vitamin d



  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    According to the research out there, unless you're in a tropical zone, you're probably deficient in D. I take 20,000% of my RDA daily, and that just brings me up to high normal!
  • dpmsurf
    dpmsurf Posts: 1
    I take the vitamin D and I also have a website about Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms. As you probably know I believe that increasing your levels is a very smart thing to do. I think it can only help get you more fit. Study after study show how vitamin d helps with this and helps with that. To learn more about Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
  • I take a Vitamin D supplement every day, I was fatigued and depressed and constantly getting illnesses and infections for about 6 months, and finally three months ago talked to my doctor, had some blood work done and was deficient in D. Starting taking 2000 UI every day, within a week or two I noticed a difference, now I'm feeling so much better and happier and have tons more energy. It really is a big deal.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I take 5600 per day in the winter months. When it gets sunny enough, I'll drop that back to 2000
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Vitamin D has totally changed me. I was deficient, and my doctor placed me on 8000u/day for 3 months. Now I'm down to 4000u/day and my labs are within normal limits. I was very tired and depressed for a long time. Idk if it's the placebo effect, but I like to think the vitamin d helped me out a lot with those symptoms. I recommend up to 2000u/day if you are symptomatic, but anything more, consult your doctor and get your level tested.
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I was just recently diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency also. The doctor suggested 2000 units daily on top of my multivitamin. Too early to know if it's working, but I'm hoping to find my energy again. There is nothing else wrong to explain it.
  • Yeah!! So funny you posted this, I actually just got my bloodwork back, and I was LOW, like, reaaaaaallly low. I started taking a supplement (although just a one a day...I've also heard that if you "overdose" on any one vitamin it can also be bad?) and I do del better.

    My work-up also showed that I was low on B12, which is what my pcp suspected and why she ordered the work in the first place. Both B12 and D can help improve mood and energy since they help increase red blood cell count...or so I'm told. Anyway, I'm feel in great so....maybe it is true?
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    yes, I take about 5,000 IU's per day