Why am I Still Hungry??

I have been trying to follow the limits and guidelines of the Food Diary, but lately I have been going over. My problem is that I'm still hungry, even after eating what should be enough. I thought that maybe it was because I was eating the wrong kinds of food, but I have been very careful in watching what I eat. I try to have a little variety, so that I get the right types of nutrients, but I don't know what else I should be eating. Then I thought maybe it's because I'm not eating enough. But according to the limits set for me on MFP, I actually went over. So now, I'm at a loss.

Here is a breakdown of what I usually eat during the day:
Breakfast - something small like an Equate Ultra Weight Loss Shake, a Bagel, or small bowl of cereal w/ fat free milk, etc.
Snack (around 9:00/9:30am) - I heard it's a good idea to eat small throughout the day, plus I usually get very hungry mid-morning, so I'll have a Nutri-Grain bar, Quaker Oatmeal bar, or other type of granola bar.
Lunch - a sandwhich (PB&J, Turkey/Ham w/ or w/o a slice of cheese and miracle whip, or other type of sandwhich) on wheat bread. Then I'll have something small like an apple, granola bar, cheese stick, carrot, etc. And a bottled water.
Snack (around 3pm) - once again, eat something small to keep my body going throughout the day like a carrot(s), granola bar, etc.
Dinner - I try to keep it light, but this is when I'm most hungry, so it's hard. I tend to eat a lot of meat, but it's lean. I'll often times have rice, corn, cottage cheese, etc. as a side.

I try to eat according to serving size, but sometimes I'm just still hungry. Is this normal, should I just let the hunger pass because my body is adjusting to eating less? Or should I eat until I actually feel full? Not stuffed, just satisfied. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to why this is, and how I should go about dealings with it.

Thank you!


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    How much water are you drinking? I drink 8+ glasses a day and on somedays still feel hungry in between meals/snacks - but more water should help you! Good luck!
  • ajl7053
    ajl7053 Posts: 3
    Water. Lots, and lots, and lots of it. You might actually be thirsty and not know. I try to eat snacks that include dairy, 1 oz cheese, or yogurt. That seems to hold me over for longer than say veggies and is lower on the carb count. Good luck!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Just an idea, try eating more whole foods. It sounds like you eat a lot of processed food, which isn't too filling, and usually relatively calorie heavy. For example, for breakfast, instead of a bagel or a shake (neither very filling, both full of calories, I imagine?) Try having some oatmeal with fresh berries and a little vanilla yogurt, and scrambled eggs. You can esily keep a breakfast like this under 300cal, and I guarantee you'll be quite stuffed :)

    The other thing I like to do is always carry a baggie of cut up raw veggies with me. I eat them almost all day, even when I'm not hungry, just to keep me frolm stuffing other things in my mouth haha.

    Just ideas :)
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Are you eating enough protein. It stays with you longer. It sounds like there are a lot of carbs in your meals. Make sure they are whole grains but definitely up the protein
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    I had been going through the same problem until I added fiber to my diet.I put metamucil in whatever I am drinking before I eat and it helps me stay full. I also noticed I get fuller faster (it also helps keep things moving):wink:
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    Try adding more vegetables, they are low on calories and will help fill you up. You could cut up some and bring little bags of veg to work for your snacks. Make sure half your plate at dinner is veg or salad.
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    I am with them on the water. Our bodies often mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you are drinking a lot throughout the day. I carry a bottle of water with me where ever I go.

    Also some food ideas, I find that if I'm really hungry at the end of the day I eat a lot of veggies. Like half a plate with my meals and that fills me up. Or broth based soups are also very filling like chicken noodle, or minestrone. Try that, it helps me a lot.
  • jackienelson24
    I heard that if you eat the bulk of your food in the morning when your metabolism is faster its better. So, try your hardest to eat protein...eggs, in the morning it will help with the mid morning craving.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Are you getting enough fat in your diet?

    Like olive oil, or the kind that comes in fresh avocados?

    Fats are very 'filling' and leave you satisfied.
  • amandadaisylotus
    Are you positive you're using the right serving sizes? If you don't have one, I suggest getting a digital scale. I used to underestimate my food waaaay too much. It's much easier to be accurate with a scale.

    I got mine from target for $30
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Watch what kind of carbs you're eating. Are they whole grain, fiber filled, processed as little as possible? Try to always have some protein with your meal/snacks also as they last longer and help fill you up. I like Kraft 2% string cheese, cottage cheese, along with fruit or wheat thins/crackers, or peanut butter with whole wheat bread.

