So ready to lose weight

I have been trying to loose weight for 3 months now and only lost 3 lbs I weigh myself at home the scale dont move. But I went to the doctors office and the scale showed something diffrent.. I Know that I have not been exceriseinfg enough and i have been trying eat the right amount of calorie! I need more energy and more time to get the weight off. GEEEESH im so ready to better..


  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    So what kind of exercising have you done for the last three months? You should try for getting on the treadmill for 30 mins a day for 3-4 times a week in order to see a 1 to 2 pound weightloss (they also show you here on this website how to be able to drop the weight by counting calories) but working out AND counting calories works the best. Feel free to add me as I know how hard its been and I've only been able to lose 5 pounds in the last 3 months because I didn't change up my eating habits (as I was going to the gym but eating poorly)
  • Hello mstandley3

    Mstandy3 I can empathize with you just wanting the weight off. I am feeling the same way but i know that I have a big battle ahead of me and I just hope that I can make it because it is not healthy for me to stay at the weight that i am currently. I am someone that has to take prednisone constantly and will for the rest of my life. It is a steroid that make you hungry all of the time and gives you lots of cravings. I am here if you would like to chat. You can call me xemplary. You can also feel free to add me as a friend if you would like as well. I have heard that the more support you have the better you do especially when you are in need of some encouragement or just ned to chat.

    Warmest Regards,

  • Hello How are you! Congradulations on making the progres that you hav made. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking. I'm in the Hickory, NC area. You can add me as a friend if you like. I have heard that it is great to have a great support system including friends and associates especially when you are getting frustrated, just need some encoragement or to chant.

    Warmest Ragards,

  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank MsDrea! I been walking some I work 12 hour shifts and its just been hard to work out like i need too .But things are about to change.
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Hun Be looking to add me!
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Im Located in Hattiesburg Ms..
  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    Thank MsDrea! I been walking some I work 12 hour shifts and its just been hard to work out like i need too .But things are about to change.

    U can totally do this :) congrats again on making the choice to change your lifestyle!!!! Yeah it sounds hard I worked 12 hr days in the summer and it was so hard to workout so if u can't always get to the gym def use the myfitnesspal to log your calories!!!!
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Hun!
  • I completely know how you feel. I work long hours also and found that its hard to find time to go the gym and work out. I found that the biggest loser workout has helped me and I can do it before or after work.. Most of the workouts are only 30 minutes. If you ever need to chat please feel free to call on me.
  • ladydee43
    ladydee43 Posts: 13
    :smooched: mstandley3, I know what you are saying abt being ready to lose weight I am so ready I started walking today for 10 min. I felt great but I have to be very careful because my heart rate can go up to 174 real quick and my bp up to 200/100 so i have to take it slow. but sometimes i want to just work out as hard as i can to get the weight off but I know I cant do that like I always say GOD got this. you can add me if you like and we can support one another the more the better...:happy:
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    Im no expert but, most of what should be eating is fruits,veges, salads, yogurt, nuts, eggs, wholewheat bread and lean meats. stay away from fast foods and plan your own meals/take them to work. if you cant really work out you have to be very strict with what goes in your mouth. Also u should be mainly drinking water and reduce your portions/eating in smaller plates.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Try sneaking in little bits of exercise. You've probably heard some of these before, but here are a few things you can do to just get moving a little bit more.
    * Instead of just standing while you brush your teeth, can you march in place?
    * Walk up or down steps instead of taking an elevator. (Be careful if you have knee problems.)
    * If you drive someplace, park farther from where you're going.
    * If you watch TV, consider the commercials "exercise breaks". March in place, use some weights and do a few arm curls.
    Other options: knee lifts, windmills.
    (If you don't have weights, take some water bottles and fill them with some water. As your arms get stronger, add more water.)
    * Put on some music and dance for a few minutes.
    * While you're waiting in line, suck in your tummy (belly button to your spine), stand up straight and tuck in your tailbone.
    * Pace back and forth while on the phone.

    Good luck!
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Robin im going tray those things.. Wow never thought about that!
  • mstandley3
    mstandley3 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck! We can do this with each othes help.. Thanks for the support lets keep intouch.:love:
  • mnkbrly
    mnkbrly Posts: 9
    Hi girlie! My name is Kim and I would love to be your friend and I am new too. I also need friends to help me along the way. I am proud of you even joining! Keep it up you will do great!!

    Please add me as a friend.