Unexpected costs of losing weight



  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    well I think new bras is my big cost at the moment, my boobs have gotten smaller. LOL
    But I have saved money by not bying so much food I dont buy stuff like take aways, pastries, sweets and biscuts, and I dont buy as much alcohol. and I can fit back into some of old stuff.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    One tip i can give you that i'm doing is shopping at thrift stores. Especially for pants while i'm going through the size changes. That way i'm not spending a crazy amount of money on clothes that won't fit me in a few months/weeks. What's $5'-$10 here and there, at least until i hit my goal size.
    That is if you don't mind wearing something used.
    Goodwill Rules!!!
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    All these new clothes that keep getting bigger and bigger. I have to keep going out and buying new ones.

    I just realized today that I have a brand new pair of jeans sitting here that need to be hemmed, but ummm...they're too big now. So that was a total waste of $$.

    Knowing that I am not at my goal yet I buy most of my clothes from charity shops etc.. and cheap shops like primark and peacocks
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Oh my gosh, it has cost me so much money!
    *CLOTHES...I only bought enough to get by as I went down in sizes, but I bet I spent a few hundred! And now I have only a couple pairs of work pants, 1 pair of jeans, a few shirts, etc. that fit...I will have to buy it little by little & build a wardrobe over time because I just don't have the money to buy what I need at one time!!!
    *Exercise gear: running shoes, zumba shoes, HRM, workout clothes, sports bras, new workout clothes & sports bras as I got smaller, Zumba toning sticks, Ipod arm band, lots more small things that add up!
    *Food: protein shakes, much more frequent grocery trips to stock up on produce, try to buy organic on some things when I can, & low-fat varieties of breads, tortillas, granola, cheese, etc. are often more expensive!
    *Laundry: I do twice as much now that I have to wash the regular clothes I wore that day & the workout clothes of the day, AND I don't have as many clothes, so I have to make sure I have clean work clothes or workout clothes to wear the next day!!
    *Gym membership: $60/month for myself & hubby...he is about to have a personal trainer too...no idea how we will make this work but it is needed!
    *Time: I know the workout time has taken away from other things (doing the work I need to be doing at home- to our house & stuff for my job)

    So yes, it has cost way more money than I thought, but it is SO worth it. I will do what it takes to make sure we get & stay healthy in this house!!!
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    a wii. haha. and now that I have recovered and can move my legs again, a zumba game since i have a wii. it's a tough life. :)
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    my work pants don't fit anymore! which is a plus but I work 4-6 days a week and I already hate shopping for fancy slacks enough as it is!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    well I think new bras is my big cost at the moment, my boobs have gotten smaller. LOL
    But I have saved money by not bying so much food I dont buy stuff like take aways, pastries, sweets and biscuts, and I dont buy as much alcohol. and I can fit back into some of old stuff.

    This is why I bought sports bras. Don't have to buy new ones as often.
  • javajunki
    javajunki Posts: 32
    All these new clothes that keep getting bigger and bigger. I have to keep going out and buying new ones.

    I just realized today that I have a brand new pair of jeans sitting here that need to be hemmed, but ummm...they're too big now. So that was a total waste of $$.

    Even without a receipt some places will let you trade for like item, if they haven't been worn and they still carry the style.
    I know one woman who picked up several pair of new kids jeans at a garage sale (with the <store brand> tags still on them) but the wrong size for her boys, and traded them in at the store for the right size. The store resold them so no loss for them.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    ...the cost of people saying negative things to me instead of encouraging my healthy lifestyle. (You're too skinny, you look unhealthy, etc.)