    Raw veggies to fill up on, protein to keep you going and carbs for instant gratification :happy: Oh, and a little fat for flavor!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Spread more protein and whole grains through out the day. It seems like you eat a lot of carbs, which don't stick with you. Fiber helps, and lots of fresh raw veggies. Good luck! :happy:
  • twingle08
    I agree with the above post. You should do something to include protein in every meal - including snacks. 12 almonds with a couple of cheese strings is a great first snack in the morning and then a piece of fruit and some yogurt with flax seed added is a great second snack. I think a bigger breakfast will also make a difference. Oatmeal, eggs are great choices. I often make scrambled eggs and throw 1/3 cup of pureed spinach in - they are green as green can be but they also get the veggies started right away in the morning! They are easy to do the night before so if you are rushed in the morning you can heat and go!
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I find that if I work in protein early in the day, I eat better throughout the day.

    I used just eat cereal and carbs before noon (because that was what sounded good) but then I was just hungry all the time, and would gorge at lunch and then I would eat sugar in the afternoon to recover from that.

    Once I started focusing on getting in some protein and fiber at each meal, it lessened the peaks and valleys in my appetite.
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    I concur with those who have said that you might be eating alotta processed foods that have high cals and low volume, with not much staying power. Also, limit the meat that you consume to 2-4 oz, roughly the size and thickness of the palm of your hand (YOUR hand, not your 6'5" bf! lol!!!).

    Try to eat more whole foods such as fruits and veggies and, with everything, add some flax seed meal. Fill up your plate with them! For instance, this morning I had 4 oz of tuna (water packed), half cup of fresh blackberries, half of a fresh peach, and a cup of honeydew melon cubes. I arranged it nicely on a plate and put a tablespoon of Flax USA Cold Milled Flax Seed Meal. I dipped each piece of fruit in the flax. YUM!!!! This, along with 20 oz of water and 16 oz of my fave black coffee, keeps me until snack time. (a bit of protein and fresh veggies/fruit) All this for less than 300 cals!

    Yesterday, I had the most filling salad for lunch ever!! A plate full of chopped romaine lettuce, sliced cucumber, sliced tomatoes, sliced avocado, sliced red bell pepper (has more Vitamin C than any citrus!), a cup of low fat cottage cheese, 1/4 cup of Trader Joe's Thai Lime Cashews, and the juice of one lemon, arranged beautifully on the plate to give eye appeal. Ohhhhh MYYYYY GOSHHHH!! I could barely eat it all and was satisfied until dinner!!! The cottage cheese, lemon, and cashews give more flavor to everything. (btw, I try to eat more cals before the afternoon, with dinner being my smallest meal of the day)

    Check out http://www.zonediet.com. I'm not advocating any particular "diet plan" however, it's just plain good sense, for life!

    All the best to you on your journey, Gorgeous!!

    Susie :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Try adding more vegetables, they are low on calories and will help fill you up. You could cut up some and bring little bags of veg to work for your snacks. Make sure half your plate at dinner is veg or salad.

    +++++ :smile:

    This is what I do. A big bowl of lettuce/tomato salad is like 40 calories. A whole cucumber is 15 calories. A cup of broccoli? 30! Want something sweet? Fresh raw bing cherries are about 70 calories for a whole cup! (We go thru 3 or 4 pounds a week in my house).

    Skip that PB&J and stick with the turkey sandwich and that'll save you enough calories to eat a bushel-basket full of fresh veggie-goodies and you'll be stuffed and still have calories to spare. :happy:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Watch this - here's my day. I'm doing about 2000 cals a day (and I work hard at elliptical and freeweights to earn that much :wink: ). Now look how much food this is for less than 1800.

