!
    I just got "Insanity" by Shaun T. in the mail this weekend & nearly passed out just reading the material. I must admit I am scared :embarassed: to start it. I have until 5:30pm today to decide if I am going to do it or stick with P90X this week!! Pray for me Ya'll I'll be back later! Have a great day!!!!
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    7/06 - 128
    7/13 - 126.5
    7/20 - 125.5
    7/27 - 124
    8/03 - 122.5
    8/10 -
    8/17 -
    8/24 -
    8/31 -

    Goal Weight - 112
    Total Lose- 5.5

    I have 10.5 more pounds to go to reach my goal of 112, more would be fab becasue my ultimate goal is 100. I set a realistic goal of 112 in the beginning of this great journey!
    This is the last month with you ladies and I'm ready to kick some fat butt too!!:wink: I have slipped a little I will admit but ready to get back on track and let the sweating begin!
    Have a great week ladies and keep up the great work!!!
  • anewday
    anewday Posts: 69 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    I'm just popping in real quick to weigh in but, will be back later to post once I've read everyones entries.

    I weighed in this morning at 193.6. I lost 3lbs
    I have went over my goal by 1 pound.

    MrsP. I haven't done Jillian 30 day Shred but, heard it was kick *kitten*!!!!
    I just got "Insanity" by Shaun T. in the mail this weekend & nearly passed out just reading the material. I must admit I am scared :embarassed: to start it. I have until 5:30pm today to decide if I am going to do it or stick with P90X this week!! Pray for me Ya'll I'll be back later! Have a great day!!!!

    I think if you can get through P90X you should have anything!!! :bigsmile: And Great job on the weight lose!!!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Im not weighing in till my tmo is over, but Ill come back here when I do.

    Anywho! I do Jillians 30 day shred and I didnt even know who she was till I found it on OnDemand!:laugh:
    It really does kick your butt. Just make sure you get plenty of water before you start, cuz youre not gettin time to get a sip while doin the workout.
    and after you do enough of one of the 3 steps you start to notice little things like when Jillian cant make up her mind about what to say, when the girls get lazy, etc...and it keeps you from even thinking about the fact that youre working out LOL
  • mrsprazak05
    Good Morning! I weighed this morning at 186.0...which puts me at a 2.6 lbs loss for the week. I have really got to pick up the pace, if I want to get to 168 by August 31st!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: but I can do it! I am so excited to see people on the downward stretch...(and leslie, even maintenance through a vacation is a HUGE achievement!!) Way to go girls! Keep up the hard work this week!! We're down to 4 more weigh ins...lets make them count!!! Let go for some big weeks!! Just don't do anything drastic...we still want it to be healthy...but in my opinion...losing huge poundage in a week is COMPLETELY normal and healthy...IF you do it right! Exude more calories than you ingest! Work hard ladies! Good luck! My goal..again...5 lbs. I'd be great to get into the 170's...but I don't see it happening...so we'l shoot for 181!! Also...this may be a little personal...but does anyone have an "for sure" foods that'll help "move things out"...if you catch my drift?? I've been trying to up my fiber intake...but it doesn't seem like enough...and it's seriously been 3 DAYS! :huh: :sad: :blushing: :ohwell:
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Wow, mrsprazak congrats on the 2.6. lbs loss for the week , that is awesome! Leeslim4life, way to go to, not only did you meet your goal, you exceeded it! Anewday, i bet that once your weight gets so far down, it is even harder to lose weight, so congrats too!
    I am scared to lose more than 2 lbs a week because i have so much to lose and don't want to have extra skin. I am hoping that my skin is still resilient enough since i am fairly young and haven't been this overweight for super long.

    I haven't yet tried any workout dvds, but may head down to the library to see if they have any i can borrow. I see a lot of posts about jillian michaels, so hopefully they will have one or two of hers.

    I have been walking every day, yesterday just over an hour. Sometimes i carry my 11 month old and sometimes i put her in the stroller. Whenever i carry her, i am reminded how the extra weight that i carry around impacts my body. She is only 20 lbs, and it sure is harder to walk with that extra weight. Then i think about the 100 plus lbs or so extra that i am carrying around, and i imagine my body will be so happy to be rid of that.

    Anyways, i weigh myself on thursdays, so i will post then. I don't want to get on the scale today as i have always been a weigh myself everyday person, and don't want to start getting on everyday.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    well guys its first of the month so I am REALLY busy at work, but wanted to drop in quickly and say congrats to all the losers :happy: ! and to give my weigh in.....I stayed at 197 this week....which sucks cause I have worked out really hard all week long and have counted every bite in my mouth! but theres always next week! My pants are fitting great though so inches are melting off!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to those who are on the downward slide!! :drinker: :love: :love: :love:

    I'm confessing.....I've eaten CRAP since last Thursday and it shows on the numbers
    this morning. :grumble: The worst part, I KNEW it was gonna happen. :ohwell:
    No one to blame but myself.........So today I start anew.....am hoping if I drink lots of
    water this week and eat what I'm used to eating that I'll be back down the 4.8lbs I gained
    and a little more. (hey! wishful thinking never hurt anyone!! :bigsmile: ) I'm not changing
    my August 31st goal......I just need to work a little hard to achieve it!!

    Have a wonderful day!!

