I think I need to break up with my scale

I usually weigh every morning when I first wake up. I've been maintaining my current weight (within 2-3 lbs up or down) for the past couple of months. I find that instead of celebrating my workout victories (longest run to date at 7.33 miles yesterday) I obsess over the fact that the scale is up 2lbs since yesterday and freak out that I ate ice cream with caramel sauce last night which put me over my calories by 100 or so. It's dumb and I KNOW that a day or two slightly over calories isn't going to cause me to magically gain a few pounds but it's still my first thought.I think I need to break up with my scale for daily use and make a plan to only weigh in on certain days. Anyone else having the same problem? Frustrated and looking for support/advice I guess. :( Thanks guys.


  • coopersmom2006
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I could have written pretty much that exact thing, lol (except the 7 mile run, NICE!). Perhaps I'll join you in stopping weighing every morning.
  • turbophoenix
    I used to weigh every morning and put it in a spreadsheet so I could keep track of various things that might be affecting my weight (TOM, sodium intake, lack of sleep, etc.) It was helpful at first, but then I started obsessing and it became a real problem. Especially because when I'd see lots of gains I'd just give up and let the whole plan go down the tubes.

    For a while, I had my husband hide the scale and I only used the one at the gym and only allowed myself to weigh on Fridays. I use my scale at home again now but stil just weigh on Fridays.
  • coopersmom2006
    Glad I'm not alone. Maybe we need a support group? LOL. I'm trying to build muscle/shed the rest of the fat on my abs so I shouldn't concentrate on the scale as much I guess. Man, this is going to be hard. I think I should tell hubby to hide it or something so I won't be tempted!
  • Splashlove
    I'm done with the scale for now, I'm only going to go visit her once a week for now on because this up and down everyday is depressing. I did start taking measurements too, every week or so (just started) but I think that will hopefully show some more improvement vs the actual lbs.
  • jkb1129
    jkb1129 Posts: 45 Member
    It seems that quite a few people on MFP have banished scales completely, and instead base success off of things like inches lost and how their clothes fit, which are TRUE measures of success. I can't quite bring myself to do this since I do get satisfaction in seeing the numbers drop on the scale, but I only weigh in once a week. I know others who only weigh in once every two weeks. Your weight fluctuates too much on a daily basis to really get value from daily weigh-ins. Plus it adds needless frustration! If you haven't started taking your measurements yet I would suggest doing that. Some people don't lose a lot of weight but they do lose a lot of inches, which is very encouraging to see!
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    I have been through this many times and in the end I did brake up with my scales and it was the best thing I ever did. I would constantly weigh myself daily and feel awful if the scales went up even by the slightest instead of down. I now weigh myself once a week and am much happier about it as it always moves down at the mo.

    Much less apprehension and able to just concentrate on forming good habbits.
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    I've been weighing first thing every morning for half a year and look forward to it. Like you though it is discouraging to see the weight go up. But the number of times it has gone down has been much more often so I keep doing it. People have told me that I should only weigh once a week but I like the daily gratification when it's a tad lower than the previous day. But, if the once in a while gains discourage you too much that might be a better option for you. If you do the right things you're bound to lose so hang in there. We've all had the ups and downs.
  • paigedwatson
    Thank you for posting this! I have become way to reliant on what the scale tells me and less on my overall results. I know that even though I've only lost 4 pounds since November that overall I feel and look so much better. Some of my MFP friends and myself have vowed to only weigh on Friday's. We're starting that regimen this week and keeping each other accountable! Feel free to join us!
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    i broke up with my scale (aka the Bi-Polar Lover) 2 weeks ago. I gotta admit this week is super hard - i *think* i'm doing great food/work out wise but things aren't a whole lot looser so part of me is like "oh just pull him out of the dark closet you have him in and give in just once".

    thing is- eating healthy and exercising daily is my goal.

    I'm temporarily shelved the weighing 80lbs less goal just to be able to say "ok, i'm eating healthy and exercising daily..next"

  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I actually prefer weighing myself everyday. That way I know where I'm at and if I go a week without weighing myself, I feel more discouraged if it doesn't move. You just have to know that your weight does fluctuate and it's nothing to be upset over.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    You shouldnt weigh yourself every day. It's ridiculous, counter productive and incredibly WRONG....as in incorrect. Do you realize that gaining 2 pounds overnight might just be a result of not having had a bowel movement yet? What I do is....every Sunday I get up and go use the bathroom. I don't eat breakfast, shower, have a glass of water.....I go straight to the bathroom and go. When I'm done, I weight myself. Weighing yourself in the morning, before eating and after "voiding" gives you your "true" weight. If I eat something or have some juice or whatever....I either weigh myself the next day or I wait another week. What you're doing is obsessive and not healthy.
  • coopersmom2006
    It seems that quite a few people on MFP have banished scales completely, and instead base success off of things like inches lost and how their clothes fit, which are TRUE measures of success. I can't quite bring myself to do this since I do get satisfaction in seeing the numbers drop on the scale, but I only weigh in once a week. I know others who only weigh in once every two weeks. Your weight fluctuates too much on a daily basis to really get value from daily weigh-ins. Plus it adds needless frustration! If you haven't started taking your measurements yet I would suggest doing that. Some people don't lose a lot of weight but they do lose a lot of inches, which is very encouraging to see!

    I just had hubby help me take measurements and photos yesterday. I've started hitting the strength training (30 Day Shred) and want to compare before/after once I'm finished.
  • CCChaos625
    CCChaos625 Posts: 55 Member
    I have been here for the last few weeks- month, my husband gets upset with me that I tend to obsess over it at times. I have not weighed myself in 2 days and think I will start weighing in on Wed or Thursday mornings.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Yeah, I know what y´all mean. When I lost weight at the age of 16 I weighed in daily. It helped me to stay on track and I consider it a big part of my success at that time.

    BUT, things changed and I needed to hide my scale from myself. I do a lot of strength training, so it is expected that this dumb thing shows more and/or I am not losing very fast. I KNOW that. And still, this little three digit number can cause a hysterical breakdown? Sorry, I am not doing this anymore.

    I decided to weigh in once a month and focus more on NSVs. Staying on track, eating healthy and sticking with your workout routine. I am pretty sure even the dumbest scale will get this eventually. Mine just needs some extra time.

    Stay strong, ladies. We can do this!!!!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. Maybe we need a support group? LOL. I'm trying to build muscle/shed the rest of the fat on my abs so I shouldn't concentrate on the scale as much I guess. Man, this is going to be hard. I think I should tell hubby to hide it or something so I won't be tempted!

    lol, right there with ya!
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I was obsessed with the scale and it was really brining down my self esteem. I started weight lifting over a month ago and my weight has gone up while i lose inches. Before I was checking the scale everyday, now I manage not to because i know it's going to make me upset. It's not worth it. I love weight lifting and I am not going to give it up and hurt my body to lose weight, I am hoping it will just work itself out over time.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I get easily obsessed by the scale, admittedly. Until last summer, I had not even checked my weight in about a year, at all and I was relatively content, even though I was 142 Ibs and heavier than comfortable with. I didn't know my weight and was too busy with other thoughts to care as long as I fit into a uk size 10.

    Now I get on every day and am reassured by the number, often believing myself to be heavier than I am until I jump on.
    I hope one day I can break the habit, it is better than it was... I used to go on 3 different scales a day to be sure, lol.
  • HittingHerStride
    I am glad to see this post because I am debating on getting a scale and I fear I will end up in this place, instead of keeping me focused and on track I will become too obsessed with the number and let it dictate my life.

    Thanks for posting