Question For People Who Have Been Overweight Their Whole Lif

now that you lost weight or reached ur goal weight, when u look in the mirror do u see a thin person? none of my clothes fit me, the scale says im losing weight but when i look in the mirror i still see a 211lb person.


  • Sissy4EverX3
    I have lost 82lbs in the last 13 months. I have always been fat, but I am now at the lowest weight I've been since I was a sophomore in high school. At my highest weight, when I found MFP, I weighed 365lbs. I look in the mirror and see the thin person I have always felt myself to be emerging. But, if I'm going to be truthful with myself, I've been basically maintaining the last few months because I am SCARED to lose anymore weight. I don't know what I will look like. I'm afraid of what other people will view me as. I have never been thin, so it's a scary thought.
  • gimmewellness
    gimmewellness Posts: 81 Member
    Most Definitely that happens to me too. People tell me I look fantastic and I just don't see it at all. I really try to see what they see, but it's hard. When we were out I'd always ask my husband if i was bigger than this person or that person, and he would look at me like i had 4 heads. I went from a size 22 in my life to making a complete turn around to s size 11. I'm starting to feel like a healthy person after 4 years at the size 11 and really trying to see That person in the mirror. Good Luck seeing that person too!!
  • Kwint
    Kwint Posts: 10 Member

    Do it for your health and for your future (your long distant future) and try not to worry about how you look or don't look now. Your heart, bones, joints, will thank you for it decades from now long after looks will cease to be a very important part of your life. You're making great progress, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't doubt yourself or look back. Your body knows what to do - let it do it for you.
  • blueivycarter
    I have lost 82lbs in the last 13 months. I have always been fat, but I am now at the lowest weight I've been since I was a sophomore in high school. At my highest weight, when I found MFP, I weighed 365lbs. I look in the mirror and see the thin person I have always felt myself to be emerging. But, if I'm going to be truthful with myself, I've been basically maintaining the last few months because I am SCARED to lose anymore weight. I don't know what I will look like. I'm afraid of what other people will view me as. I have never been thin, so it's a scary thought.

    i was also afraid to lose so much weight but i got over it once i started putting my feeling first and told everyone else to kick rocks
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i'm pretty close to my goal, but i've pretty much always been big before now -- at least chubby, if not downright obese. i recognize that i'm smaller than i was, but my perspective of how i actually look is all wonky. sometimes i see other girls who look good, and i'm struck that our bodies are very similar, and it makes me realize that i probably look to other people the way these people look to me, if that makes any sense. i probably look good, "normal" slim, whatever, to other people.... but i don't see it that way myself.
  • PurplePenguin2
    If you haven't already done so, get someone to take your photo when you're out with your friends and having fun. Then, when you see the photo, you can see yourself better than when you look in the mirror. I also have trouble seeing myself correctly in the mirror but when I see photos, I see myself clearly. :)
  • yogurtron
    yogurtron Posts: 1 Member
    At least in my case, it took a while. I had been overweight during college, starting somewhere around 200, going up to 235, and eventually getting close to 290. Through the whole time, I felt I kinda looked the same, and didn't see much difference, either way, at least past the 230s. Most of my time was around 250-260. I've been losing weight for the past couple years, and now that I'm almost down to 200, I FINALLY started noticing something different without before/after pics. Even before I could see it myself, my clothes were loosening and whatnot, but I still didn't seem visually different when I looked in the mirror. Now when I look in the mirror, I have this kind of confused feeling. I know it's me, and I don't look THAT different it feels, but something feels... off. I'm probably about to my high-school weight, and still trying to lose more. According to the Fat 2 Fit website's goal weight calculator, my goal weight should be about 175, to be near the low end of the healthy range of bodyfat, so I have a ways to go. For reference on the weight, I'm a 5' 10" male.

    TLDR. I didn't see it myself until I got to about the BMI obese/overweight limit line for me.
  • ChristieStearns
    ChristieStearns Posts: 94 Member
    I am still overweight, but have lost over 100 lbs. Some days I see the new me, but because I feel kind of stuck in between (still overweight), some days I only see how far I still have left to go.
    What really helps is photos. It's a lot easier to see who you are now when you compare to who you used to be!!!

    1 Year, -110 lbs by, on Flickr
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    I have lost 82lbs in the last 13 months. I have always been fat, but I am now at the lowest weight I've been since I was a sophomore in high school. At my highest weight, when I found MFP, I weighed 365lbs. I look in the mirror and see the thin person I have always felt myself to be emerging. But, if I'm going to be truthful with myself, I've been basically maintaining the last few months because I am SCARED to lose anymore weight. I don't know what I will look like. I'm afraid of what other people will view me as. I have never been thin, so it's a scary thought.

    You sound like me, I had to push myself very hard to get past that feeling. I have never been able to tell anyone those feelings, it is so good to hear it from someone else.
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    Sometimes I just Can't see the difference, even though I KNOW how much I've lost. I just can't get my head around the fact that I'm not that girl anymore -_-
    It'll come with time though!