    :heart: Pam :flowerforyou:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!!!

    i'm back too:happy:
    so sorry i didnt even get a chance to say bye before my weekend trip to visit the bf.... which went great except for my eating:explode: was good until saturday afternoon.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! and its TOM so i'm terrified to get on the scale until that's over.... by then im sure my poor eating will show up tho lol.... sigh* only bright side was i fit into my goal dress for his bday party on saturday night & he thought i looked hawt :blushing:

    back on the wagon! my boot camp class is off for a week this week so will try to make up using some cardio and maybe sum billy blanks dvd's i have collecting dust...:embarassed:
    not sure about working out 2nite = stomach is upset after all the crap i fed it...not feeling too well:frown:

    great job on the losses everyone!!! keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:
    missed u all so much!!

    p.s. i've never done jillian.....
  • roseblack
    Have you tried www. exercisetv.com theyb have exercise for.99 up to down load.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    ok guys, so i gave in for a reluctant weigh and measure: 181lbs......:explode: my measurements show a 1.5 inch loss in all the right places and 1 inch gain in some rather odd ones lol....cant win for losing:grumble:

    hoping TOM is the culprit and not so much the naughty weekend behavior

    back on track and work harder!! i've got to get past these stupid 180's:noway:
  • mrsprazak05
    Have you tried www. exercisetv.com theyb have exercise for.99 up to down load.

    Thanks, I'll have to check it out!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Ok I'm back as promised. Today I ate very well & am so happy! I wanted to cheat so bad! :ohwell:
    Tonight I'm doing 10 Min Trainer Cardio, Lower Body & Abs! YES it finally came this afternoon! :drinker:
    I didn't say what my goal was for this week:
    I weighed in this morning at 193lbs & would love to lose another 2 lbs.

    Anweday- Look at you already 5.5 down! You GO!!!!! How tall are you? Everyone is saying that P90X is for the kids compared to Insanity! So that scares me…..ALOT!!!

    MrsP.- Congrats to the 2.6 weight lost, I use a dieters tea when I can't go but, since changing my eating habits I am regular! :wink: As always thank you for the inspirational quotes!

    Queenie- Thanks Hun!!! What you’re doing is a great idea, carrying your daughter on your walks. Last week I went walking with my kids & we got chased by dogs so I ended up carrying my 2yr old home. It was a killer but, you’re right it makes you think about the extra weight we carry around!!! And he is about as much weight I need to lose to get to my goal!!!

    Countindown- That’s the true way to tell if what you’re doing is working!!! The scale may not move but when clothes are fitting better……..it’s the BEST! Keep it up girl!

    Pam- Welcome home Pam! Doesn’t that piss you off? It takes 2 weeks to lose 4lbs & then 4 days to put it back on. I love your attitude, get up, dust your shoulders off & keep on tracking! That’s the way to do it!

    ClassicC- I’m glad you had a great weekend with your BF!!! Fitting into your goal dress is a HUGE PLUS! You go girl! I love Billy Blanks & would use them as a replacement until boot camp is back! Congrats on losing the inches!

    You all have a great night!!!

  • mrsprazak05
    I found this today...

    :heart: If i had my life to live over:heart:

    I would have talked less and listened more.

    I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained or the sofa faded.

    I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased or sprayed.

    I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

    I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

    I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

    I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

    I would have worried more about the responsibility carried by my husband!

    I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

    I would have eaten the popcorn in the "good" living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

    I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or guaranteed to last a lifetime.

    When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner"

    Stop sweating the small stuff. Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who had more, or who's doing what. Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those WHO DO LOVE US!!

    There would have been more "I love you's"...more "I'm sorry's"...but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and REALLY see it...live it...and never give it back.

    Let's think about what we HAVE! And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally, as well as spiritually.

    Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then it's gone....

    ~Erma Bombeck~
  • tamawamara
    tamawamara Posts: 224 Member
    Boy you guys are really kicking butt with your exercising!I REALLY have to step things up this week!I'm stuck at 174.5. If I want to be 165 by the end of the month!I, I 'm going to have to step it up a notch or two! 'm going to try adding more running to my walking workouts.I'll look up some exercises on the internet like roseblack mentioned.Queenie, any exercise you can do carrying your baby is adding a boost to your workout, keep it up!:smile:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 243.6 which is a loss of 2.5 lbs so I am VERY VERY VERY happy with that. Now to keep eating well is going to be the challenge. There is lots of stuff going on this week which means a lot of dinners out at resturants with friends!!! Oh well, I can put my best foot forward adn keep going :)

    Congrats to all people losing out there this week! YOU ROCK!!!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    ARG! srsly. numbers are higher, but the pants fit better. **** you, wii fit.
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :explode: :explode:
    I really need to get measuring tape. I wish I had measurements from before I started working out. :grumble:
  • mrsprazak05
    JoviAllTogetha- DON'T LOSE HOPE! Remember, muscle does weigh more than fat...and if you're clothes are fiiting better...that's HUGE! Keep up your hard work! Nothing worth having ever came easy! :)

    Maddiebabe- YAY ON THE 2.5 LBS!! You rock! Stay strong, and make healthy decisions while you're out to eat with your friends this week!!

    tamawamara- Remember, maintenence is okay. The numbers are n't going up...so that's a plus! Definitely try some variety to get yourself out of your plateau! Variety with food, as well as working out! You can do it! 165 is in your near future!!! :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thanks! I had a few people remind me how muscle weighs more and some even said that because im such a muscley short girl with such a large frame that i should probably rely more on measurements and how clothes fit so i dont start to feel down