My Food Diary Help Needed


Would like some opinons on what i am currently eating.

I would to know what other foods i should be eating and whether or not what i'm eating is any good! (I'm not really that keen on red or white meat and also fish, although i do try and eat as much as i can)

I am 136pounds 5ft 7 and am hoping to lose another 6pounds aswell as toning my body. I have up'ed my calorie intake today from 1200 to 1400 as i am excerising more.

Thank you :)


  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    Your diary is not open. Can't view it.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Can't see your diary.
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry 1 sec
  • JamzPurse
    JamzPurse Posts: 66 Member
    Can't see your diary. You need to go to settings and make it public. From the info you have given you need to eat more, up your protein , and do some strength training. You only have a few lbs to lose and you don't need such a large calorie deficit. If you don't like meat or fish try eggs or protein shakes to get your protein in.
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I had a look for you...are you not having the success you are looking for? I can only offer what works for me...I stay away from processed foods all together because it's easy enough to cook healthy fresh food that satisfies you. I personally have to stay away from breads and pasta as well. I do have Melba crackers but never toast or bread as I have found that bread and sugar really make my stomach bloated! It's kind of tough at first but you do lose the craving. My starches are usually boiled new potatoes brown rice...things like that. Sugar for me is from fruit, I know that sounds boring but you will lose the cravings for things with white flour! Load up on good healthy meat (yes, steak is healthy) and fish and then tons of fresh veg!! It fills you up and is low calorie! I love full fat Greek Yoghurt with dried fruit and chopped nuts! (put some honey on if you like)! It's so satisfying! Anyway, none of us are perfect but food should be fresh and unprocessed, it's what your body is designed to eat!! Good luck!!! Add me as a friend if you like, we are all in this together!!!
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member
    Can't see your diary. You need to go to settings and make it public. From the info you have given you need to eat more, up your protein , and do some strength training. You only have a few lbs to lose and you don't need such a large calorie deficit. If you don't like meat or fish try eggs or protein shakes to get your protein in.

    Its open now.
    I am unsure how many calories i should actually be eating, it was at 1200 because i wanted to lose a few pounds quickly. Now i want to tone up/gain muscle and i know i can't be living off 1200 calories if i want to do this.
    Good idea about the protein shakes, i'm having a look into it now!

    Thank you for your help.
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member
    I had a look for you...are you not having the success you are looking for? I can only offer what works for me...I stay away from processed foods all together because it's easy enough to cook healthy fresh food that satisfies you. I personally have to stay away from breads and pasta as well. I do have Melba crackers but never toast or bread as I have found that bread and sugar really make my stomach bloated! It's kind of tough at first but you do lose the craving. My starches are usually boiled new potatoes brown rice...things like that. Sugar for me is from fruit, I know that sounds boring but you will lose the cravings for things with white flour! Load up on good healthy meat (yes, steak is healthy) and fish and then tons of fresh veg!! It fills you up and is low calorie! I love full fat Greek Yoghurt with dried fruit and chopped nuts! (put some honey on if you like)! It's so satisfying! Anyway, none of us are perfect but food should be fresh and unprocessed, it's what your body is designed to eat!! Good luck!!! Add me as a friend if you like, we are all in this together!!!

    I wouldnt say i wasnt having any success, i have lost 10pounds eating this way.
    I just feel i am missing out on the nutrients i need and also undereating!
    What you eat sounds very healthy, i don't think i would be able to part from my bread or pasta though. You must have alot of will power!

    Is your dairy open? It would be good to see what you eat.

    Thank you for your help and good luck :)
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    10 pounds is great!! The trick is to not feel deprived! This is for life changes so we need to eat the foods we like but watch how much! Keep up the good work and remember to pat yourself on the back! My diary is open now but I have to say it's been kinda boring the last few weeks a I have been busy but you are right, I do love healthy food, my downfall is wine!