Gearing Up for > 200 lb Wt Loss---Need Lots of Support!


I'm new to the site and looking for new friends and support for this lifestyle change and journey. I lost 125lbs 7 years ago but due to a back injury, I had to stop the elliptical and eventually the gym, I gained all 125lbs back with 50 added on for good measure! Three back surgeries and a nerve-damaged leg later, I am underway on a lifetime, crawl, walk or jog toward a healthier me! My first goal is to lose enough to be able to get back in the gym and do the treadmill or elliptical with no (dangerous) pain for my back. I am going to try doing really small walks for 10 min or so most evenings and counting calories, etc on MFP until I can get there. I'm a 45yo single mom, by the way, so feel free to say hi and thanks for being here!



  • qtwiddaboot
    qtwiddaboot Posts: 9 Member
    Be sure to drink plenty of water and make the most of your walks! You did it before and you can do it again! GOOD LUCK!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Denise -

    Good luck on your journey!! I have a lot of trouble with moving around because of neurological problems so we definitely have something in common :smile: Feel free to add me! I try to be as supportive as possible to all my MFP friends!

  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Welcome! As a person who is over halfway done with a 400lb goal, I'd be glad to support you! If you're interested, send me a friend request!
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    Hi! I am on a long journey to weight loss and would love to have you as a friend!! Let's motivate each other and lose this weight!! Feel free to add me!! :D
  • lovinbeinold
    Hi, hang in there. Eat healthy. Do research to see what healthy means for sure. The other thing is, do NOT starve yourself. Don't try to lose it too fast, it'll make you feel weak. At first you'll feel great, then you'll get weak. Eat healthy and enough. Have a great life! BTW, my philosophy is that I am not pursuing weight loss. I quit that a few years ago. I gained and lost anyway! But then I found how to eat very, very healthy, and I do that. I've lost 37 pounds. I'm maintaining right now but that will end and I'll start losing again. What this is, is that I'm pursuing health and weight loss is a happy side effect. Health is everything. Weight is just part of that.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi - I can totally relate to your back pain and the problems it causes. I had spinal surgery last year and am only just really able to get back into much in the way of exercise. I'm also in this for the long haul, so feel free to friend me and we can cheer each other on. I log in every day, so am always available for cheerleading duties! If you're interested, there's also a back pain group that you could join to get in touch with others with similar issues. Good luck! Christine