    Bananas - Raw, 0.5 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 53 13 0 1 0 1 remove
    Holiday Pantry 2% Milk - Milk, 1 cup 130 13 5 8 20 0 remove
    Kellogg's - Raisin Bran Extra, 1 cup 190 44 3 5 0 350 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 373 70 8 14 20 351
    Morning snack
    Cherries - Sweet, raw, 2 cup, with pits, yields 147 37 0 2 0 0 remove
    Coffee - Brewed from grounds, 2 cup (8 fl oz) 5 0 0 1 0 9 remove
    Walmart Bakery - French Bread, 0.05 th (3 slices) 60 12 1 3 0 140 remove
    Peanut butter - Chunk style, with salt, 2 tbsp 188 7 16 8 0 156 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 400 56 17 14 0 305
    Subway - Provolone Cheese, 2 half circles 50 0 4 4 10 125 remove
    Bananas - Raw, 1 small (6" to 6-7/8" long) 90 23 0 1 0 1 remove
    Great Value - Baked Ham Sliced, 1 slice (28 g) 30 0 1 5 15 320 remove
    Great Value (Walmart) - Sliced Honey Turkey Breast, 1 slice 30 0 1 5 15 340 remove
    Walmart - Italian Bakery Bread, 0.075 of a loaf (46 g) 90 18 0 4 0 210 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 290 41 6 19 40 996
    Afternoon snack
    Kellog's - Special K Bar -- Chocolatey Drizzle, 1 bar 90 17 2 1 0 105 remove
    Peaches - Raw, 1 small (2" dia) (approx 5 per lb) 31 8 0 1 0 0 remove
    Generic - Apple, Red Delicious, 1 medium (154g) 80 14 0 0 0 1 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 201 39 2 2 0 106
    Pork - Fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless, lean only, cooked, broiled, 100 g 166 0 4 30 76 251 remove
    Cabbage - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 0.25 head 69 14 1 3 0 25 remove
    Potatoes - Mashed, home-prepared, whole milk and margarine added, 0.5 cup 119 18 4 2 1 350 remove
    Walmart - Italian Bakery Bread, 1/10 of a loaf (46 g) 120 24 1 5 0 280 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 474 56 10 40 77 906
    Late snack
    Dole - Bing Cherries - Fresh, 1 cup 57 13 1 1 0 5 remove
    Add Food Remember Meal 57 13 1 1 0 5
    Total: 1,795 275 44 90 137 2,669
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Try adding more vegetables, they are low on calories and will help fill you up. You could cut up some and bring little bags of veg to work for your snacks. Make sure half your plate at dinner is veg or salad.

    +++++ :smile:

    This is what I do. A big bowl of lettuce/tomato salad is like 40 calories. A whole cucumber is 15 calories. A cup of broccoli? 30! Want something sweet? Fresh raw bing cherries are about 70 calories for a whole cup! (We go thru 3 or 4 pounds a week in my house).

    Skip that PB&J and stick with the turkey sandwich and that'll save you enough calories to eat a bushel-basket full of fresh veggie-goodies and you'll be stuffed and still have calories to spare. :happy:

    Excellent advice!!! <smile!>
  • mcohan
    mcohan Posts: 116 Member
    I have been trying to follow the limits and guidelines of the Food Diary, but lately I have been going over. My problem is that I'm still hungry, even after eating what should be enough. I thought that maybe it was because I was eating the wrong kinds of food, but I have been very careful in watching what I eat. I try to have a little variety, so that I get the right types of nutrients, but I don't know what else I should be eating. Then I thought maybe it's because I'm not eating enough. But according to the limits set for me on MFP, I actually went over. So now, I'm at a loss.

    Here is a breakdown of what I usually eat during the day:
    Breakfast - something small like an Equate Ultra Weight Loss Shake, a Bagel, or small bowl of cereal w/ fat free milk, etc.
    Snack (around 9:00/9:30am) - I heard it's a good idea to eat small throughout the day, plus I usually get very hungry mid-morning, so I'll have a Nutri-Grain bar, Quaker Oatmeal bar, or other type of granola bar.
    Lunch - a sandwhich (PB&J, Turkey/Ham w/ or w/o a slice of cheese and miracle whip, or other type of sandwhich) on wheat bread. Then I'll have something small like an apple, granola bar, cheese stick, carrot, etc. And a bottled water.
    Snack (around 3pm) - once again, eat something small to keep my body going throughout the day like a carrot(s), granola bar, etc.
    Dinner - I try to keep it light, but this is when I'm most hungry, so it's hard. I tend to eat a lot of meat, but it's lean. I'll often times have rice, corn, cottage cheese, etc. as a side.

    I try to eat according to serving size, but sometimes I'm just still hungry. Is this normal, should I just let the hunger pass because my body is adjusting to eating less? Or should I eat until I actually feel full? Not stuffed, just satisfied. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to why this is, and how I should go about dealings with it.

    Thank you!

    make sure you give yourself something that you are craving....whether it be junk, or red meat or something that you really want to satisfy you. you know what i mean? also, eat dinner early and then go for a walk or something so whatever you eat will be burned off before you go to sleep.
  • leah4185
    YOU'RE EATING ANIMAL PRODUCTS!!! Yuck! They're terrible for you and make you hungry. I know, I used to be a dairy addict.

    Read "Skinny *****" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. That book will totally enlighten you. In fact, everyone should read it.