Gone to far? Cleaning?



  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member
    I wipe doors, window sills, dust blinds, all of it.. I just like things neat and clean. I think it's normal!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Contrary to popular belief, walls collect dust. It's gross and causes allergen trouble for those of us who are sensitive to it. I say kudos for being attentive to your living space and keeping the dust level to something livable. I know a few people who don't and it's a pain to visit their houses because I end up stuffy and headache-y the rest of the day. :/
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I have mild OCD, and I have my own cleaning business.

    Some of my best clients are ones who ALSO have OCD tendencies- *THEY* appreciate how I *find* the things that
    are driving them NUTS........

    it's a win-win situation.........and I get PAID to wipe doors down.
    Kids, animals and grease monkeed husbands' hands tend to dirty up BOTH sides of the doors- and it just looks nicer when they're clean.

    Cleaning is therapeutic for me....I LOVE creating peace and order when things are in disarray- and my client can come home
    and [SIGH]....Home Sweet Clean, Uncluttered Home.......

    ........*IF ONLY* I could experience this .......[sigh]
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Our doors are wood and my husband is a neat freak.... we have to use pledge on all the wood in the house at least once a month including doors, cabinets, baseboards, etc. If its wood, it gets wiped with pledge.

    FYI: My husband and I own a custom cabinet/furniture finishing shop.
    We tell everybody (especially the female homeowners) NOT TO USE PLEDGE...or anything else but a DAMP RAG to clean the wood. Pledge and Old English are terrible for wood! It causes a waxy build-up that eventually splits & cracks.
    If anyone uses that crap on stuff we've done...it voids our warranty.
    I have custom wood furniture pieces and cabinets in my house...and I NEVER use anything but a damp rag. My husband would kill me if I did! lol!!!
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Oh heck yes I do...lol

    I have two little girls and a husband who like to play outside.. I HATE it when doors/walls/mirrors get dirty.

    She should be ashamed for making you feel that way when she knows you have a problem.
  • mom2five69
    mom2five69 Posts: 18 Member
    Nothing wrong with that at all. I own a cleaning service and my best employees are the ones who think they are OCD.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Not OCD (that I am aware of) but I constantly clean up just about anything that looks dirty including the walls, doors and def door knobs. When my boys have been especially naughty they get to HELP (wet wash cloth and a whole lotta elbow grease) wipe down the walls and doors! Not to brag, but they are not nearly awful enough for me to NOT have to do it myself! LOL!
  • avatar1003
    avatar1003 Posts: 20 Member
    Our doors are wood and my husband is a neat freak.... we have to use pledge on all the wood in the house at least once a month including doors, cabinets, baseboards, etc. If its wood, it gets wiped with pledge.

    FYI: My husband and I own a custom cabinet/furniture finishing shop.
    We tell everybody (especially the female homeowners) NOT TO USE PLEDGE...or anything else but a DAMP RAG to clean the wood. Pledge and Old English are terrible for wood! It causes a waxy build-up that eventually splits & cracks.
    If anyone uses that crap on stuff we've done...it voids our warranty.
    I have custom wood furniture pieces and cabinets in my house...and I NEVER use anything but a damp rag. My husband would kill me if I did! lol!!!
    Oh wow... thanks for the info! I will have to let him know. That would kill him :)
  • danagettinfit
    danagettinfit Posts: 83 Member
    No way!!! I swiffer my walls and doors, both dry and wet. I get cobwebs, lint... with the dry but the re and othrl genius is the wet for finger prints and other little marks that accumulate. I do this probably every other month. Two young girls that touch everything no matter what is on their hands
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Gone to Far..

    Yeah, I wipe down my doors.
    they just get nasty...On the weekends I can easily go around my house with a bottle of Orange Citrus Spray and an old "T' shirt and just Clean the whole door.
    Cleaning gives one a sense of accomplishment. You dont' really have to wait to see what you've done. I say BRAVO to you.

    I intend to clean this weekend, I almost have to ..I'm getting all my windows replaced in April and I need to clean up and put things away. Im actually looking forward to it.
    Such a feeling of acutal accomplishment.

    You take Care,

  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    When I get to a good top to bottom cleaning this includes the doors {no kids so I do not have the hand mark excuse] scrub the baqseboards with a toothbrush. There is absolutly nothing wrong with doing these things.
  • sailorsiren13
    I wipe my doors and light switches down !!! they get nasty especially if someone in the house has been sick. usually i use mr. clean eraser. maybe she just isn't used to cleaning. I grew up in a dirty house and prefer to keep things neat and clean because you never know who will show up. Call it OCD or whatever you want but i want to keep a house to be proud of.
  • kissy28wv
    kissy28wv Posts: 74
    I thought I was the only one! I also wipe down the walls, light switches and door knobs. You don't know who washes their hands and who doesn't.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Ok I'm certainly no clean freak but yeh - gripes me and I clean doors & things like light switches from time to time... But then I'm a man & I clean so I guess I'm definitely weird ROFL
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    Ahhh, thanks! She's a little ****! I knew it, I just knew I wasn't the only one. I think one of you said maybe she doesn't know what clean is. I think you may have something there. I also know that I shouldn't care so much about her opinion but on the other hand... who doesn't look at themselves when someone says something like that.

    I'll tell ya... it's hard being a step-mom to a child that had almost no standards on any level. My parents were strict, they demanded manners, cleanliness and responsibility for the choices we made. I am thankful for that. Someday I hope that it'll rub off on her. Until then, I secretly chant "TWO MORE YEARS"

    :0).. I'm going to get thru this and live happily ever after
  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    i think your normal...i wipe my door knobs down every now and then. and sanitize my cell phone. and you know how some people have a drawer of pens in their house...I sanitize all those too!
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Totally normal! My interior doors are raised panel doors, the panels collect dust so I clean them whenever I think of it. I LOVE to clean and am really excited to have started my Spring cleaning. I love the feeling of accomplishment. And I do walls, doors, windows, baseboards, EVERYTHING :)
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not fond of cleaning but I do clean the doors and handles regularly, particularly the high traffic areas. I go overboard somewhat though and if I'm not happy with how clean they are I strip them and repaint, I did that to my kitchen wall a few months ago. I hate cleaning but i do love painting.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Our doors inside are wooden the have some areas that are raised so they collect dust in those areas. Also things get more dusty when ceiling or floor fans run.

    If she doesn't appreciate that things get dirty, I would give her a white damp rag and have her do some of the doors. When her rag is no longer white, she will understand. Same with blinds, baseboards, and other areas that get dusty. :)

    Is is good to clean. Tell her the house looks nice because you care, not because your weird.
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    I wipe my doors and light switches down !!! they get nasty especially if someone in the house has been sick. usually i use mr. clean eraser. maybe she just isn't used to cleaning. I grew up in a dirty house and prefer to keep things neat and clean because you never know who will show up. Call it OCD or whatever you want but i want to keep a house to be proud of.

    Ohhhh Yyeeessss!!!! Doors AND lightswitches!!!! My pet hates!!! I am one extreme or the other.... RIDICULOUSLY organised or total wreck!!!!