Need help with finding new foods



  • Watch this video and let me know your thoughts. My daughter shared this with me...very interesting!!!

    I love that documentary, Super Size Me. It's really an eye opener. Fast food as always grossed me out (being a vegetarian) but it's even more disgusting after seeing the reality of what it does to your body.
  • fm32439
    fm32439 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a very picky eater also!!! I have been eating thin sliced honey ham on wheat bread (the 45 calorie) for lunch. I eat them plain because I don't really like condiments. I have been eating popcorn for snacks. When I do have to eat fast food I decrease the amount and drink more water. So instead of eating a quater pounder super sized, I will eat a cheeseburger and small fry with a large water!
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Don't try eating things right now that you don't like just because they are healthy. If I do that, I end up feeling unsatisfied with the meal and binge shortly afterwards to feel like I ate.

    Start by making small changes. Take the foods you like and make a healthier version. If you find that you just cannot stop from eating out all the time, just work on replacing 1 fast food meal a day/week/whatever with a meal from home. Or make the fast food you do get healthier. Get a burger or chicken sandwich minus the mayo or other high calorie toppings. Instead of a large fry, make it a small. Or get a side salad instead of fries. Replace soda with water or tea. Then replace 2 or 3 meals a week with food from home.

    The little changes will add up and you will eventually be eating fast food less and less.

    I don't mind eating non-fast food type stuff. Like I make PB&Js or just cheese sandwiches sometimes, but when I try to eat healthy, I sometimes throw it all back up or I get diarrhea. Obviously I haven't tried every healthy food out there so I can't say all healthy food does this to me, but I'm just nervous about my insides falling apart again (and wasting my money on upchucked food).

    Have you tried keeping a detailed food and symptoms diary? You might just have a food intolerance or something there.... There might be a common factor. I'd keep a food and symptoms diary for a month or two, and head to the doctor if you can't see for yourself one or two things that seem to consistently make you sick. (Actually, I *did* do just that, and I do have food intolerances, but they do run in my family.)
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    (Double post, sorry.)
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Make a batch of low fat chili at home. Then microwave half a potato and cover in the chili. Bring it to work and re-heat it.

    Sandwiches are great.

    Grill a portebella mushroom. Put in a container. put in a baggie, peppers, onions, spices to taste. Another baggie with a bit of cheese, I like asiago or parmesan. At work, put everything on top of the mushroom and microwave until cheese melts.

    Make some turkey balls at home, pack a few in a container and separately pack half of a pita. Also pack a bit of cheese, grilled onion, whatever else you like on a meatball sandwich. When ready for lunch, heat meat balls and put everything in the pita.

    Cottage cheese with fresh fruit as a side.

    Egg salad and crackers is always tasty.
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    Since you specifically asked for non fast food ideas here are a couple. Another poster talked about preparing things on Sunday so they are ready to grab and go. I could never eat the way I am now with my busy scedule with out taking that prep time.

    Bake or grill up a few skinless boneless chicken breasts. Do not over cook. Well prepared white meat is tender and jucy, over cooked and its chewy and dry and flavorless. Use lots and lots of spices. I am big on garlic, oregano and basil.

    Cut up some veggies and fruits that you like. (it takes us at least 3 times to go from not liking something to liking it. If you do not think you like veggies figure out a dip to eat it with that you do like. There are lots of good ideas under recipes.

    Not sure if you like to cook or not. I was really not much of a cook when I started this journey two years ago but I have learned. I can always make things tastier and healthier than I can buy them. I make a big pot of something on sundays to be the mainstay of my work lunch. I almost always do a veggie soup. If you want the recipe let me know. I have made lots of additions over the months for variation. I have also made Chili-white chicken or regular. My daughter loves tacos so I often do taco meat with a pound of lean beef (I should go to turkey but have not gone there yet) and some black beans. She has soft tacos and I have a taco salad. I measure out an ounce of low fat cheddar and 2 tablespoons of fat free sour cream and lots of saulsa (one of those things that is very low in calories but full of flavor)

    Turkey from the deli works-You just have to be careful with deli meat because its full of nitrates and sodium but its still better than McD's. I use the peperage farms thin wheat bread and add lettuce, tomatoes and sometimes cucumbers for bulk and flavor.

    Leftovers work well too. The challange is adding something to the small amount of meat to make it bulkey enough to fill you. I almost always have a piece of fruit with whatever else I am having or I eat it as a snack a few hours later.

    Another poster said this too but Its good to hear it twice. Even making one little change is a start. One change will lead to other changes as your body adjusts to a better diet. Good luck. Before you know it you will be desgusted at the very foods that you like the best now. Just the thought of even going into McD is enough to turn my stomach.
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    Hi. I took a look at your food diary to see if I could get an idea what kinds of food you like so that I could think of ways to make it more healthy. I was alarmed to see that, for the three days you have been tracking food, you average only 1088 calories--and ate less than 1000 calories one day. Are you not recording everything you eat, or are you really eating that little? Your diary shows that your target range is 1600-1783, so that's a huge deficit.

    If that is really what you're eating, I don't think that's enough. I am a woman who just turned sixty and I'm eating more calories than you (and continuing to lose weight). A twenty yearold male should be eating MUCH more. Have you been depriving yourself of food for a while? Could you have an eating disorder? That might explain the vomiting when you try to eat outside your current level. I ask only because I'm concerned you might have a medical prolem that you need to address.

    I'm hoping others who know more about nutrition than I will see this post and offer some advice.