Exercise and zits!

Even though I shower immediately after a work out, I still can't stop the breakouts on my back. Any recommendations of certain types of shower gels to help with this that has worked for you? I've tried some different types of soaps but had no luck. Thanks!


  • richelliott1
    richelliott1 Posts: 27 Member
    Bump. I have the exact same problem but on my legs. Any suggestions
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I guess no one wants to talk about zits, LOL
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    I get them near my underarms when I don't shower after! LOL it's so gross.

    But, I also found that with the change of diet, my face/acne all around has cleared up tremendously. :)
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Proactiv has a body wash. I don't have that issue and I've never used it, but I have a friend who has!
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    I get painful zits on my stomach area if I workout or sweat. There is nothing that I have found that helps it. The doctor put me on antibiotics, but it didn't help any. I do try and scrub them with the golden dial soap or any antibacterial soap...Are yours painful?
  • meggiewes
    meggiewes Posts: 19
    Witch hazel helps me.
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    I love LUSH's Fresh Farmacy for face and body. It has Tea Tree to help with ance, but really calming with calamine and lavender. It isn't harsh either! I can't take really harsh, perfume scented stuff!
  • jenniferdances1
    jenniferdances1 Posts: 86 Member
    I think Neutrogena makes an acne body wash.
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    Tea Tree Oil..apply to affected area with a cotton ball after showering.
  • Hopelessbird
    I used to get this. It is caused by either yeast/fungal or bateria thriving on deadskin cells+wetness+heat+clogged pores. I used Neutrogena T/Sal shampoo as a body wash. It contains 3% Salicylic Acid to reduce flaking, shrinking pores and antimicrobial properties.


    If you have hyperpigmentation or too sensitive to salicylic acid. Tea tree soap has similar natural antimicrobial properties.

    http://www.drugstore.com/desert-essence-cleansing-bar-tea-tree-therapy/qxp33975?catid=144413&fromsrch=Cleansing Bar Tea Tree Therapy - 3.5 oz
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    Same problem except on my FACE...ughhhhh
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    While it's a little pricey, I've found sometimes you really get what you pay for. I'm in love with the Proactiv line - especially the shower stuff, because there's an exfoliating body wash for the shower, AND a lotion with salicylic (sic) acid in it for you to put on after your shower! I actually used the stuff on my ex-boyfriend. When I met him, he had the WORST case of "backne" I've ever seen. I gave him some of my bath wash and lotion to start using, and would use the body pads on his back when we saw each other. By the time we broke up (4 months later :((( ), his acne was gone save for the occasional zit, and the scars from all the old ones were starting to fade. It definitely helps keep my breakouts at bay, too. I've found it also helps to put on a little Gold Bond (or some other medicated powder) in areas prone to sweating. For me, that's under my boobs, in the folds at my waist (working on losing those, UGH!), and where my stomach meets my legs.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm having this issue too!!! I get them on my neck and back and I feel sooooo embarrassed about it. The only thing that has helped me is washing after exercise and using persa gel or generic equivilent (not sure if that's spelled right)....also, make sure you exfoliate! Oh and another thing.....rewash your back after you rinse your conditioner out~!
  • DreamiJeani
    I have found that my facial acne has actually cleared up greatly since I started really working out. I think that sweating flushes out my pores. For others it can increase buildup. I use simple babywash (Johnsons babywash) as bodywash, I've never had a problem with bodily breakouts aside the occassional rogue.
  • Melalina
    Melalina Posts: 26
    My doctor recommended using bath wash with tea tree oil in it. Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap with tea tree oil is what's available at my grocery store. I find that it has improved the smaller blemishes I get, but it doesn't seem to do much to combat the larger, inflamed pimples and cysts that crop up. Also, it's slow working, so you won't get immediate or dramatic results.

    Hope this helps!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    oh my gosh...ever since i started working out i get horrible painful zits ....
    what i've found that has given ME some relief strangely enough is...baking soda. i pat a little paste of it ( with water) on the zits and i find they dont get so oily and big.
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    Thats how mine are, painful painful painful. And they leave scars. So if I wear sleeveless shirts you can see them on my underarms and people just stare at them,
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I get painful zits on my stomach area if I workout or sweat. There is nothing that I have found that helps it. The doctor put me on antibiotics, but it didn't help any. I do try and scrub them with the golden dial soap or any antibacterial soap...Are yours painful?

    Not painful but really annoying! Sorry to hear that you are dealing with this, I hope you and I can both find something that works!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    oh my gosh...ever since i started working out i get horrible painful zits ....
    what i've found that has given ME some relief strangely enough is...baking soda. i pat a little paste of it ( with water) on the zits and i find they dont get so oily and big.

    Hmmm, I shall try this! Thanks :]
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    I had to stop working out because I was in soooo much pain. I walked for about 15 minutes today, did two minutes on my elliptical yesterday and I have one already... Thanks, i;m glad you posted this because I really thought that it was just me that got them