Exercise Ideas..safe for me to jog?

graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
I have mild COPD.
I currently cycle regularly, including hills, for anything up to 3 hours at a time and manage ok, albeit breathless on the long hills.
I really love the idea of jogging but am worried I will find it harder going.

Any ideas if it is going to be harder on my lungs than cycling up hills?

Just getting a bit bored of always cycling, I need other exercise that will help keep my weight down by burning calories.


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't see why you couldn't as long as you take precautions.

    I am asthmatic, and I walk/jog 3x a week and haven't had an issue despite having had bronchitis from September-Christmas last year. I make sure that I take my maintenance meds, and keep my rescue inhaler in my gym bag, just in case. It has taken me 7 weeks to get up to 3 miles in an hour, but I feel good.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    You NEED to ask your doctor, not a bunch of random people who have NO IDEA about the implications of pulmonary diseases.
  • MommyBea
    MommyBea Posts: 84
    You NEED to ask your doctor, not a bunch of random people who have NO IDEA about the implications of pulmonary diseases.

    I agree you should def ask ur doctor...just to be 100% safe =)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    it goes without saying that you should check with your doctor before making big changes in your activity level if you have a chronic condition. The OP says that she already bikes for up to 3 hours at a time....
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    Jogging will be quite a bit harder, but 3 hours of cycling is pretty good. Do you have a portable pulse oximeter that gives you an O2 saturation reading?

    There are methods like pursed lipped breathing that may help you when you are running, you may find you do a similar thing now, either being aware of doing it, or naturally as it help you breathe (ie keeping the pressure in the lungs higher and slowing the closure of the smaller airways).

    The other option is to try out a treadmill first, use it at different speeds and monitor your levels of dizzyness/shortness of breath and get your groove before heading out there. You could do that in a safe environment such as a gym or at home if you rent a treadmill first.

    Also, performing some airway clearance techniques before you go for a jog, or during may help if you are having excess mucus secretions from the COPD, so some ACBT or pep/bottle pep if you are familiar with those?
  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    But 100% agree with discussing with your GP first.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Thanks, will check with my gp though he seems to think all exercise is good for me. I don't actually use inhalors or produce mucus ( unless I have an infection) . No wheezing or anything like that. And my oxygen came out at 99 when checked the other day. I am over the expected % for my age in some areas, but below in the test of how much I exhale in 60 seconds. So inhaling enough air isn't the issue for me, it is the exhaling part, lol.

    I have been considering joining a gym with a swimming pool to try out on a treadmill first anyway, but nothing could beat the feeling of jogging in the fresh air around our local common. Shall try the gym for a month and see how I go.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    If you do decide to start jogging, make sure you are careful and take small steps (not literally). I don't have any medical condition, but always had trouble breathing properly when running. I started with C25k about 6 weeks ago, and actually didn't run into that problem. I've switched to a 10k program since and did 9k yesterday. Intervals of 5min run, 1 min walk, and didn't even have a stitch in my side.
    You may need to progress more slowly than others, but if your doc says it's ok, go for it.

    Good luck :smile: