Dr. Oz's 10 weigh loss commandments!



  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    ♥ this. Thanks for sharing. :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    WOW PEOPLE ARE ****ING *kitten*!!!!!!!

    There are a lot of people who don't care for Dr. Oz.

    Quite frankly I don't care for any of the "Doctors" that have their own TV show. They have a TV show to make money, not to help people.

    If that makes me an *kitten*, well I'm an *kitten*. :drinker:
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    WOW PEOPLE ARE ****ING *kitten*!!!!!!!

    Cry moar.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Like most of his show, he completely tries to dumb things down. .

    Most people hate to count calories and these "rules" are a way to attempt to limit your calories without actually counting them.

    I'll stick with tracking calories and maintaining my macros within a defined range.
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    I don't like Dr. Oz, but he's really just being logical. You don't need to be doctor to know those things.

    I like #2, for sure…I tossed everything that didn't fit as I lost weight. I swore to myself I'd never need any of those "fat" clothes again. Not sure how much it's helped, but I haven't needed to upsize anything since I started getting back in shape! In fact, I pretty much started doing the reverse. My wife actually bought me an authentic USA national team jersey (soccer) recently…they practically fit like under armour. I debated sending it back for a large, so it would be a little looser, but I decided to keep the medium and use that as the unforgiving shirt that would force me to stay in shape! Haha…
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    Wow. He sounds like a friggin' moron.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    WOW PEOPLE ARE ****ING *kitten*!!!!!!!

    There are a lot of people who don't care for Dr. Oz.

    Quite frankly I don't care for any of the "Doctors" that have their own TV show. They have a TV show to make money, not to help people.

    If that makes me an *kitten*, well I'm an *kitten*. :drinker:

    AGREED! He's paid for every product he "recommends". Guess I'm an *kitten* too.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I have skinny clothes in a closet...I guess I'm wearing my fat clothes...
    Oz's guidelines seem to attack the mental aspect of weight loss more than the physical aspect. How you approach your goals and obstacles you remove help a lot in the long run.
    The red meat wasn't necessarily related to heart issues. It was more cancer related. Grilling and the carcinogens related to that, and meat that has been processed with nitrates added to them was their more direct focus.

    I'd personally eat grass-fed free range hippy dippy doo red meat if I were to eat more of it. Then boil it =) (I kid)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I hate stupid, arbitrary rules like these. Here are a few examples of why...

    1. Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants that Stretch

    What am I supposed to wear to work out in? Also, most pants will stretch over time, even jeans or slacks.

    2. Thou Shalt Not Keep Fat Clothes in Your Closet

    Realistically, this is just going to mean most people have to go shopping again. It's not nice to say, but it's true. Does he get money from the garment industry?

    4. Thou Shalt Not Graze

    What if I plan to graze, and carefully select my food choices (e.g. lots of raw veggies) so that I can graze? If this keeps me at a reasonable caloric deficit, what does it matter?

    5. Thou Shalt Not Eat After 7:30pm

    (a) This is entirely dependent on when you go to bed.
    (b) Does this mean I shouldn't eat after I get out of dance class at 8pm? After I've just done 2.5-3 hours of dancing?
    (c) I don't watch TV, but I spend all day sitting at a computer. Maybe I shouldn't eat before 7:30pm. Or maybe I should just take other measures to control portion sizes.

    6. Thou Shalt Not Pile Food More than 1 Inch High or Within 2 Inches of the Plate Edge

    What if I'm eating salad? You can eat a giant salad, and not get a lot of calories, so why not pile it on and enjoy? Also, this depends on the size of your plates, my plates are 6" across (they're salad plates), if I left a 2" border, I'd only have 2" left to place my food, that's not going to work.

    7. Thou Shalt Not Chew Food Less than 20 Times Per Bite

    One word: soup.

    8. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Plate

    Spend your day nibbling bites on someone else's sandwich or afternoon snack, and you will add on 1,000 calories easy.

    A thousand calories, really? Whose plate is he eating off?

    9. Thou Shalt Not Carry Small Bills

    Only if you have absolutely no impulse control, or let yourself get too hungry.

    10. Thou Shalt Not Eat While Standing Up

    Eating sitting down enables you to be aware of what you're eating and eat it slowly so that your body can tell you your full before it's too late.

    No, eating sitting down means my cats can jump on the table and stick their faces in my food. Until I get them out of their wild kitten phase, I'll be enjoying my meals standing up.

    To be clear, I'd have no problem with these items if they were listed as "suggestions that some people find useful" or something like that, but as "commandments," that's just silly.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I can honestly say I've never watched a doctor Oz show....I'm not a big fan of Oprah so therefore I"m not a big fan of his.

    Me either!!!! And what about the annoying Rachel Ray or Dr.Phil?
  • Nenerz
    Nenerz Posts: 1
    Try to eat at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed so that the food can digest. Eating and sleeping makes you digest slower and your body takes in more calories.
  • redmichelle67
    redmichelle67 Posts: 49 Member
    I like Dr Ozz myself good post
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    WOW PEOPLE ARE ****ING *kitten*!!!!!!!

