Why not me?? (discouraged)

I see everyone else's great weight loss each week and wonder, why not ME??! I started eating better, staying under my calories (minus a day or two here and there where I went over by a teeny bit, not much though), exercising 30-60 minutes each day (these two workouts get my sweat pouring!) So, how come I went from 184.5-184.8??? Why am I not losing on the scale???! I have been eating more fruits and veggies and even drinking 7-8 cups of water per day! I feel so down right now and wish I knew what else to do.
I started the 30 Day Shred program and after a week of it, I had to stop due to shin splints and very sore knees. So I gave it a week and started over. Now I am taking it more slowly but still completing the workout and only doing it every other day when I am sore in the shins and knees. I also bought an elliptical over a week ago and started doing it every day for 30 minutes. (I started at 15 minutes and have uped it 5 minutes each day and now at 30) I only do the weight loss program on it because I seem to sweat more on it.
I am at a loss here and feeling really down. Last week I burned over twice as many calories as my goal (which is set for losing 1.5 pounds per week). So, even with going over a couple days on my calories, I more than made up for it, right? I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong since everyone else seems to have it figured out and losing weight each week! :((

Any suggestions and support are welcome.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? At least some of them? Not getting enough food can cause a lack of weight loss.

    Perhaps drinking more water might help? Unless you've got health issues that prevent it, aiming for an ounce of water per every 2 pounds of body weight could help with weight loss. Certainly couldn't hurt! Plus it helps reduce water weight and bloating around TOM!

    Some people lose weight faster than others. It's not fair, but that's life, right? I'm aiming for 2 pounds a week, and averaging far lower. I've lost 13 pounds since Dec. 30. And I work out HOURS a day, on average. I eat nothing but what my doctor wants, and I still lose slower than her plan usually results. But over the years, I've learned that I'm going to have slow weight loss. No other choice!
  • tackemup
    tackemup Posts: 3
    Don't give up! Is it possible that you might have some health related issues that slow down your metabolism or carb processing? It's worth a visit to your doc. Is your weight goal realistic. For many of us, 1/2 a lb/week is a much more realistic goal. Lowering your carb intake after 4pm might be helpful as well as getting enuf' sleep. Stop your preoccupation with this....keep doing the right things, have some fun...,it will happen.
  • Lkilgore2012
    Lkilgore2012 Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there girl!! Sometimes you can overdo your workouts as well. I agree, drink more water and that may help as well. Are you watching your sodium and sugar intake? Make sure that you also watch out for saturated fats. Be careful not to eat back too many of your calories because although you burn those calories, remember that if you are on a 1500 calorie diet and you take in 2000 calories, even if you exercise, you are still eating 500 calories more. I only know this because my nutritionist and trainers pound this into my head! Keep your head up!!
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    Don't give up! We all have days that can be rough. I would start with seeing your doctor and having blood work done. There could be some underlying issues with anything from your thyroid to glucose. I started with that as a stepping stone. Once you have the okay then talk to your doctor about what you want and what you are willing to do to attain that goal. Take pictures and measurements! I have only lost 10 pounds since January. But I have lost 18.25 inches as of Friday. That makes me feel good even though the scale is not my friend. :blushing:
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    keep at it. you are doing your body a great service by caring for it. Eventually it will pay you back!!!!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    when you start a new workout your body will hold onto some water weight for alittle while then all of a sudden it will start to show on the scale in loss give it somemore time
  • YuffieKisaragi
    YuffieKisaragi Posts: 13 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? If you are working out that much you could just be gaining muscle weight. When I first started pole dancing, before I even was on a diet, my weight was staying the same but I could feel my pants getting looser. You can't always rely on the scale as an indicator of success. :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Are you sure your food counts have been correct? Have you been using a scale/measuring cups to be sure? Have you been forgetting things like butter on the bread, a bit of dressing on a salad, milk on cereal, a nibble of ham while making a sandwich, etc? This is a common source of error, and is one of the first places I'd look.
  • Jostring73
    Jostring73 Posts: 18 Member
    Im the same I have lost no weight but I have lost inches. You may find you are the same, especially if you are working out every day. Your body is probably toning for now, then the weight will go.
    Well thats what Im hoping anyway. Dont give up.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Consider opening your diary so others can see what you're eating. I'd love to help, but can't offer much advice without seeing your diary.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I think that sometimes it just takes time for our bodies to adjust to the new lifestyle. I had a gain before I started losing (the ticker says 10 pounds, but before I got pregnant I had lost 50 - had the baby - and now i've lost 10 pounds). Just give it some time, don't give up, and eventually you will start losing!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Did you start working out a lot more than before? All these workouts and pain in the muscles may also cause your muscles to retain more water, resulting in more weight! The weight you lost in fat may be back for now in water or even in muscle.

