2 weeks and only .6lbs lost. What am I doing wrong?

I do cardio 40mins 6 days a week and think I'm eating all my calories. What am I doing wrong?


  • mmtschan
    mmtschan Posts: 15 Member
    I won't give up because I love how much more healthy I feel. But I want some kind of weight loss too... I'm 147 and would love to be 135 by the summer.
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Maybe too much sodium? I don't know your diary is closed so I can't give much advice XD
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    First, do you have a hrm? Because if y are going by what mfp says you burn don't. They grossly overestimate and you are probably eating back way to much!

    Could be sodium as was mentioned as well. Or if it's close to your Tom then that also effects it greatly.
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    As you don't have very much weight to lose, your body can't (and shouldn't) drop weight all that fast, so a half a pound a week is a good goal. The first week it's not unusual to see no loss/a slight gain. Keep the faith! See where you are after a month. Expecting instant results is what keeps people yo-yoing
  • What type of cardio are you doing and how many calories are you consuming?
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    do you drink a lot of water?? could be water weight.. if you open your diary we could help :smile:
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Can't really advise you when your diary is closed.
  • mmtschan
    mmtschan Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not sure how to do that. Lemme check. I usually drink 12cups a day. I feel like I'm drowning half the time
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    You're probably gaining a lot of muscle. Try altering your routine--like maybe slightly more calories one day and different types of exercise. Usually that helps me push through a plateau. But keep going!
  • J3nnaRad
    J3nnaRad Posts: 1
    Are you doing strength training? If you're only two weeks in I wouldn't worry much. It took me five months to lose 15 pounds so I can't stress patience enough!!
  • mmtschan
    mmtschan Posts: 15 Member
    got it
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Take all your starting measurements...waist, hips, thighs, etc. Sometimes the scale doesn't move but the inches do...
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    I think 3 lbs a month average is pretty damn good. Just focus on keeping it up. l Iassume people who lose more are heavier than you so in percentage terms its similar to a smaller loss on a smaller body.
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    doh I meant 3lbs a week!
  • deedaltz
    deedaltz Posts: 28 Member
    It really great that you do a lot of cardio but using the weight machines at the gym actually helps you burn more fat. Even if its just a couple of days a week it will change up your routine and your muscles will be working in different ways. I good way to start is low weight/high reps where your last couple of reps should be hardest for you to do. If its not hard to do those last two reps try adding a little more weight. =)
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    What kind of cardio, and what intensity level? 4 hours a week (6x40 min) should get you around a pound lost at very high intensity (3500 cal in a pound, burning just under 900 cal/hour is pretty intense activity). Of course if you eat all calories back then there is no loss. Sodium can play a big role, I can "put" on over 4 pounds in one day just by eating at the local mexican restaurant. (And lose it all over the next two days as the sodium level balances and causes less water to be retained).

    Also, as some said, MFP "burn" rate is way off. Do yourself a favor, and put in half of what they say. (If you are wrong in the wrong direction, at least it comes back as a nice surprise of extra loss).
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    I would advise to track sodium :) Subway has a lot of sodium in it, not saying you shouldn't have it, because I love subway and I eat it too :D But I notice on days/weeks that I am close or over on sodium I lose next to nothing :\ I try to be under at least few days prior to weigh in, the more the better.

    And as was suggested above .5 pounds a week with such a small amount to lose is good. It might seem like a lot to you, but it's healthy at that point I think to lose .5 a week :)
  • I just started keeping track of *inches* as well as pounds. I'm obviously gaining muscle which weighs more 'cuz the numbers are going DOWN on the inches although the pounds are going down slow. Glad to hear you're feeling good....that's part of the main goal, don't you think?
  • HeavyEd
    HeavyEd Posts: 2 Member
    "Think" you're eating your calories? KNOW, put every thing you put in your mouth into the foods. I was talking to a friend who was exercising vigorously. When I had her list what she ate, she ate half her daily calories during breakfast.

    Also, it's very common that as you start exercising, you replace fat with more dense muscle. You loer inches, not pounds Do you find your clothes looser?
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    You're probably gaining a lot of muscle.

    In a week or two? Not likely.