    There are a lot of people who don't care for Dr. Oz.

    Quite frankly I don't care for any of the "Doctors" that have their own TV show. They have a TV show to make money, not to help people.

    If that makes me an *kitten*, well I'm an *kitten*. :drinker:

    AGREED! He's paid for every product he "recommends". Guess I'm an *kitten* too.

    We should start our own group. lol
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    Thanks for the post! I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Oz, but I can take what I can use and apply it to myself. I watched his one show for 99 diet foods, and a do eat a lot of those items and they have helped me so far. I think people here are missing the point of this. posting on the message board isn't meant to be hated on or nit picked at what is wrong with it and why it's dumb. The reason to post things is to share your knowledge, ask questions, and hopefully it'll help someone else in their journey to become a healthier person. If you don't like Dr. Oz, then don't bother reading or replying to this. It's that simple. Like someone else here wrote, these rules aren't for everyone and if one doesn't apply to you, consider yourself lucky that you don't have to work on that.

    Thank you again for taking the time and posting this. Hopefully some people will appreciate it.
  • ladydee43
    ladydee43 Posts: 13
    Thanks for posting we have to start somewhere!!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Thanks for the post! I'm not a huge fan of Dr. Oz, but I can take what I can use and apply it to myself. I watched his one show for 99 diet foods, and a do eat a lot of those items and they have helped me so far. I think people here are missing the point of this. posting on the message board isn't meant to be hated on or nit picked at what is wrong with it and why it's dumb. The reason to post things is to share your knowledge, ask questions, and hopefully it'll help someone else in their journey to become a healthier person. If you don't like Dr. Oz, then don't bother reading or replying to this. It's that simple. Like someone else here wrote, these rules aren't for everyone and if one doesn't apply to you, consider yourself lucky that you don't have to work on that.

    Thank you again for taking the time and posting this. Hopefully some people will appreciate it.

    But, if the knowledge is wrong, then it does worse to allow it to continue to be spread. As such, people SHOULD comment when something is passed off as "true" and it really is wrong or dumb.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I do agree with that, but some of the comments that people are leaving are more than just letting her know it's wrong. It's plain rude some of the things people are leaving. I do see the merit some of the rules hold and I can see how they can be applied to everyday life in people's lives who do constantly struggle with make that life change. I'm not saying I believe in all of them, but most of them yes, I can see it.

    Thanks again for posting!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    As far as red meat, there are few studies published recently about how red meat probably isn't the best for you (depending on how it is prepared)

    I have to wonder about these studies that say all red meat is bad. Are they differentiating between a lean steak that has been trimmed of fat and grilled? Or pink slime ground beef that has to be chemically disinfected so it doesn't kill you...

    Are there studies saying all red meat is bad?
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I think his list makes a lot of sense and I actually followed a lot of these points when losing my weight. In light of recents studies about red meat, I think limiting intake to once or twice a week is quite sensible.

    I don't see where anything he is saying is outrageous. :ohwell:
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    1. Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants that Stretch

    Your clothing is an early-warning system for weight gain. When it's getting hard to snap your jeans, you know it's time to be vigilant. Wearing stretchy clothes allows you to live in ignorance of how your body is growing, making it easier to pack on pounds without knowing it.

    2. Thou Shalt Not Keep Fat Clothes in Your Closet

    When you keep the clothes you wore at an unhealthy weight, it gives you a back-up plan if the pounds don't come off. Instead, force yourself to stay on track by 86ing your "fat pants."

    3. Thou Shalt Not Eat Meat That Walks on Four Legs More Than Once a Week

    Meat that comes from an animal with 4 legs is higher in saturated fat (the unhealthy kind) than that which comes from 2-legged animals such as chickens, or animals with no legs, like fish. Plus: women who eat large amounts of red meat more than once a week have a 50% higher chance of dying from heart disease and have higher cancer rates.

    4. Thou Shalt Not Graze

    Plan your meal before you open the refrigerator, get what you need, and close the door. Opening it throughout the day leads to impulsive choices and overeating.

    5. Thou Shalt Not Eat After 7:30pm

    When you eat late at night you are more likely to be eating in front of the TV (when you won't pay attention to how much you're putting in your mouth) and you're more likely to pick high-calorie snacks.

    . Thou Shalt Not Pile Food More than 1 Inch High or Within 2 Inches of the Plate Edge

    Larger portions equal more calories. 'Nuff said.

    7. Thou Shalt Not Chew Food Less than 20 Times Per Bite

    Chewing allows your body to realize that you are eating food, prompting it to create a sensation of fullness at the appropriate time. When you don't chew enough, you get ahead of that process, eating well past when you are actually satisfied.

    8. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Plate

    Spend your day nibbling bites on someone else's sandwich or afternoon snack, and you will add on 1,000 calories easy.

    9. Thou Shalt Not Carry Small Bills

    Nothing loves a small bill better than a vending machine. When you have them at the ready, you are one step closer to an impulsive, calorie-loaded afternoon slip up.

    10. Thou Shalt Not Eat While Standing Up

    Eating sitting down enables you to be aware of what you're eating and eat it slowly so that your body can tell you your full before it's too late.


