Anyone want to give up candy/chocolate with me?



  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I did a carb detox the 1st of the year. It was 2 week and the only carbs I could have were fruits and veggies. No breads, No Oatmeal and no Pasta. Of course no sweets either. I decided it was going so well I went 1 extra week. I totally lost my cravings for breads and sweets. It's amazing. I would give it a try. I'll be happy to email you the diet I did. It's tough the 1st week and gets easier the 2nd week and by the end of the 3rd you'll have a new attitude.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I've given up chocolate for Lent and so far it has NOT been easy! I'd be more than happy to help you out, as I know what those dreaded chocolate cravings are like!
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    This is how bad I am with sweets. As I was reading your post- I was thinking- Yes, this would be good for me to do too as I am a sugar addict and I even go to a 12 step meeting for it. So, I went into the kitchen and tried to find all the chocolate I could eat, because I was going to quit sugar- what a total addict I am. I couldn't find anything sweet, so I decided if I wanted to really change I need to change right now, so I actually grabbed a piece of fruit. I have a bunch of valentine chocolate downstairs in the cold storage room, so if I can stay away from there I will be fine.

    I have been doing P90x since January. That is 6 weeks of intense exercising and I haven't lost a bit of weight or lost any inches. I am 100% sure it is because of my diet of sweets that I have been hoarding and stuffing myself with. I may go a few days without sugar, but once I taste it I lose control and can't stop myself. It's bad. My brother is an alcoholic and it's like I am too, but with sugar.

    So, what do I do? I actually went Vegan last February for a whole month and I also went sugar free for that month. I felt great! But after the month was over I went back to all my bad habits of just a little bit- well we all know that doesn't work. Can an alcoholic just have a little bit?

    I am going down to Arizona next week and I am not liking how I am looking. I need to change and maybe this little support group will help me too.

    My name is Tiffany and I am a sugar addict!
  • mockingbird2081
    mockingbird2081 Posts: 2 Member
    I have done so well with sweets until Christmas and since then I have struggled with the cravings for them. I am with you and would love the added support from others. So I am pledging to give up ice cream, candy, chocolate, and store bought candy. The only "sweet" thing I can have is frozen berries (love those).