I poop once every 4 days, is that normal ?!

I poop once every 4 days, i eat about 1000 calories per day and i go to the gym 5 days/week,

I also noticed that when I work out I hardly sweat, even when I run !

Please advise me, what is wrong with me ?!


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    only 1000 calories? That could certainly be a problem! Get lots of fiber, drink more water, and up your intake.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    It could be normal for you, but techinically everyone is suppose to have a BM after every meal.. but 4 days is alittle too long atleast every other day .. You need to increase your water and fiber intake plus lots of veggies
  • stephanienicolee
    stephanienicolee Posts: 7 Member
    you probably need to up your calorie intake. eat more fiber and drink lots of water!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    After every meal? Crap.

    Drink more water, always helps me get things...moving.
  • josiejo333
    the amount off poop you do depends on the amount and also what youre eating........the more rubbish the more poop........its all the stuff your body doesnt want that comes out
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    1-2 poops/day is ideal, but you should be at minimum pooping every other day (im a 3rd year nursing student). Im not exactly sure of teh short term benefits/effects of not pooping, but i know i just plain feel better when im more regular lol. Over the long term, infrequent bowl movements has a big effect/connection to colon cancer.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I don't have one after every meal but usually by the next day.. I find cereal with fruit for breakfast helps to get things moving along and usually go shortly after. .. Oatibix with banana or hot oats works for me.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Try 1 cup fiber one cereal daily and drink more water. It is not normal to go every 4 days. It should be daily at least.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    There is nothing wrong with taking a laxative if you don't go. I do on a regular basis, and have for about ten years. If I don't, I won't go for five days. Stress usually does that to me. But there are many reasons for it. Take a laxative. You will feel so much better and regular.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    One bowel movement every four days is not normal. One bowel movement daily is normal (some people go more frequently than that, and that is normal for them) I work in health care, and by day three (without a BM) at the latest there is some kind of intervention being made to assist our clients to have a bowel movement. As others have said, drink more water, eat more fiber, and consider upping your calories to 1200 as a minimum (consider a higher caloric intake, on days that you are working out). Exercise is also recommended for regular bowel movements, but it sounds like you are doing that already. If you still are not having regular bowel movements, consider seeing your physican about it.
    I wouldn't worry about not sweating, unless you feel like you are overheating when you are working out.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    There is nothing wrong with taking a laxative if you don't go. I do on a regular basis, and have for about ten years. If I don't, I won't go for five days. Stress usually does that to me. But there are many reasons for it. Take a laxative. You will feel so much better and regular.

    Please see a physican before starting with the use of laxatives; a physican can recomend what type of laxative, how much and the frequency of use. Also a physican can determine if you just need bulking from fiber, or if you actually need a stool softner.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    It could be normal for you, but techinically everyone is suppose to have a BM after every meal.. but 4 days is alittle too long atleast every other day .. You need to increase your water and fiber intake plus lots of veggies

    No. No no no no no no. As a medical professional I will tell you this is absolutely not correct. Having a bowel movement once every four days can be perfectly normal. 1000 calories is not much food. Your poop is made up of stuff your body doesn't absorb, primarily fiber (ie cellulose). If you're eating 1000 calories of chicken you might go quite a while without pooping. There's no absolute medical definition of constipation but the following is generally accepted: Less than two bowel movements per week or the feeling of incomplete emptying or the feeling of needing to defecate but not passing stool. I don't think the first application (less than two stools per week) applies to you because you're simply not eating enough to make poop. If it doesn't bother you, don't worry about it. If it does, eat more fruits/ vegetables/ grains and drink lots of water.

    Side note, dropping below 1200 calories per day puts your body in starvation mode and slows your metabolism. It also makes it difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs. Additionally, once you start eating more you will gain weight because your metabolism is slowed and your body thinks you've been starving and need to save every excess calorie consumed.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Lack of sweat could be either dehydration or your body's response to starving. Likely the latter, given that you're horribly starving yourself.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    There is nothing wrong with taking a laxative if you don't go. I do on a regular basis, and have for about ten years. If I don't, I won't go for five days. Stress usually does that to me. But there are many reasons for it. Take a laxative. You will feel so much better and regular.

    Please see a physican before starting with the use of laxatives; a physican can recomend what type of laxative, how much and the frequency of use. Also a physican can determine if you just need bulking from fiber, or if you actually need a stool softner.

    I agree, laxatives regularly would be my last choice
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    No. No no no no no no. As a medical professional I will tell you this is absolutely not correct. Having a bowel movement once every four days can be perfectly normal. 1000 calories is not much food. Your poop is made up of stuff your body doesn't absorb, primarily fiber (ie cellulose). If you're eating 1000 calories of chicken you might go quite a while without pooping. There's no absolute medical definition of constipation but the following is generally accepted: Less than two bowel movements per week or the feeling of incomplete emptying or the feeling of needing to defecate but not passing stool. I don't think the first application (less than two stools per week) applies to you because you're simply not eating enough to make poop. If it doesn't bother you, don't worry about it. If it does, eat more fruits/ vegetables/ grains and drink lots of water.

    Side note, dropping below 1200 calories per day puts your body in starvation mode and slows your metabolism. It also makes it difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs. Additionally, once you start eating more you will gain weight because your metabolism is slowed and your body thinks you've been starving and need to save every excess calorie consumed.

    you don't have to have a BM everyday...especially not after every meal
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    There is nothing wrong with taking a laxative if you don't go. I do on a regular basis, and have for about ten years. If I don't, I won't go for five days. Stress usually does that to me. But there are many reasons for it. Take a laxative. You will feel so much better and regular.

    Again, NO NO NO NO NO NO. Some laxatives can cause permanent damage to your mesenteric plexus (nerves that stimulate bowel contraction). As I said before, if pooping once every four days bothers you, drink lots of water and incorporate stool bulking agents into your diet (ie fiber). There are an array of fiber supplements out there in the forms of tablets, chewables and drink powders. You need to add bulk to stimulate your bowel to move, not take a laxative.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Agree with the advice to not take laxatives. As an ex laxative abuser( part of an eating disorder) I would avoid them at all costs. I am lucky as I poop relatively normally and every day at the same sort of time soon after getting up, in spite of my past.

    You need to eat more, and you certainly need to drink more if you aren't sweating when working out, I would suggest.
    Also, try prunes or prune juice, they really do help bulk things up.
  • AndreaDaPrincess
    AndreaDaPrincess Posts: 58 Member
    You definately need to poop more than that. That would put me in panic mode.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    It could also mean you don't have very good bowel flora and may benefit using a really good probiotic. If constipated, magnesium supplementation may help. If you increase fibre - increase the fibrous veg - bran fibre can block a lot of folks. Psyllium husks are also good. Drink enough water.