Hi Everyone

I just joined this site and am hoping to find friends to join me on this journey :)) I have about 50+ pounds to lose. I'm starting the Jillilan Michaels Body Revolution on Monday...My goal is to check in here often to keep me motivated and on track!!


  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 105
    I have found that it is very helpful to check into this site everyday to log your food and your exercise, that is what keeps me motivated. Also, helps to have friends on here to keep you on track and motivated
  • NL4Me
    NL4Me Posts: 1
    I am new to this site as well. And I also have 50+ lbs to lose. This will be more of a permanent journey for me because I don't only want to lose the excess weight but to live a more healthier lifestyle. Just about all of my sister-in-laws live a "Eating Clean" lifestyle and I have seen their lives transformed by doing it. So that is what I have chosen for myself. So...the journey begins. Now..just to get more recipe's put together. I would be more than happy to join along with you in a journey together! : )