does bad food count if your still under your calorie goal?



  • MrsGart
    MrsGart Posts: 4 Member
    I think bad food is okay as long as it is occasionally. I don't question IF there is bad food. Case in point, I ate 2 poptarts today. That's not the absolute worst thing, but I feel like crap now. I'm a recovering junk food junkie, and after 2 years of making better choices, my body craves good food. I'm not sure why the pop tarts seemed like a good idea. I wish I could selectively kill those brain cells!
  • Ive been told you want to lose weight live on salad and stop eating crap. but after joining i find i can still sneak in cheese (hmmm cheese) or some other form of naughty food and still be under my goal. feels like cheating!!

    I am a cheese addict too. A life without cheese is no life at all.
  • I think bad food is okay as long as it is occasionally. I don't question IF there is bad food. Case in point, I ate 2 poptarts today. That's not the absolute worst thing, but I feel like crap now. I'm a recovering junk food junkie, and after 2 years of making better choices, my body craves good food. I'm not sure why the pop tarts seemed like a good idea. I wish I could selectively kill those brain cells!

    This made me laugh!! thanks guys
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ive been told you want to lose weight live on salad and stop eating crap. but after joining i find i can still sneak in cheese (hmmm cheese) or some other form of naughty food and still be under my goal. feels like cheating!!

    The person who told you this is making it up! You can eat anything you want and as long as you are under your calorie goal you will certainly lose some weight.

    BUT, if you want to keep losing weight and stay healthy for the long term then it is a good idea to make sure that the majority of your food is giving you good nutrition. There's nothing wrong with grilled cheese or chips or sweets as long as you are eating them as part of a mix that includes fruit and veggies, whole grains, lean meat or other sources of protein.

    If you start to see certain food as bad, or forbidden (unless you have a diagnosed medical reason to avoid them) then you are setting yourself up to fail because you will constantly feel deprived and it's very hard to sustain this way of eating for the long term.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    How do you 'accidentally' eat a bag of chips? :laugh: