Morning metabolism Kickstarters?



  • turbophoenix
    My stomach is a little weird in the morning. If I wake up too early, sometimes it doesn't want to deal with food so a heavy breakfast is out of the question. If I'm feeling like that, I'll usually just have a light smoothie or maybe some yogurt with berries and granola. Other times, I might just have some coffee and eat my AM snack earlier than usual.
  • jleslie66
    jleslie66 Posts: 31
    Have an apple or other piece of fruit. My idea is to have something in your stomach for your body to begin the digesting process. you need to "break" your fast. I think if you eats a little something every couple hours, your metabolism keeps running and will burn calories.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Have an apple or other piece of fruit. My idea is to have something in your stomach for your body to begin the digesting process. you need to "break" your fast. I think if you eats a little something every couple hours, your metabolism keeps running and will burn calories.

    There's a link about half way up the page that addresses this. You should check it out as it could potentially provide you with some additional dietary freedom.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I did check it out. cheers
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I am not a breakfast person but I have been trying more so this is what I doL

    I make an open faced breakfast sandwich:

    I use 1 slice of Sara Lee "45 and delightful" bread...each slice is 45 calories
    1 egg
    1 piece of turkey bacon
    That comes out to 150....

    Sometimes i add a half serving of cheese (bringing the total up to 205) which still isn't a bad start for the day.

    If you have time restrictions, you can make the turkey bacon the night before. You can also buy a "egg" pan, I put the egg in and it cooks it perfectly, no flipping or watching required!
  • Breezedew
    Breezedew Posts: 134 Member
    If I eat a big breakfast I'm starving by lunch. But I have to eat to take my medicine or I'll get sick.

    I have a few favs. I love 1 tablespoon of Justins Maple Almond butter and a banana or light rye wassa bread with a slice of cheese or Fiber One 90 calorie bar or String cheese with a sliced apple or cucumber.

    I'm not sure what to think about not eating anything at all, but for me if I don't eat the little bit that I do, I find I really overeat at lunch and am not satisfied with single portions.

    If I am hungry for breakfast, I eat "dinner" for breakfast and then usually have cereal for dinner. I find I like the taste of Morning Star Spicy Black Bean burgers and cheese better for me in the AM, it's the same way with string cheese. It's like my taste buds are tired at the end of the day, the string cheese tastes like rubber. . HaHa But that might just be me.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    since i started ive just been having a sanatarium vive up & go.
    or some low cal yogurt,

    but i dont get as hungry for the rest of the day if i have nothing.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Do what works for you love.
    The only reason that people highly recommend eating breakfast, is because some breakfast-skippers are ravenous by lunch time, and will most likely overeat. It is also because some people may not be naturally energetic enough to cope without some a.m. fuel.

    I know I'm not worth being around if I haven't had my brekky!!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Do what works for you love.
    The only reason that people highly recommend eating breakfast, is because some breakfast-skippers are ravenous by lunch time, and will most likely overeat. It is also because some people may not be naturally energetic enough to cope without some a.m. fuel.

    I know I'm not worth being around if I haven't had my brekky!!

    this is all good to know, always had to drummed into me that you 'have' to eat breakfast. breafast makes me feel bloated for the morming and hungrier at lunch time.. I feel heaps better if i dont have it or just have something really light like a small yogurt or even just a juice or a coffee
  • skatters
    skatters Posts: 48
    I agree with eating breakfast in the mornings. Maybe it doesn't kick start your metabolism... but it gives you energy and gets you day started off on the right foot.

    That being said, sometimes I am just not hungry for breakfast. On those days, I will usually have a yogurt, or a banana. Hard boiled eggs are good and fast. If I have a banana I try to pair it with string cheese, Or you can make the egg in a mug... scrambled eggs in the microwave.

    I don't remember anyone saying you had to have a big breakfast...
  • LoveLivingHealthy
    Oatmeal (or Steel cut oats) is a great way to start off your day. The kind you cook, not the instant. It has fiber, protein, iron and it will boost your metabolism but still hold you over until lunch time. I swear by oatmeal. lol.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Skipping breakfast is perfectly fine. The metabolic effect from feeding is calorie based anyways. The idea of breakfast "boosting" your metabolism is basically a myth.

    this goes against everything i have ever heard ?

    Me too! I've always been told the exact opposite!!!!
  • BetrayedBeauty
    Amazingly done article, and it addresses this very well. I've always wondered the same as to whether the metabolism is higher or lower as per caloric intake and times of the day. My husband is on a different work shift than I am, so we always would question the validity of "eating breakfast is a must to start the day." Thank you for the link :D
  • billthekill
    but i dont get as hungry for the rest of the day if i have nothing.

    This is true for me too. I usually don't have my 1st meal till around 1:00 pm.
    Not eating breakfest make appetite control 10x easier for me (Individual experience varies of course).

    If you are one of those "hate breakfest" type of person, go with the flow of your body and don't eat breakfest.
    Contrary to outdated information, NOTHING BAD will happen from skipping breakfest.