Feeling Worse After Losing Weight.



  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I was having an issue with not being able to get out of bed in the morning for a few weeks in a row... and realized by talking to people on here I was pushing myself to hard. 2-3 hours in the gym (i kinda get addicted once i am there) were putting me through it. Maybe your body is just telling you to take it easy?

    I would strongly suggest seeing a doctor if it is suddenly. They may need to do some blood tests.

    Also - not to sound like all the other guys on here - but are you lifting at all? Now that I have cut back on some of my cardio (was doing 2 hours) to doing some lifting (usually an hour - with 30 mins of cardio) I have started feeling a lot better.

    Just some suggestions! But really - if you don't feel better! Get to the doc!
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    Okay: opened up my food diary. It's sporadic. I work and go to school full-time so I try and log as much as I can. I also take a Multi-Vitamin For Her, and my doctor is aware.

    But yeah, I'm thinking I'll call her office tomorrow and make an appointment. I only feel super-awesome-fantastic after exercise. :[

    I'll try upping my calories by 100-200 and see if it helps, in the mean time. I've been doing the C25k running program, so it's only 25 minutes a day and I'm not even running the entire time.

    Thanks for the quick replies everyone! I'll keep y'all updated :]
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    It's not wise to train like an athlete while eating like a spectator.
  • PamRow55
    PamRow55 Posts: 3 Member
    It took me about a year to lose 73lbs and I was on top of the world and then I crashed. For me it was all emotional, at 58 years old I was also carrying a lot of emotion baggage. It was like the women inside just would not let me enjoy the good feeling I got from having at last gotten in control of my life and it was good. Told my doctor, crying (which I was doing everytime I turned around). He gave me a note so I could take a leave from work, put me on a antidepressent. I'm feeling much better but I put a few lbs back on and getting those lbs back off seems to be harder then losing it the first time. I will get them off!!!! So yes please see your doctor and get the help you need what ever that is. Oh by the way I lost the weight eating 1500 cals a day and turning myself into a walking machine. Good luck
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    It's not wise to train like an athlete while eating like a spectator.

    While I value the advice in your comment, it offers me no solutions to my original question. My food diary sucks because I don't have the time to log every single thing I do/eat.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You dont seem like you are very consistent with your dieting.
    Try setting your diary the night before and sticking to it daily.

    Only work out 3 days a week so you have proper recovery.

    Please be sure you are eating the proper calories for your height, weight, body fat and activity factor.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I saw somewhere that having too little fat in the diet can make depression/anxiety worse and you might be low energy from it also?

    I saw some some days you had really low fat intakes.

    If the doctor doesn't help, maybe try some fish oil supplements for a week or so to see if that helps?
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Maybe you need to eat more than 1500 lbs.

    1500 lbs of food a day, or a year? lol
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I took a peek at your diary before u closed it..some days are really, low..u say u may not log everything but without that (and not being a doctor)..I can't really say...the only other thing is were u supposed to net 1500 or 1500 before exercise? I know the concept of starvation mode is scandalous on this site, but it's always possible...Good luck in your journey :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I saw somewhere that having too little fat in the diet can make depression/anxiety worse and you might be low energy from it also?

    I saw some some days you had really low fat intakes.

    If the doctor doesn't help, maybe try some fish oil supplements for a week or so to see if that helps?

    Essential fat regulates hormones.
    You are correct sir!!!!
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    It sounds like to me YOU ARE LOSING YOUR MOMENTUM...You know at first im sure it was all fine and dandy seeing results and feeling good about yourself. Now it may seem like a chore to be dieting and to keep with it all. Well the goal is to find your momentum again, no one says its easy to lose weight. I know for ME ive been at this straight for 3months and STILL NO REAL WEIGHT LOSS, tho I have gotten noticably toned and stronger, the places we really want fat to come off of are the last places to do so which sucks!! Just go back to the main reason y you really want to get fit and feel good. HINT I too have bouts of anxiety and b4 I started to workout I felt like it every freakin day. But now that I workout I dont feel it as much. Something Has to be weighing you down other than just being 1/2 to your goal weight. Find the source of the problem address it the best you can and CONTINUE ON, YOU CAN DO THIS!
    I CAN DO THIS AS WELL :) I know you dont feel so good right now, but hey really look at the accomplishments youve made so far!! and congratulate yourself for this. ohhh also try yoga really it helps alot for anxiety too. I dont take meds either. but doin this working out and eating good does help tons...LETS NOT GIVE INTO MEDS, THOSE THINGS MAKE IT WORSE, ITS ALL IN MIND FRAME JUST BELIEVE YOU CAN GET THRU IT AND YOUR STRONGER THAN YOU THINK :)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Normally, when you have to ask someone "should I see a doctor?" it means that you should.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    It could be a plethora of things, maybe even non weight loss related. The doctor should ask you a slew of questions along with a physical examination to help get to the bottom of it. Definitely go see one before you get worse. Hope you figure everything out!
  • withwolvesteeth
    withwolvesteeth Posts: 13 Member
    To sum things up:
    I will be seeing my doctor.
    I will be seeing a dietitian again.
    This could be caused by some medication I began taking over the summer.
    I eat 1500-1800 calories a day. I eat to make up the calories I lost during exercise. I have a post-workout snack. I keep hydrated. I read every single piece of info I could about running before I began the program.
    I strive to eat balanced meals. I take a multivitamin.
    I see a counselor who said exercise was a great natural antidepressant, and so I committed myself to sticking to a running program.
    I run 3x a week, with days to rest in between. It is only for 30-40 minutes.