    Agreed ppl tell me this all the time but i dnt listen : )
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Thank you..., I needed this thread. It put a smile on my face!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Oh my gosh, it has cost me so much money!
    *CLOTHES...I only bought enough to get by as I went down in sizes, but I bet I spent a few hundred! And now I have only a couple pairs of work pants, 1 pair of jeans, a few shirts, etc. that fit...I will have to buy it little by little & build a wardrobe over time because I just don't have the money to buy what I need at one time!!!
    *Exercise gear: running shoes, zumba shoes, HRM, workout clothes, sports bras, new workout clothes & sports bras as I got smaller, Zumba toning sticks, Ipod arm band, lots more small things that add up!
    *Food: protein shakes, much more frequent grocery trips to stock up on produce, try to buy organic on some things when I can, & low-fat varieties of breads, tortillas, granola, cheese, etc. are often more expensive!
    *Laundry: I do twice as much now that I have to wash the regular clothes I wore that day & the workout clothes of the day, AND I don't have as many clothes, so I have to make sure I have clean work clothes or workout clothes to wear the next day!!
    *Gym membership: $60/month for myself & hubby...he is about to have a personal trainer too...no idea how we will make this work but it is needed!
    *Time: I know the workout time has taken away from other things (doing the work I need to be doing at home- to our house & stuff for my job)

    So yes, it has cost way more money than I thought, but it is SO worth it. I will do what it takes to make sure we get & stay healthy in this house!!!

    I hear ya on the laundry! That was one of the first things I noticed.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Ive actually saved some money by not purchasing the bad starchy-related foods like pasta, corn, breads, rice, etc (please do not tell me otherwise because in my case, they are bad foods health-wise)... I found out my body reacts BADLY to these foods. It was extremely easy to say "HELLLLLLL NO!" when I read my lab results. I purchase very little of that stuff for my husband - no reason why he should go with out because of my newly found allergies/sensitivities, right?

    TP - now THAT is a good one! I think if my daughter were home (empty nest for 8 months), then yes, I would have to purchase more TP... I drink over 100oz of water throughout the day (my doctors love that!) and my body isnt the only thing getting a workout! LOL!!!! I eat alot of vegetables - big fan of the rabbit food, and that natural fiber is a definite cause for TP-to-increase! LOL So far though, we are saving money with the minus one family member.

    The only thing I think truly has increased is quite honestly the protein-portion of my food bill. But, thanks to great discounts when purchasing bulk, it really does make a difference.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    protein powder has raised the cost of things, esp. with my boyfriend using it too. And buying more fresh veggies and the TP forget about it....we go through that stuff like water. I buy in bulk. You would think that the healthy stuff would be cheaper so mor eppl could eat clean and wouldn't be obese in the first place. Gotta love this country
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Oh my gosh, it has cost me so much money!
    *CLOTHES...I only bought enough to get by as I went down in sizes, but I bet I spent a few hundred! And now I have only a couple pairs of work pants, 1 pair of jeans, a few shirts, etc. that fit...I will have to buy it little by little & build a wardrobe over time because I just don't have the money to buy what I need at one time!!!
    *Exercise gear: running shoes, zumba shoes, HRM, workout clothes, sports bras, new workout clothes & sports bras as I got smaller, Zumba toning sticks, Ipod arm band, lots more small things that add up!
    *Food: protein shakes, much more frequent grocery trips to stock up on produce, try to buy organic on some things when I can, & low-fat varieties of breads, tortillas, granola, cheese, etc. are often more expensive!
    *Laundry: I do twice as much now that I have to wash the regular clothes I wore that day & the workout clothes of the day, AND I don't have as many clothes, so I have to make sure I have clean work clothes or workout clothes to wear the next day!!
    *Gym membership: $60/month for myself & hubby...he is about to have a personal trainer too...no idea how we will make this work but it is needed!
    *Time: I know the workout time has taken away from other things (doing the work I need to be doing at home- to our house & stuff for my job)

    So yes, it has cost way more money than I thought, but it is SO worth it. I will do what it takes to make sure we get & stay healthy in this house!!!

    this^^^^^and what everyone else said. My house is not the cleanest around :embarassed:
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Glad I'm not the only one with the TP problem. LOL As for buying sports bras that's actually something I will probably wind up doing cause bras can get expensive but I can get a three pack from Wal-mart. At least until i hit my goal weight. Thanks for the tip!
  • mmartiandt
    mmartiandt Posts: 17 Member
    Bras are a big problem for me. Sports bras don't come in my size, and as I've lost weight, my bra size has INCREASED! I was already at like a 46g, but now I am a 42h. Bras are expensive at that size!