I'm not sure of my goal.

I've been doing MFP for four week and I've lost 9 lbs. I'm really happy about that. I'm not sure if my goal weight is right. I'm 5'9" and started at 187 and am currently 178. My goal is 160, but I'm sure if it's low enough. Is there any guy out here that is about my size that could help?


  • hi

    Have you tried using the BMI calculator found by clicking on the tools tab?
  • defyallodds
    defyallodds Posts: 21 Member
    sometimes bmi's arent accurate and it would be best if you aimed for a body fat % so that you don't focus too much on weight and you can focus more on how healthy you feel and how healthy you are eating. that's great on the 9lb weight loss so far!
  • Yes, but BMI's aren't perfect. If your BMI was 23.6 (which I would be at that size) you might not be happy with how you looked. I was looking of more personal experience than "find the magic calculator" if that makes sense.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    try this: http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ibw/

    find out your body fat by going here:


    its not exact, but it should give you a good idea.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I'm not a guy, but this is what i did. I set my 'big' goal at 140, and when i get there i will re-evaluate. I might like it there, i might want more. I won't know until i get there. You can always adjust as you go.