    I am just concerned that I felt better overall when I weighed 190 and ate **** like Taco Bell 5 nights a week/sat on my *kitten* watching Netflix for days, and now that I eat healthy/exercise AND lost weight, I feel worse (not just energy wise, but concentration/emotional wellbeing). Obviously this is a topic that needs medical attention to really be investigated. I appreciate the advice everyone has offered me in this thread.
  • tantrum69
    tantrum69 Posts: 16
    I need some opinions or stories or whatever, please!

    I started eating better/exercising last summer. Ate 1200 calories for a long time, am halfway through my weight goal. Saw a dietitian at the college I go to for a school project and she calculated that I needed to eat 1500 calories now. Been doing that, logging off and on, ran a 5k last weekend, and am running 3x a week now because I want this subcutaneous fat GONE!

    My problem is that despite the fact that I am halfway to my goal weight, I am feeling WORSE. I am tired 24/7, my anxiety/depression problems that disappeared are back (and intense/worse), low to non-existent libido, I'm having a hard time focusing on my studies (when I read, I can't focus on words and my eyes are jumping all over the place), and I just feel like crap about myself. I haven't weighed myself since my visit to the dietitian a couple of months ago. I don't log on here every day, but since starting I have a very good general idea of what to eat and what not to eat. It's really bumming me out that I'm not "feeling better" like everyone said I would. I feel sluggish, depressed, and like a pile of crap all the time. I am in counseling doing CBT and don't take antidepressants.

    Should I be seeing my doctor? (I do have health insurance so I can.) Or is this normal to feel this way halfway through your goal? Any help is appreciated! (I know you guys aren't medical professionals, but I am concerned that despite my 25 lb weight loss, I am feeling the opposite of what science/medicine/common knowledge says I should be feeling.)

    Try getting more sleep - at least a solid 8 a night for a few days. If that doesn't help, got see a doctor.
  • mnkbrly
    mnkbrly Posts: 9
    I really know and understand how you feel. Sometimes when we are working so hard to reach a goal, especially a weight loss goal, it can be physically, mentally, emotionally challenged. I worked in the medical field for a long time and your symptoms do sound like a thyroid problem. However, sometimes when we work so hard and even though you are halfway, we can sometimes get a bit depressed. You are doing a GREAT job! Keep up the good work and keep us posted! :happy: Kim
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    bump. Keep us posted :smile:
  • Blackhawksbill
    Blackhawksbill Posts: 1 Member
    It's amazing that the human species ever survived much less thrived.

    I can empathize with you. I've lost 45# and figured I'd feel 200 feet tall and bulletproof. That's simply not the case. My hips hurt. My right knee hurts. And I also have the energy level of a tree sloth.

    But I'm also in my fifties now.

    Maybe we're just not meant to live as long as we do or the damage done in our youth is irreparable.

    Either way I'm questioning why I took this weight loss journey to begin with. I would've been fat. I might've died five years earlier. But maybe, just maybe, I would be having a lot more fun.

    Just some food for thought....
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    Sadly the thread dates from 2012 so a lot of the participants are not around.

    After losing 45#, how much more weight do you have to lose / where are you, generally speaking, in the "healthy", "overweight", "obese" spectrum?

    What is your current deficit, and how long have you been at it?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    jadedone wrote: »
    Some of those symptoms sounds like hypothyroid ones too.

    How are your vitamins? Do you get enough iron, vitamin D and b vitamins? Try taking a multivitamin and supplementing extra D and iron to see if your energy improves. And go to the doctor to have some blood tests!

    Not before being tested! Especially B12 increases serum levels and by doing so can mask an actual deficiency. If a deficiency exists that is not related to being vegan then to needs injections as tablets don’t do anything.