have you lost weight by swimming (interested on those who we


Firstly, I've read some of the research and articles, regarding core body temp, swimming not being effective for weight loss, etc. so please, I don't need or want any more links to those sorts of items.

If you were somebody who started off obese or morbidly obese and threw swimming into your routine can you tell me what your experiences were like? How long (or how many lengths) were you able to swim for the few few weeks? Do you have anything you wish you'd have done differently? Did you find that the calorie burner on MFP was correct for your size (I'm starting out with swimming at 265-ish pounds).

I have high arches and pronation in both my feet (I already wear specially designed insoles) and it's been recommended that I try to avoid impact exercises like step aerobics, walking long distances, dancing. I would like to add swimming in 2-3 times a week, along with biking and strength training, and of course watching calories via MFP. I just wanted to hear some other success stories (or even un-success stories). Thanks for sharing.


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    totally possible to loose weight swimming.

    the biggest loser host in australia (when it started, aj rochester), lost most of her weight swimming, then she switched to running and lost the rest.

    you might also want to consider water aerobics.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    totally possible to loose weight swimming.

    the biggest loser host in australia (when it started, aj rochester), lost most of her weight swimming, then she switched to running and lost the rest.

    you might also want to consider water aerobics.

    Thanks! I would love to try the water aerobics classed but unfortunately due to my work schedule, lap swimming is all I can work in my schedule. I didn't know that about the host. Off to Google!
  • mfanyafujo
    mfanyafujo Posts: 232 Member
    When I was younger, I swam competitively (meaning laps and laps and laps of practice) and I definitely lost weight and toned up as well. Swimming's a great exercise, and can be quite exhausting. If you put in a couple hours in the pool every week, you will definitely see some results. There are lots of ways to change up your swimming routine as well, so it's not just the same lap after lap.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Swimming is fantastic. I started out obese, not morbidly so, and did a lot of swimming and water aerobics because walking and running was painful for me at the time.

    The key is just to get moving more than you were before and do your best.
  • WalkingFlower
    WalkingFlower Posts: 41 Member
    I've lost a lot (cca 10 kgs / 22 lbs in 3 months) although I wasn't obese. At that time I was in healthy BMI.
    I used to swim 3 times a week. Regular freestyle for 30-40 minutes (cca 1 mile).
  • xxaudrey
    xxaudrey Posts: 5
    I used to do swimming in a squad once a week. On the weekends I'd go to the pools and just swim for ages- at that time, I dont think I have been ever in better shape. The water resistance is really good on the muscles and toning up so aerobic classes are pretty good. Couple of people on my squad once told me that 30 minutes of swimming is equivalent to an hour of jogging/running- not sure if it's true but trust me its a great way to lose weight, tone and stay in shape (:
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    Yes, swimming is great exercise. When I was younger i was always a big kid, then one summer I swam everday most of the day, but just playing in the water mostly, and I lost a TON of weight!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I lost 170 lbs. in the Pool over 16 months at the beginning of my weightloss journey because I was unable to support my own body weight. I used ankle weights and wrist weights with webbed fingered gloves to create resistance as I got stronger. (Mostly walking in the therapy pool) as the weight started coming off I added in weight resistance weights, dumbbells, etc, and also swimming laps.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    #1 Swimming is one of the best options for people who are morbidly obese or just obese- there is no impact and therefore it allows your joints to be weight free.

    #2 swimming burns TONS of calories. And as you know, its all a number game pretty much. More calories burned to those consumed = weight loss.
  • littlemissshowoff
    Definitely! I used to swim a lot and when I stopped, I put on weight really quickly.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I went swimming last week for the first time in years, I haven't felt confident enough previously to actually be seen in a swimming costume, but I managed to swim 30 lengths (25m each), and am planning on swimming once a week and increasing the amount of lengths gradually.
  • cafeldmann
    cafeldmann Posts: 16 Member
    As others have said, swimming is a great total body exercise, and you can definitely lose weight doing it.

    I've never worn my heart rate monitor while swimming, so I have no data to compare it to, but I do think that MFP over-estimates the calories burned for swimming (based on my perceived exertion for my swims compared calories burned for other activities of similar duration/perceived exertion). So I tend to round down on my calories when I enter them, and I always use "light/moderate", regardless of how hard/fast I swim. Also, make sure that you are realistic about how much you are actually swimming when you swim. If you do one length of the pool, rest for 2 or 3 minutes, and do another length of the pool, then 30 minutes of that isn't really doing 30 minutes of swimming. (Not saying you will do that, but I see it all the time.)

