strenght training along the way vs waiting til goal wt

So I'm just wanting some opinions, perspectives, experiences, etc. I have at least 60lbs to lose, id like 80-90lbs. I'm doing cardio 5 times a week and thought I should incorporate some strenght training (light weight higher Rep on machines that target specific. Area s of the entire body.) I'm afraid of having a lot of loose skin (ive had 2 babies but I'm still fairly young, 23) and thought strenght training along with cardio will help with skin or flabbiness. However some friends have said I should wait until I'm close to my goal weight and then tone as to not "solidify my fat". If this is true when should I start strength training? Help!!


  • brittni127
    Strength sorry typing on mobile
  • DocGu
    DocGu Posts: 51 Member
    Start weight training now.

    You cannot 'solidify your fat'.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I would definitely suggest adding strength training - probably twice per week (and keep doing cardio 3 or 4 days).

    Not only will it help with the excess skin issue, but it also helps boost your metabolism and burn calories throughout the day / when you're at rest. Lean muscle is constantly working, so constantly burning calories - unlike fat, which just sits there. If you incorporate strength training, I think you'll see much quicker results (not to mention building a healthier body, overall).
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    I am doing both. Muscle build up means faster burning of calories.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    "Solidify your fat"? Your friends are a little out to lunch on that point. :) You can start strength training anytime you like, though at some point (most likely after you've finished losing as much weight / fat as you want), you'll get better results by eating more calories to go along with the strength training, so your body can actually build new muscle tissue.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Strength train now! It will really really really help when you get closer to goal! Trust me! Cardio to enhance overall cardiovascular health.
  • royah1976
    royah1976 Posts: 6 Member
    Long answer: Muscle is faster at burning calories than fat is, so as your muscle builds and your fat decreases your body will become more fuel efficient.

    Short answer: Weight training is always good!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Do both, but forget the light weight higher reps and the specific muscle exercises. Lift heavier weights, ones that challenge you to do 8-10 repetitions, and do compound exercises, that is, exercises that use multiple muscle groups like squats, deadlifts, rows, overhead presses and the like. This would require using free weights, but they will do more for you than all the biceps curls and leg extensions you could do would. They work all the supporting muscles as well and the prime movers. For example, a weighted squat will work you legs primarily, but it will also work you core and a bunch of other stabilizer muscles as well. Those are what will give you are tight, toned body.
  • TrinNZ
    TrinNZ Posts: 65 Member
    lol "solidify your fat"...who are these friends? hehe

    the only possible negative side of strength training before you reach your goal weight would be that you are increasing muscle and so it may make you look bigger...but I can only see that happening if you aren't following a meal plan or doing any cardio.

    Two important things with strength training though...1) proper form is SO important. You can put yourself at risk of serious injury if you do not work out correctly. Make sure you are keeping good posture and engaging your core muscles. 2) lift the heaviest weight you can while being able to do 12-15 reps, struggling at the last 4 or so. For example using a 7lb dumbell for bicep curls is going to be way more effective than a 2lb weight. It needs to be difficult at the end. You have to push yourself if you want to see results (and no you won't end up looking like a wrestler unless you are taking a heap of body building suppliments).

    Good luck!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Do it NOW! I think of it this way. Say you spend 5 hours working out a week. It takes you 6 months and you reach goal weight. THEN, you now want to "tone" so now you have to spend an additional amount of time, say another 4-6 months doing strength workouts to build muscles. Why not just split the workouts-some to do fast burns of CALORIES and build stamina, heart health and then others to build the muscle beneath the fat. Wouldn't it be better to be burning the fat and be able to SEE muscles underneath them than have to build them all up later? Also, building muscle makes you stronger which will increase your performance in cardio stuff as well.
    Also, "weight" is nothing but a number, so if you reach your goal "weight", you may still not be happy with how your body is SHAPED. The only way to RESHAPE your body is with building muscle. Here is my fav article on the topic:
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    I would put ST ahead of cardio.. just make sure if you get into it to learn correct form.
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    So I'm just wanting some opinions, perspectives, experiences, etc. I have at least 60lbs to lose, id like 80-90lbs. I'm doing cardio 5 times a week and thought I should incorporate some strenght training (light weight higher Rep on machines that target specific. Area s of the entire body.) I'm afraid of having a lot of loose skin (ive had 2 babies but I'm still fairly young, 23) and thought strenght training along with cardio will help with skin or flabbiness. However some friends have said I should wait until I'm close to my goal weight and then tone as to not "solidify my fat". If this is true when should I start strength training? Help!!
    I had the same theory before... as to focus on weight loss, then work on toning because it was all seeming too overwhelming, but this time around, i am doing both... ALL OR NOTHING LADY :happy: My reasoning this time around is, that I do not want to get like I did before, got to my GW, and then realized I had alot more work to do still... with toning 'n all... and then slowly started to gain some back! I think this time around having a better physique will also help me not gain back, because I will have more muscle to help keep the burn going... PLUS... because I measured all over, I am not as consumed (still a work in progress) with the scale...PLUS... less chance of sagging skin & thinking I might better focus on tone & long lasting health rather than just a number that fluxuates too much! I :heart: Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred... I really like it because 1- it's only 28 minutes/day & 2- that still allows me to do my walking/occasional jogging.... I think cardio & strength are the way to go!! Good Luck!!!
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    So I'm just wanting some opinions, perspectives, experiences, etc. I have at least 60lbs to lose, id like 80-90lbs. I'm doing cardio 5 times a week and thought I should incorporate some strenght training (light weight higher Rep on machines that target specific. Area s of the entire body.) I'm afraid of having a lot of loose skin (ive had 2 babies but I'm still fairly young, 23) and thought strenght training along with cardio will help with skin or flabbiness. However some friends have said I should wait until I'm close to my goal weight and then tone as to not "solidify my fat". If this is true when should I start strength training? Help!!

    Allow me to be blunt as well as kind. There is no such thing as solidifying fat. If you live in the states I suggest watching the Biggest Loser on NBC. You'll get a VERY good representation of what strength training, cardio with intervals, and nutrition can do for your goals. Although remember this THEY WORKOUT 6 hours a day or more.

    Strength training builds lean muscle tissue. It's that lean muscle tissue which continues helping burn calories even when you are at rest. However do remember this as well CARDIO is KING for weight loss, STRENGTH training is QUEEN. You need the King and Queen to build a kingdom....
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    start last week
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You cannot start too soon.
  • GwenPen
    GwenPen Posts: 2
    an hour of roller blading earns 600 calories, 10 mins, 100 calories... or more! depends on ur weight :-)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    However do remember this as well CARDIO is KING for weight loss, STRENGTH training is QUEEN. You need the King and Queen to build a kingdom....

    I would argue that this is not true.
    To OP: Check out the book New Rules of Lifting for Women
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    I looked better at 142 with muscle than 139 without muscle. It's never too early to start.
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    Start now! Do HIIT cardio and strength training. You want to build muscle along the way, trust me! That way once you get to your goal weight, you aren't going to have to start the 'toning' process to get your body to look a certain way.... you'll be a lot closer to that point.

    ETA: Do not try to spot reduce. Work your whole body!!!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Bump :)

    I've been curious about this too! Thanks for posting it!