It's simple, really!

Hey guys, so I've responded to a couple topics but never posted my own. I look through these boards quite often and kinda wish you could access them from the app on the iPhone! Anyways.....
I see people creating topics all the time asking about shakes, pills, drops, low carbing, 500 cals a day, etc.(whatever the latest fad is, it makes me shudder). I wish people would realize that there is no secret to weight loss and getting healthy. It's all about what & how much you put into your body & how much you expend. I've been on this new lifestyle journey since October. I didn't wait for a new day, I started in the afternoon actually (when I probably had already eaten twice my calorie goal). I just said enough was enough and my friend told me about the my fitness pal app. Well it's been around 160 days I think? & I'm still logging! (love my iphone & the bar scanner!) It helps me be aware of what I'm eating and the amounts. Here are some limitations: I don't have a gym in my area, I can’t afford expensive exercise equipment, I have a 17 month old son to care for, and we can't get outside much at all due to the cold and snow, but did I let that stop me? No. I began using my Wii Fit & Just dance for the Wii along with calorie counting. I currently do exercise DVD’s as the Wii was not challenging enough anymore (I remember a time I would cry because it was too hard, lol). I eat 6 times a day (3 meals, 3 snacks, more if I want it). If it's 10pm and I am hungry, I eat. If I want a chocolate bar, I eat (mostly of the time half satisfies me and it’s dark chocolate). I find my taste has changed and I prefer dark chocolate, where there was a time I couldn't eat it at all, thought it was disgusting. The only thing I eliminated completely from my life was pop. I just found it was getting so expensive here, it made me sick and I drank soooo much of it, I was just done. I love water and try to drink between 2-4 litres a day. I just keep a bottle close by and sip often. I find half the time I thought I was hungry, I was actually thirsty. What I am saying is it takes small baby steps and a lot of patience. I am 5’ 9” and currently at 242 lbs and very Happy. I was 325 lb this time last year, and never started getting serious about my life ‘til my sons 1st Birthday in October. I currently have Turbo Jam and love, love, love working out to it. Chalene is so very positive and if I need a break, I take it. If I don’t feel like working out one day, I don’t. I just don’t have those extra calories to eat (& yes, I eat them!). I’m slowly introducing myself to a lifestyle I can maintain. This way I know the weight will stay off and I will be a much healthier person!! So what I wanted to say was, you don’t need a diet fad (diets don’t work), you don’t need expensive gym equipment, you don’t need to feel hungry. You just need to have portion control, weigh your food if you have to (I got a digital scale online for $20), follow Canada’s Food guide, get active and I promise you the fat will take care of itself!
Hope this helps someone in their journey!!


  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    I miss Soda,but its empty calories and tons of sugar. I drink water only and sometimes g2,if i get an urge for pop I have one or 2 sips at the end of a meal.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:
  • jodi1215
    jodi1215 Posts: 5
    Thanks for your post! I feel exactly the same way....It is easier not to resrict yourself from certain things, or dread doing physical activity! Eat things when you feel like it and exercise when you feel like it. And when you don't you don't! It took me a while to let go of the guilt of not exercising and eating something that maybe was a little off track, but I have failed at "diets" soo many times that I just decided that I'm going to log my foods (even if I go over), do the exercise (not everyday), and just be overall healthly and happier. Not putting my self on a "diet" has worked the best for me, baby steps and portion control is the key for me! Good luck in your success!!!
  • MereBear1985
    MereBear1985 Posts: 36 Member
    I totally agree with you! I think in this whole "get healthy" world not many people address the main problem most people have with losing weight and getting healthy, themselves. I am forever on the roller coaster of weight loss (for the last 5 years) and without support and being accountable I would never get anywhere. It really is true you don't need all the fancy stuff or quick fixes, but you do need to make a switch in your head, it really is that easy. If you can't do it alone, get help, get support, you can do it if you want to do it and you are ready.
  • anewrac
    anewrac Posts: 52 Member
    Fab post Candy x
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.

    if it were that simple, I mean really that simple and didn't come down to psychological barriers, physical barriers, mis- education/ mis information, etc. etc. there would be NO need for myfitnesspal.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.