    Enjoy the swimming!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    WOW! Thanks everybody for sharing your successes! I've made an appointment for my first real swim on Wednesday!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Anyone who says swimming is not beneficial for weightloss needs their head examined.

    Swimming is probably one of the best ways to exercise as it's low-impact yet high burn. Of course, to get benefits, you do need to swim lengths non-stop, as you would cycle or run non-stop, for 30mins or more.

    I started out at 250lbs and was probably around 225lbs when I started swimming again in Sept/Oct last year. I'd been a keen swimmer as a teen, but never competitively. I can only swim breaststroke and not super fast. When I started I could manage 20 x 25m lengths in about 20-30mins. Now, I regularly swim for 60-90mins per session and do 150 x 18m lengths. However, I'm also training to do a 5km Swimathon at the end of April so once a week I also do a long swim of 250 x 18m lengths.

    I'm not sure that MFPs calorie burns are accurate and I always adjust for my TDEE anyhow and would never eat-back more than 50-70% of my exercise calories to compensate for margins.

    You have to find the exercise that suits you and your body best. For me it's definitely swimming, but it's not for everybody. :happy:
  • pukekolive
    pukekolive Posts: 237 Member
    I'm now 58 but when I was in my mid 30s I lost a lot of weight (5 stone in 6 months - way too fast) from swimming alone.

    At the time I would have been about 16-17 stone (240 lbs) and started off swimming one or two lengths with breaks. I tried to beat the clock and swim faster plus do more lengths in 30 minutes until I built up my sessions to 45 mins a time.

    After a while I was swimming 50 lengths (35m pool) of breast-stroke 3 times a week (I still don't know how to put my face under to breathe) - I was swimming for less than an hour each time.

    Be aware that I completely lost my appetite and had to force myself to eat.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Anyone who says swimming is not beneficial for weightloss needs their head examined.

    This is really all that needs to be said. I never heard that there were any studies saying swimming doesn't help weightloss but forgive me for dismissing them out of hand.

    The first thing I did when I got my gym membership was hit the pool. I knew I'd be able to do that more than running or lifting, I just wasn't ready for that yet. Hell I was barely ready for the pool. I think I did 4 laps my first time before I was so winded I had to quit.

    A few months later and I was swimming freestyle for an hour at a time. And I lost dozens of pounds doing it.

    I encourage you to get in the pool and have fun!
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Due to injury I am limited to cardio workouts .. My doctor recommeded swimming ... I swim 3 days per week for around 40 min just moderate freestyle laps .. Nothing too intense .. It works for me ! I also do boxing and strength training on other days .. Anyways .. I've lost a further 6 kgs on this routine :)
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    As others have said, swimming is a great total body exercise, and you can definitely lose weight doing it.

    I've never worn my heart rate monitor while swimming, so I have no data to compare it to, but I do think that MFP over-estimates the calories burned for swimming (based on my perceived exertion for my swims compared calories burned for other activities of similar duration/perceived exertion). So I tend to round down on my calories when I enter them, and I always use "light/moderate", regardless of how hard/fast I swim. Also, make sure that you are realistic about how much you are actually swimming when you swim. If you do one length of the pool, rest for 2 or 3 minutes, and do another length of the pool, then 30 minutes of that isn't really doing 30 minutes of swimming. (Not saying you will do that, but I see it all the time.)

    Enjoy the swimming!

    I wear my HRM in the pool and on average MFP over estimates by 20%.
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    Last summer I lost 22 pounds using MFP and swimming. It burns tons of calories. For me, the MFP calories burned thing is pretty accurate, although it isn't for everyone. I fell off the wagon when they closed the pool, but the 22 pounds stayed off. I just started over here, with a new profile, so the first loss isn't counted, but yeah, it was quite effective.:happy:
    ETA I usually spent my time in the pool trading water, intensely for 29-30 minutes, instead of laps, my upper body wasn't strong enough for many laps. The burn was good. I can't wait til they reopen!
  • much2gain
    much2gain Posts: 42
    When I lost my first chuck of weight, it was done with a very closely watched diet (just MFP on paper.. but I never went over my calories and ate very well), water aerobics twice a week and the gym the other four days. Sunday's were rest days. I love the water and it's definately a workout with my instructor. :) Even if it doesn't fit your schedule, try other options. Does your gym have a therapy pool with the treadmill in the bottom? Those are incredible. If they don't, maybe a local physical therapy place does have on and will let you use it for a fee (so it's not considered therapy and on your medical record). No harm in asking. -- Depending on how big your community is, maybe your local community offers classes at schools and such. That's how I got started. Search "outside the box" and you never know what you might find. :) Best of luck and yes.. GET IN THE WATER. :)