New 90 day challenge - April 2nd

Are you wanting some help to get ready for beach season?! If you would like to join an accountability group, I'll be starting a group on Facebook for a challenge that starts on April 2nd. I'm doing the group on facebook because I find it to be an easier forum to have discussions.

The basic set up of the challenge is this:
- A commitment to focus on fitness and eating right for 90 days
- workout 5-6 days a week - a combination of strength with cardio
- use MFP daily
- post MFP and exericses daily
EX: Day 34/90
Cardio X

Use the forum for accountability and motivation. A place to share frustrations and accomplishments.
If this interests you, add me as a friend on facebook. My name is Ali Piazza from Toronto, ON - as far as I know, there's only one :)
