Weight loss and boobs

Ok, so I have a question for the ladies out there who feel they are not so well-endowed in the bosom area and have lost or are losing weight.

Do you feel that the weight loss took away even more from the chest area or did it enhace it by making the rest of your body smaller?

I'm not flat chested by any means, but I do think my chest is on the small side and just disproportionate for my frame, and when I start losing weight, it always seems to be the first thing to want to go. I keep telling myself that when I start melting away the fat in other parts of my body, it'll look a little more proportionate... Did anyone else have this experience?



  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Boobs are fat so when the fat % goes down, the boobs vanish too. it's a bummer.
  • welsh_lass86
    welsh_lass86 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm also a bit on the small size for my frame but I find the more weight I loose the more in proportion my boobs look to the rest of my body. I am a pear shape (I put on weight around my hips) so that may have something to do with it. Hoper that helps x
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    At 310 pounds, my boobs were only a C cup. Now, 70 pounds lighter and they are still a C cup but a small C, probably soon to be a B cup. However, they look fuller and even a bit perkier, since I have lost weight in other areas as well. It sucks seeing them get smaller, but it's nice seeing everything else get smaller as well :)
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Definitely takes away for me. :(

    It hasn't yet, but I know it's coming. I'd love to look proportionate when I'm done.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Boobs are not ALL fat... there is other tissue and muscle there.
    If you work your chest with weights...flies...chest press... push ups etc...
    You will be able to "shape" your boobs a lil while losing... doing the chest weights...will lift and round them.. instead of being flat sacks... (as one of my patients called them)
    Remember the old saying... and motions... I must I must I must increase my bust?.... that' does it...

    Check out any womens lifting book...or Jillian Michaels "making the cut"
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    Hi, I'm also a bit on the small size for my frame but I find the more weight I loose the more in proportion my boobs look to the rest of my body. I am a pear shape (I put on weight around my hips) so that may have something to do with it. Hoper that helps x

    Same here - but I'm barely 1/3 of the way through my weight loss so it's hard to say for certain what they'll do b/c I've been fat for my whole adult life. So far though, 30 lbs in and they're staying roughly the same size
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    I definitely lose some but it's expected. I know that when I lose weight I will have the size I had in college and I'm ok with that. I think they look great. The bigger they were I knew meant the bigger I was so I welcome my small small B cup college boobs!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one!
    At 310 pounds, my boobs were only a C cup. Now, 70 pounds lighter and they are still a C cup but a small C, probably soon to be a B cup. However, they look fuller and even a bit perkier, since I have lost weight in other areas as well. It sucks seeing them get smaller, but it's nice seeing everything else get smaller as well :)

    This is very encouraging, so thanks for sharing! Hope I feel the same way when I get there :D
    Boobs are not ALL fat... there is other tissue and muscle there.
    If you work your chest with weights...flies...chest press... push ups etc...
    You will be able to "shape" your boobs a lil while losing... doing the chest weights...will lift and round them.. instead of being flat sacks... (as one of my patients called them)
    Remember the old saying... and motions... I must I must I must increase my bust?.... that' does it...

    Check out any womens lifting book...or Jillian Michaels "making the cut"

    This is definitely something I've noticed to be true since I've started strength training! It doesn't increase the size, but it definitely seems to have given them more of a "presense" if that makes any sense =P
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    down 40 pounds.. boobs are still the same size.. i expect them to go down a little when i finally manage to lose the next 20...
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Boobs are fat so when the fat % goes down, the boobs vanish too. it's a bummer.

    Boobs are not just fat. I have lost and gained a lot of weight in my time and my boobs have never shrank while losing.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Why is it that I can never resist a boobs thread?? :laugh:
  • ksimms
    ksimms Posts: 31 Member
    20lbs gone and zero inches lost around the chest.

    I'm kind of annoyed but hopefully they shrink a little with the last 10 or so (or I'll look ridiculous)
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    Yes they are much smaller : ( I probably wear an A cup now ....I'm pear shaped I dnt understand y the fat wnt disappear from my hips and butt instead : (
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Breasts aren't just fat. They are a mix of fat, fibrous tissue and mammary glands. People have these in different proportions- we're all a little different. The bottom line is, you won't know how much smaller your breasts will be until you start losing. I"ve lost 40 lbs and gone done one cup size, but 2 band sizes. My husband says my breasts actually seem the same, if not bigger, because the rest of me is smaller.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I've only been at this for a month and I'm not little, but, I will tell you, the first place the weight has come off is the boobs!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I've lost nearly 40 lbs, but I've only went down from a 40 DDD to 38 DDD. I only have 20 lbs to lose, so I'm hoping I stay somewhat "big" lol.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I've lost 16lbs and ALL of it has been from my boobs! I went from a 44DDD to a 40C in the last three weeks!
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    an interesting thread, if protein shakes, ie more protein would protect your muscles from shrinking, mayb theres something u should be drinking to help protect your boobs ?,, ask a boffin,
  • Russian1
    Russian1 Posts: 21 Member
    Gone like the wind I tell ya! They are the first thing to go on me. Now that I am close to my goal weight they are non-existant and I used to be an E cup. All the chest flies, etc in the world aren't going to bring them back. But, I've been trying to lower my BF% so I expected it. (last time I checked it I was at 18% now I would guess I'm 16%) My ever so loving husband told me one day at the gym that I looked like a teenage boy, also heard that I look like a dude with slightly more in the nipple area. When I have my sports bra on my heartrate monitor is the most noticable thing on my chest! It's pretty sad! (Don't go by my profile pic, that was taken over 2 years ago!) I used to swear I'd never have surgery - now it crosses my mind!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Gone like the wind I tell ya! They are the first thing to go on me. Now that I am close to my goal weight they are non-existant and I used to be an E cup. All the chest flies, etc in the world aren't going to bring them back. But, I've been trying to lower my BF% so I expected it. (last time I checked it I was at 18% now I would guess I'm 16%) My ever so loving husband told me one day at the gym that I looked like a teenage boy, also heard that I look like a dude with slightly more in the nipple area. When I have my sports bra on my heartrate monitor is the most noticable thing on my chest! It's pretty sad! (Don't go by my profile pic, that was taken over 2 years ago!) I used to swear I'd never have surgery - now it crosses my mind!

    18%????? Holy crap... isn't that like insanely low for a woman?? I thought women weren't supposed to go below 20!

    Very interesting to see all of the different responses here though...

    It's kind of funny. I'm originally from a culture where the typical pear shape (wide hips, large butts and small, perky breasts) are considered the perfect body type. My mom was always pretty big in the chest but very very tiny over all (slightly under 100 lbs), and since her boobs always embarassed her and hurt her back, she prayed that I wouldn't have the same "problem." She definitely got her wish, but since we moved to the U.S. I'm growing up in a culture where people go crazy for her younger body type, whereas mine just looks awkward...

    Anyone else feel like it's waaay more "acceptable" for a girl to be 5-10 lbs overweight and carry some extra baggage in the middle when she has larger boobs?