Frustrated - 17 Day Diet, 14 days in, and have gained!

I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who has been in the same position I am, or can possibly shed some light on how to fix what is wrong.

I started the 17 day diet 14 days ago. I have about 30 lbs to lose, so it's not like I'm almost at goal. I'm 5'5", and started at 175.6. 14 days later, I now weight 176.8. I've actually GAINED 1.2 pounds, and I have NO IDEA how that has happened!!

Last year I did the South Beach diet, and it worked wonders for me. The weight seemed like it literally fell off. Mind you I gained alot back over the summer/fall by careless choices, which is why I am trying to diet again. I read The 17 day diet, and alot of the ideas were the same as South Beach, but with some different foods, so I decided to try this, just for a change, as I had gotten a little tired of some of the South Beach food staples. The 17 Day Diet also seemed that it should work faster as it's much more strict.

Last week I weighed in to a 0.4lb gain, making me 176.0 lb. I blamed that on water weight at it was that time of the month. This weigh in, I have no idea why I've gained another 0.8lb.

I find this diet very very restrictive, and quite hard to maintain. But I have been. I've stuck to it, telling myself it would all be worth it in the end. After 17 days they say you should be down 10-12lbs. I was expecting 5-7lbs just to be realistic.(Although when I was on South Beach it stated approx 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks, and I lost 12). By now I should be close to at least 5-7 lbs down.

I have had a few minor slip ups, I will admit. But they are SO little.
1) I ate a piece of fruit after 2pm, 3 different days.
2) Twice I've added a HALF packet of sugar to my coffee (for a total of one packet of sugar in two weeks)
3) I went to a baby shower and had one 1"x1" (very small) square. Other than that I ate a little fruit at the baby shower (which was one of my times I ate fruit after 2pm), and i made sure it was fruit that was acceptable (berries).

I know that these are against the diet, however I can't see these three items ending up in 6-7 lbs difference from where I expected I would be.

I drink all of my water, I eat pro-biotic yogurt as suggested. I hate green tea with a passion so take green tea capsules. I go walking with friends 2-3 times a week (for at least an hour each time). Most other nights I am doing yard work for an hour or more, which is alot of raking, alot of shoveling, so it's quite intense. It's a new thing I've started since it's spring came, so yard work wasn't something I was going all along. It should be adding to my exercise.

I've came here to track my calories to make sure I'm getting enough calories, and it appears I am.

I'm so frustrated, I just don't know what to do. I literally could have cried when I seen the scale this morning, since I've tried so hard. Part of me wants to give up and just eat normally but calorie count as I cant have WORSE results by doing that, however, I've put so much effort into this 17 day diet, I'd hate to just give up. I find I do better when I am following a structured diet, so that's why I'm nervous to calorie count on my own. But really, I need results somehow.


  • BrayneZ
    BrayneZ Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm not familiar with the 17-day diet. Could you specify what kind of daily nutrition plan you have, whether you're exercising (and how much) and perhaps maybe make your diary available for viewing?

    People might be able to help you much more that way
  • Treespiritnymph
    Treespiritnymph Posts: 1 Member
    Restrictive diets I've found either make a person gain weight or lose a lot then gain it all back. I find an hour of exercise along with the dieting helps, and they key to getting weight to stay off is not depriving yourself. Because then all you do is crave what you cannot have. Also, I had the same problem but I upped my calorie intake and I started losing weight. If you eat to little your body will go into starvation mode.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Did you try to lose 30 pounds in 17 days? That's roughly 1.76 lbs a day, and that's not healthy. Maybe I misread your post, I hope I did.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Did you try to lose 30 pounds in 17 days? That's roughly 1.76 lbs a day, and that's not healthy. Maybe I misread your post, I hope I did.

    Never mind, I reread it. My bad! :D
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    How's your sodium intake? That can make you retain water. And, it is possible that you've lost inches and bodyfat, especially if you're lifting weights. Are your clothes looser?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    First the promised 10lb weight loss is mostly from water weight/

    Second, what kind of stupid diet doesn't allow you to eat fruit after 2pm, as if when you eat it would actually effect your weight loss?
  • BrayneZ
    BrayneZ Posts: 24 Member
    Surely not!!!! 30 pounds in 17 days is a daily deficit of over 6,000 calories - physically impossible really
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    For some reason your body has decided it's in starvation Mode and is so is not releasing the Fat. I went on this diet a couple of years ago and had similar results. This program might not be the one for you any longer.
    The fact that you went off it ( even a couple of times) tell me this.
    Why not just count your Energy Grams. ( ie: Calories) and Up You Exercise Grams ( ie: move more)
    and see what happens.
    THis might take a couple of weeks for your metabolism to shift and not think it has to store ( Energy) Calories. but It has worked for me over the long run and ultimately much less restrictive.
    This weight loss thing is a zig-zag journey and a life long program. Do you think you can honestly stick to the other plan for a lifetime?
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I'm not trying to be poopy or anything but... I've never heard of a "17 day diet."

    You don't need a 17 day diet. You need a complete lifestyle change. You need better choices! You don't need some money wasting thing that tells you what and how to eat! Most often they do not work!