    if it were that simple, I mean really that simple and didn't come down to psychological barriers, physical barriers, mis- education/ mis information, etc. etc. there would be NO need for myfitnesspal.


    it is simple, but not easy
  • If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.

    if it were that simple, I mean really that simple and didn't come down to psychological barriers, physical barriers, mis- education/ mis information, etc. etc. there would be NO need for myfitnesspal.


    it is simple, but not easy

    EXACTLY! It is simple, but not easy. Everyone can use support from time to time. We all need some positivity and reinforcement. Tips or ideas, regarding food and exercise, it's what we're all here for. I'm just saying that people keep asking what the secret is, when it's no secret, it's what we've been told for years. Eat healthy, eat often and keep moving :)
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.

    if it were that simple, I mean really that simple and didn't come down to psychological barriers, physical barriers, mis- education/ mis information, etc. etc. there would be NO need for myfitnesspal.

    The point is, it is that simple. People want to excuse or over complicate things. When they realise it is that simple.. life will be so much better for them.
  • I miss Soda,but its empty calories and tons of sugar. I drink water only and sometimes g2,if i get an urge for pop I have one or 2 sips at the end of a meal.

    & that's the way to do it! Eventually you may not want it at all but if you do, so be it. Everything in moderation. Best of luck to you!
  • Thanks for your post! I feel exactly the same way....It is easier not to resrict yourself from certain things, or dread doing physical activity! Eat things when you feel like it and exercise when you feel like it. And when you don't you don't! It took me a while to let go of the guilt of not exercising and eating something that maybe was a little off track, but I have failed at "diets" soo many times that I just decided that I'm going to log my foods (even if I go over), do the exercise (not everyday), and just be overall healthly and happier. Not putting my self on a "diet" has worked the best for me, baby steps and portion control is the key for me! Good luck in your success!!!

    That's the way to do it. If I go over, I don't beat myself up over it, nor do I lie to myself and not log. I just pick myself up the next day and try to do better :)
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Thank you SOOOOO much for starting this thread. When I started, I told myself the same thing. It is simple and I will NOT complicate it. Well guess what I trap I fell into........that's right.........mucking it up with complication :grumble:
    Back to share one and SIMPLE!!!! Yes and thank you!!:flowerforyou: :love: Dyanna
  • Thanks for all the replies. I wish you guys nothing but the best on the road to a healthier you. I try to surround myself with positive people everyday. To the negative people, I wish you nothing but the best as well. Good luck in your success :)
  • Leonzu
    Leonzu Posts: 10 Member
    Great advice and inspiring words :o)
    I agree that you have to take baby steps to make lifestyle changes otherwise it can become overwhelming.

    Congrats on the weight loss
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree...I get actually get frustrated when people say I have worked so hard to lose my weight. I have to honestly say I have made sacrifices but overall this hasn't been that hard for me because of having my support team and guidelines of MFP to follow.
  • Great advice and inspiring words :o)
    I agree that you have to take baby steps to make lifestyle changes otherwise it can become overwhelming.

    Congrats on the weight loss

    Thanks! sometimes, no matter what I do, all the healthy eating and exercise, the scale don't budge, or it moves up. I've just told myself, I've gained muscle this week, lol. It really does help, as the week following I'm sure to be down. I'm certain positive thinking plays a big part :) Congrats to you as well, every little bit counts.
  • Thank you SOOOOO much for starting this thread. When I started, I told myself the same thing. It is simple and I will NOT complicate it. Well guess what I trap I fell into........that's right.........mucking it up with complication :grumble:
    Back to share one and SIMPLE!!!! Yes and thank you!!:flowerforyou: :love: Dyanna

    Slow & Steady Dyanna :) You WILL get there. No point in rushing it, small steps will lead to bigger success!!!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    If it were REALLY just that simple people wouldn't need websites like this for support. :drinker:

    It is that simple.

    if it were that simple, I mean really that simple and didn't come down to psychological barriers, physical barriers, mis- education/ mis information, etc. etc. there would be NO need for myfitnesspal.

    The point is, it is that simple. People want to excuse or over complicate things. When they realise it is that simple.. life will be so much better for them.

    SMH, you don't get it. That's sad.
  • jFaye12
    jFaye12 Posts: 12
    You have encouraged me!