    Don't get discouraged, this IS the way to do it. But true as it is, make sure you don't eat too few calories either. Try and eat back the calories that you lose by exercising. I know this seems counter intuitive, but it works for a lot of people. That way you have your set calorie deficit each day, and the exercise will boost your endurance, overall condition and help you tone up.

    It may take a while for your body to realize the new path.. it will catch up, give it some time.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Have you had your body fat percetgae tested? If you are building mu8scle, you may not see the scale move much, but your body fat % will!!!

    are your clothes fitting any different??

    Don't get discouraged- you are on the right track!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Stay consistent and give it time. One weigh in (one week) is not enough to conclude you're failing. I weigh myself every day, record it here once a week, and can tell you that weight can swing by several pounds. Just stay consistent and you'll see it soon enough.
  • Have you taken your measurements? Take them when you first start an exercise regimen, and take them once a week. Sometimes, when we dont lose weight, we lose inches - For example, over the last month, I havent lost a single pound. Not one. BUT - I HAVE lost eleven inches from my body, and went down a clothing size.

    Track your measurements - either on here, an Excel spreadsheet, or another forum (like obesityhelp.com) and see where it goes!!

    Dont get discouraged - you didnt gain weight every week over the last several years either - it takes time for it to come off too... slow and steady tends to keep it off longer.

    Good luck!!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Take your measurements, if you haven't already. My first month (January) I gained 2 lbs, and then lost 4 over almost 5 weeks, BUT I lost 17.5". The scale may not be moving yet, but if you have changed your diet and activity level that much I would bet your body is changing. Hang in there.
  • brianz72
    brianz72 Posts: 17
    It can take a good 1-2 weeks before any weight loss happens. The idea that a 500 calorie deficit equals one pound per week is a rough estimate and is also an average. In the three times in my life where I've seriously dieted, I weighed the same for the first 10 days. Then I'd lose 3-4 pounds in the space of 2-3 days! Then I'd stay the same for 7-10 days. And so on. Your body will fight to maintain the fat, then burn a ton of it, then maintain, etc. It's a step-function, not a smooth line. Just keep that calorie deficit going and it's guaranteed to happen.
  • You need to make sure you're eating enough and that you're not going under 1200 for your net calories each day. Weight loss can stall or stop completely if you're not fueling your body correctly.
  • sparkyjo
    sparkyjo Posts: 5 Member
    dont be discouraged maybe you should buy a body measuring tape my girlfriend has the same problem but i measured her about 2 months ago and she wasn't noticing anything on the scales but she has dropped inches everywere and now after 2 months the scales has started to move for her

    but make sure you are not eating to little with the exercise your doing maybe try to increase you calorie in take a small bit each week and as long as your not over doing it and lasing on weight

    i wish you the best i hope you keep going
  • JudyZ
    JudyZ Posts: 23
    I see two gorgeous little ones in your picture. Are you getting enough good, quality sleep? I know that can be tough with little ones, but the more you do to ensure that everyone gets a good night's sleep, the better. That can include teaching the kids how to sooth themselves so that they can get back to sleep without calling for Mommy or Daddy.

    Just one more thing to think about! Whatever you do....keep at it! You are doing all the right things. Give it time and continually look for things that may help! I just did a pretty easy 3 day cleanse last week that kickstarted my weight loss. I had been stuck on the same number for quite a while. I know that I'm gaining muscle through my workouts, but it's been a few months, so the weight loss should have been there too. I THINK I got it rolling again! Not only by doing that cleanse, but being consistent logging my food into here too!