    Only you know what's best for you! Obviously diet plans don't work very well, almost everybody gains weight back immediately after they've lost it. Losing weight/being healthy requires a lot of sacrifice and hard work and dedication that you can only get from within yourself!

    I'm sorry your diet isn't working for you so far, but just maintain healthy eating habits and you should have no problems. :)
  • jonnyaloha2011
    jonnyaloha2011 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know anything about the 17 Day Diet, but weight loss is a simple calculation of calories burned and calories consumed. If you eat more than you burn, you gain. You should probably be eating no more than 1150-1250 calories/per day and spend an hour a day exercising and it will come right off.
  • Dremak1
    Dremak1 Posts: 18
    I have been dieting for two months now. I have not been weighing everyday because when I first began it was gain one lose one gain 2 lose one. I was becoming frustrated with that. I weighed this morning and found that, after two months of working out, watching carbs, limiting fat and calories, drinking more than my required amount of water daily - I have lost exactly 2 pounds. I have noticed that may jeans are somewhat looser however not enough in my opinion. I had prevously lost about 50 pounds easily and kept that weight off until the past three years in which I have gradually gained about 25 of those pounds back. I did not have an issue dropping the weight before so I have found this to be even that much more frustrating.

    I had a thyroid issue about 6 months ago and the doctor took me off the thyroid medication at about the same time I started trying to lose weight. I am therefore making an appointment this week with a thyroid specialist to see if that is a part of my problem.

    I feel your frustration - I am tired, I am angry and I am frustrated. I am doing everything right and still not dropping the pounds.
  • debrapeterson
    debrapeterson Posts: 84 Member
    I understand what you are saying. That's why I use MFP as the only program. I keep up with not only calories but fat, protein, chol., fiber and sugar. I've been on the program about 2 months and have lost 15lbs. I eat the foods I want but try to stay within my limits. I have only gained one week and it was a pound. I practice patience because I only loose 1-1.5 per week but I enjoy my meals. I also print out my reports and review them. I know this is extreme but it's working. I try to drink my water and take the stairs at work. make sure not to over load myself with a lot of exercise fast because I want to stay on this program. I hope this helps I know it has helped me a lot. I weighted in at 208 so you know I have a long way to go. GOOD LUCK WITH WHAT EVER YOU DO
  • Thantanos
    Thantanos Posts: 45 Member
    I can help you. It is not what diet you use, it is how many calories you eat a day. Here is a scientifically proven website for how many calories to eat in order to reach your goal weight.

    I dont have all of your stats but it reccomends 1340 calories per day for 180 days to reach your goal weight. It doesnt matter what you eat to get those calories me and my wife eat chocolate and were dropping the weight like crazy. I also reccomend 30 min to 1 hour of cardio on a empty stomach in the morning. For example we do the eliptical machine at 120 strides per min for 45 min every other day. Diets are lame, trust science and you will loose the proper ammount of weight by simply eating a caloire limit. Hope this helps keep strong.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I was on diets till I was 60 and managed to get to 370 pounds ( give or take 3 pounds) figure out how to live start changing your life style if you are worried you ate a piece of fruit an hour after you should or had a packet of sugar etc can you actually live this way for 10 20 years or so it took me a lifetime to figure this out you cant diet because the longer you go the more you want to get offf and get back to eating and so the weight gain afterwards. sensible eating healthy exercise = a happier life
  • grumpya
    grumpya Posts: 54 Member
    Why don't you try a healthy balanced diet instead of a fad diet, 5 portions of fruit or veg in a day, some protien some carbs just count the calories. I don't know what this site suggests you stick to but 1200 calories a day should do it but you could have a bit more, you sound fairly active try to drink the 8 glasses of water as well to flush the toxins out & to control your fluid. If that doesn't do it may be worth seeing your doctor & getting your thyroid checked. Don't beat yourself up about what time of day you had a piece of fruit that is such nonsense.
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    That diet sounds horrific! I can't imagine being on a diet where having a piece of fruit after 2pm is against the rules!! I would suggest to just log your food and exercise on here, watch what you eat, not starve yourself, and you will see results.
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 691 Member
    Open your diary
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm not trying to be poopy or anything but... I've never heard of a "17 day diet."

    You don't need a 17 day diet. You need a complete lifestyle change. You need better choices! You don't need some money wasting thing that tells you what and how to eat! Most often they do not work!

    Only you know what's best for you! Obviously diet plans don't work very well, almost everybody gains weight back immediately after they've lost it. Losing weight/being healthy requires a lot of sacrifice and hard work and dedication that you can only get from within yourself!

    I'm sorry your diet isn't working for you so far, but just maintain healthy eating habits and you should have no problems. :)

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    How many calories are you eating?
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    A friend at work did the 17 day diet. She lost 15 lbs in a month and then put it back on in a month after "not following the rules to a T". Why dont you just use the tools on here and log in everything you eat, exercise and watch the weight fall off? You already seem to know portion control and making wise choices. You said you need to follow something so follow your diary on here. You can do it and you will see results. Dont give up and good luck! :happy: