I'm debating....

I'm exercising at home like crazy but I got an offer from a local gym to do a month by month prepay for only $19.99 a month and 3 Free hour long sessions with a personal trainer per week. It's a very nice facility and highly respected gym in my community.

Which do you prefer: Workout at home (or Neighborhood) or going to the gym? Why?

I don't have a problem working out in front of people so I could really care less about that. :)

Let's talk. :)


  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    Home. Going to the gym can turn a 30 minute workout into 2 hours. Driving, parking, changing, showering...

    Sure, they have all the equipment, and that is a benefit, but I've had 3 gym memberships in the past and they're just not worth it for me.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I don't belong to a gym just because I don't really have a nice one close to my house that I could go to enough to make it worth while. I did belong to a very nice gym before but it is 25 minutes out of my way to go there after work. It isn't really convenient for me especially with gas prices going up the way they are, I just couldn't justify to myself to do it. But, if yours was convenient and for only $19.99 a month, I probably would do it.
    I do great with videos in my house, I also when the weather is nice like to be outside and exercise.
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Gym, definitely. More motivation when I see those fitter than myself.

    Also, more machines for strength, and for cardio I like adding numbers to the work outs since I don't have a HRM.

    Strength machines for a good range of resistance (especially ab machines).
  • anewton04
    anewton04 Posts: 9 Member
    I prefer home workouts or running/walking outside. I think it is just more convenient to workout at home.
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I go to a gym so I have access to things like weight machines, trainers (haven't used though but have access to), etc. I also don't have a whole lot of room in my house to get really active. And part of me has always felt a bit silly working out to a DVD.

    But, yesterday, I did set up a simple home gym. I had finally got my basement cleaned back up, and realized that although I don't have a whole lot of room I have some. I put down rubber mats (had ripped the carpet out a few years ago), pulled out the yoga mat, some 3 lb weights, the step, and the wii balance board. Got everything set up and as pretty as I could make it.

    I did do some wii sports boxing, wii fit, and wii fit+ yesterday at home before heading to the gym.

    I was planning to today I'll try one of the new DVDs I got last week.

    Although, now, I'm thinking about digging the bike out of the garage and going for a ride.
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    I would so take up that offer. What a great deal. I use to be a member of Curves here in my town and I LOVED it. The only problem was once we had kids it was hard due to my husband working nights and I work days. So then I had to start looking for a babysitter. If I had the chance I would rather do it in the gym BUT I do all mine at home and I'm fine with that. I say go for the offer!!! lol
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I do both...I like to mix things up and keep my body guessing
    I mostly go to the gym hit the treadmill or elliptical and use the weight machines
    but if I'm at home I'll pop in a dvd or just do free weights and floor exercises on my own
    but my favourite exercise is taking my dog and going for a run outside on a hot sunny day :)
  • christinekojack
    christinekojack Posts: 96 Member
    Gym, definitely. More motivation when I see those fitter than myself.

    Also, more machines for strength, and for cardio I like adding numbers to the work outs since I don't have a HRM.

    Strength machines for a good range of resistance (especially ab machines).
    I also prefer the gum for the same reasons,, that sounds like a really good deal,, i'd grab it!!!
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    I like working out at home but only because I have kids, so I can't leave for the gym unless my hubby is home, and then I don't have motivation to want to leave, I always felt guilty taking family time away from them (my hubby works 50- 70 hrs a week, shift work)

    Even before I had kids, I just never had motivation to have to drive to a gym. My friend goes 4 days a week and Im so jealous of all the fun classes she has to do, and from time to time I think about wanting to join, but then realize I'm just the type that would probably never make it.

    I think if you have the extra money, and you will make time to go then it's a great thing :)
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    Home. Going to the gym can turn a 30 minute workout into 2 hours. Driving, parking, changing, showering...

    Sure, they have all the equipment, and that is a benefit, but I've had 3 gym memberships in the past and they're just not worth it for me.

    It takes me between 10 and 20 minutes to get to the gym. Mine is never very crowded. And I have several friends who go to he same one. We don't always plan to go together, but we often end up there at the same time, so that is nice.

    Mine also includes unlimited tanning (in my premium package) which now that the weather is changing I'll start taking advantage of.
  • smb17
    smb17 Posts: 14 Member
    Why not try a month and see? I actually do both. I belong to a gym that is close to work where I do treadmill, elliptical, yoga, spin, and body defined (combo strength/cardio) classes and workouts. On weekends I do Jillian DVDs and, if it's nice out, walking or biking. I find that mixing it up helps keep me from getting bored.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I do a little of both, but I primarily workout at the gym. I like getting out of the house, so its not a problem.
  • danapellerin
    danapellerin Posts: 34 Member
    I personally hate the gym. It takes too long to get my things together then drive there and then have to wait for machines, etc. I find that if I don't come home from work and go directly into my workout, then it will never get done.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    I would definitely give it a shot. That sounds like an awesome deal! And since it's month by month you're not losing anything if you decide that you don't like it. I always go to the gym- I take yoga and they have a cardio room and a weight room that I use. I also work harder when I know there are other people watching me. It's also easier for me to stay longer and stick with it because I put in the time to get myself there, whereas at home my couch is just a few steps away. Good luck with your decision!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    That's a really great deal-- the gym I am planning to go to is $90/month and that's a student rate. I think it depends on the discipline that you have-- if you can get to the gym it's great b/c it can become a place you "go to" rather than get distracted at home. I find home videos boring, personally- so I prefer the gym. But they are good to have a round for days you don't feel like getting out. Also-- you should definitely take advantage of the personal trainer - and be strict with them- just because it's included in the price doesn't mean they shouldn't give you the same as someone paying for a personal trainer-- have them set up a workout for you.
  • MyTimeMyYear
    MyTimeMyYear Posts: 12 Member
    Gym, keep you motivated, honest and work with a trainer - holds you accountable....:bigsmile:
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I go to the YMCA. It's about 50 a month and it includes: water aerobics, lap swim, sauna, classes, and more... But honestly one of the most important thing is the child care :)! I get 1.5 hours free a day :)..... If I stayed at home I would get side tracked chasing the kids! I go 5 dys a week and think it is worth my money :)
  • Lost_Mermaid
    I would go to a gym if I could, but I have to work out at home :(
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Gym. I don't have the money to drop on the amount of equipment I currently use in my gym. It would cost me about $600+ for the power rack and a good barbell alone.
  • Captian_Dathon
    ^^;; I'm a little too poor for the gym!

    I think I'd be too discouraged if I went to the gym, anyway, surrounded by people already far ahead of me!
    I mean, I know generally people are kind and inviting and could share helpful fitness tips, but that doesn't stop my social anxiety!