Starting to run...hate beinf seen



  • JLB05
    JLB05 Posts: 16
    google the Couch 2 5K program. it will gradually build you up to running...
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I'm just beginning to run again and lets be honest, I'm horrible. At this point the most I can do without stopping is 1.1 km.. I run outside, I HATE that others can see me. I mind read about what they must be thinking about me. How do you push yourself to actually go out and run in public? I'm not overweight so I feel I should be expected to be able to run.

    If I were you.. I would concentrate on mind reading their credit card numbers. Or just picture them nekkid. That's what I do. I trip a lot.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I started out at barely a half a mile, and now I can at the most run 5.4. I use to try and run on less public roads, but then eventually I made a whole mile, and then two and before I knew it I was at 5. I am running between 4-5 miles regularly and one day a week I just try to pass my longest.

    Keep plugging along track your progress, own your progress. Be YOUR best, and then beat YOUR best!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I am in awe of runner/joggers of all levels because it takes so much to get out there and do it! I have been twice in a very residential and plan on doing more and dont care what people think. Im doing it for me, not them!
  • rmuskopf
    rmuskopf Posts: 1 Member
    As long as you aren't doing this (, I don't think people pay you as much attention as you think. Although, someone smirked at me once and I wondered why, until I looked down and saw that I hadn't removed the tag from my new jacket. LOL.

    When I picked up running last summer, I had the same problem, so I picked a trail that saw little traffic. Whenever I saw someone coming from behind or ahead of me way down the path, I would slow down to a walk. Fast forward to today, and I'm running over 5 miles and I don't even slow down when I see people. I wave or nod to those I pass, or who pass me; we're all out there to improve ourselves! One guy even shouted encouragement to me today. That feels good.

    Good luck and keep up the hard work!
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Even experienced runners train in intervals (run hard, get a red face, huff and puff) and then recover by walking. Don't think anyone will be judging you! Most other runners are happy to see people getting into the sport and will be cheering you on!
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    I think the only people that really notice other runners are runners - and it's usually just to give each other a little wave or nod.

    Don't worry about what other people think, even if you're the world's worst runner ( I expect I held on to that title for quite a while, now I'm only 2nd worst) you're making positive changes in your life and, believe it or not, your start deriving benefits from practically your first step (same with strength training - your body starts undergoing changes from the 1st workout).

    You wouldn't believe how self conscious I was the first time I ventured out of doors in running tights then it dawned on me - for most people runners are just part of the landscape - we're practically invisible.

    Definitely this...

    Even the best elite runners sometimes look funny for example, Emil Zatopek have a look at his form, even Paula Radcliffe has a funny head bobbing thing going on.
    When I see someone running I'm usually thinking how lucky they are, wish it was me out there. Even if I've just got back from my own run LOL
  • Keep at it, thats how I started!!! Most people are not even paying attention to you, there are always those people but who cares! Just imagine what you will look like soon :-)
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Most people think people pay more attention to them than they really do. Most people just sort of notice you as part of the scenery, unless you are a hot chick...or dude i guess.

    Also, you are running, they are driving by in a car or whatnot, probably eating a cheeseburger or something (at least that is how it is by my favored running spot).

    You are doing something to make yourself better, don't worry what others think...unless of course it's a hot chick ...then just run really fast when you run by her =)
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    Everybody has to start somewhere. People aren't watching you as much as you might think. If they are, it's for the two seconds as they pass you and then you're just another jogger/walker they saw on the road and quickly forgotten. The point is that you're out there changing your life for the better. You're not doing it for the spectators, you're doing it in spite of them and more-so for yourself. Oh, wearing head phones also keeps anybody from trying to talk to you and can help you zone in to your run rather than worrying that people are watching you.
    Love what he said!
    (I also love my running skirts - makes me feel less exposed...)
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    I find that when I run outside, having a hat on helps! It keeps me a little bit anonymous and helps me to focus without the distractions. You might try it. And congrats for getting out there! Just remember - EVERYONE is a beginner at one point!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    My neighbors must think I’m crazy when I run with my ear buds in. If only they can hear my playlist & not just me singing, lol.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Generally, people can't tell how fast/slow you're going just by passing you on the street!!

    I have never had negative thoughts about someone I saw running. Unless they are wearing jeans, then my negative thoughts center mainly around my own experiences with chafing. But I digress...

    I recently started a running group for beginners of all shapes/abilities. Being seen was the NUMBER ONE concern of everyone in the group. For this reason, I picked little-used areas to run. One area we run at is a lakefront. There is a lot of traffic, but it's mostly elderly people taking in the scenery -- they always wave at us as we run by, and I think that makes my friends feel better!

    I've been running for a few years, but I still look like I'm about to pass out when I run. Still, I find that being seen can work to my advantage -- I use my own self-consciousness as a tool and a reason to run with better form, and run faster.

    Good luck!!
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, I see so many replies, I hope mine doesn't get lost to you! Instead of going out and just running flat out until you can't go any further. Start out running in intervals. If you have to, start out at 1/1 or 2/1 and work your way up to 3/1 and 4/1. You'll find yourself running non stop in no time! Don't be self conscious. People are staring because they are thinking to themselves as they watch you 'I really need to get out and do something too!'. The intervals are running then walking. Run1 minute/walk 1 minute, etc. This will build up your lung capacity and allow you to go further! Good luck!
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    LOL! I think I sing BEAUTIFULLY when I run! Not! I think I get out every....third word or so!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    1. I put on headphones and try to ignore them.

    2. I try to wait until no one is on the block I'm on to have a walk break.

    3. I think about what these people who I imagine are staring at me will think when they see my improvement over the next few months. "That running girl I'm always watching? She's sure improved! And her bum looks great...she does *not* look fat in those pants!"
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    ?? unless you live in an exercise crazy state like Colorado, you probably are running more than than most of the local population is capable of. Stop worrying.
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Just do your thang! I started jogging a few months ago and I have nothing but respect for others I see running/jogging. It is hard to get up off your butt and run outside. This goes double to my peeps who are dealing with hot weather and extreme pollen counts.
  • upmihah
    upmihah Posts: 17 Member
    I'm about to start running again, I usually start up again every spring when skiing is done. I live about a block from a beautiful cemetary with hills and ponds, ducks and geese, and the sound of the spring peepers right now makes me smile. So it's a very pleasant atmosphere, I go in the evenings when most people are sitting watching tv. And I just set goals for run/walk. I am too self-conscious also right now to run to the cemetary, but I run when I get there until I can't anymore - then the next day I know I have to go at least that far plus a little bit. Every little bit counts! I still joke with people that I run around the cemetary so that when I drop dead from running, they can just push me off to the side - but really I'm just trying to make myself healthy and keep from becoming a permanent resident as long as possible. Good Luck.
  • Angieee17
    Angieee17 Posts: 17 Member
    Every time I see someone out in public running/jogging/walking I think.. "Wow I should really be doing that!" So I doubt anyone is judging.