Hurtful Comment



  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Insert foot in mouth. People do that all the time including myself, Maybe after she said it she has a oh *kitten* moment did i really say that. Just let it go and use that as a secret competetion to blow her out of the water and say no i am too small for your jeans. Than secretly you can be like BOO YAH. :)
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    sounds to me like fuel to feed your flame girl! I remember when I bought an elliptical years ago while losing weight, a family member kind of laughed and pointed out how people buy exercise equipment and mostly never use it. I knew he was insinuating that is what i'd end up doing. He was speaking from his own experience. What he didnt know about me was that I dont make decisions halfway. Its all or nothing. Needless to say I lost more than 100 lbs, and about 60-70 were thanks to having that equipment in my home while my baby was small and I couldnt get out to exercise much. If he was still in the family I would thank him for his fuel! :)
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    Now that you've vented, let it go! Nothing else you can do. Do yourself right and ignore the comment. I'd be upset about it too, so no worries there. Learn to let it go, because it doesn't really matter in the long run!

    This. Don't throw it back in her face like some people are suggesting. That's petty and stoops to her level. This isn't about her or anyone else, it's about you. Focus on that and you'll be great! :)
  • Behl9
    Behl9 Posts: 95 Member
    I have had friends say they are gonna bring me their cute "fat clothes" that don't fit them anymore--uhhhh thanks? I'm sure they don't mean to be awful when they say it but yea, it still hurts. As you said, use it to fuel your fire... and show her up!!
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    I've had something like this happen to me a few times. I ignored it and let it get to me later too. Its hard to stick up for ourselves when we feel bad anyway (concerning our weight). I have confronted people after the fact to get it off my chest and they apologized. Remember its never too late. Even if they don't remember, if they're a good friend/relative/whatever they should apologize.
  • r1r14ever
    Easy Peasy - Just ask her to be your support partner and lose the weight together....then both of you can take the old 'big' clothes to GoodWill. It will work as motivation for you. :-) Good luck. You can do it!!!
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    It doesn't seem like she was being hurtful deliberately, just a little clueless. It also sounds like she doesn't realize that she and you are the same size.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Stop over analyze it. She meant well and you take it the wrong way.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    really? grow a pair and move on...
  • Randins2006
    So last weekend I was with a friend that is getting married in June. I was mentioning how I was getting into a work out routine and eating better etc to get healthy and shed some weight. She stated that she too wanted to lose weight to look good for her wedding. She then proceeded to say that when she loses all her weight she'll give me her jeans since she won't fit into them any more.

    This comment hurt because we're the same size and same type of build. It was like she didn't think I was serious about being healthier. I know she wasn't trying to be hurtful, I believe she made the comment because she buys expensive jeans that I would never buy for myself so that's why she'd give them to me. It just still was kind of hurtful.

    I don't know why this comment still bothers me, it's really not all that big of a deal but yet it is. I'm trying to use it as fuel to continue on my path of a healthier lifestyle.

    Just use as fuel and try to beat her at losing the weight. that is what i am doing with my sister because all my life she has been skinnier than me just naturally and the thru drug use. after she stopped using drugs she gain tons of weight. she is still not as big as me but she is still at her biggest she's ever been. all my life i had tried to diet and exercise just to look HALF as good as she did when we were younger. but nothing ever worked. so before i re-tried to diet this time, i was *****in on fb how i hate bn fat and i hate how trying to lose weight never works. so she texted me "Then get off ur lazy *kitten* and work out. stop feeling sorry for ur self. its not that hard!" so i ignored it and the next day i started my new diet....and just to dig at her, i would comment on fb about how good i feel and how much weight i am losing. and so now she is doing (like she always done) trying to one up me and try to lose her weight before i lose mine. lmao.....
    so like i said, just lose it before her :D
    call it "HEALTHY" competition.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Secretly compete with her and then present her with your old jeans when they don't fit you anymore. haha!