Im so frustrated!!!



  • I agree with the others about eating more. My scale was stuck and I was getting frustrated too. I started watching how many net calories I was getting and it wasn't enough. I bumped up the cals and changed my workout routine and boom 2 lbs gone! Never giving up is key.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    what is your weight loss goal? 160, 150? and, how many lbs/week are you aiming to lose (according to what you have it for on MFP)?
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    You need to eat your allotted calories and also eat most of your exercise calories back!!! Diet pills #1 are a quick fix!!! They will not help you keep things off long term!!! Ditch the pills and eat more!!!! Trust me it will work!
  • IndependentGuilt
    IndependentGuilt Posts: 20 Member
    It will come off...keep with it. Make healthy eating choices and patient. As my hubby said (and I only hated him for an hour or so...), "Honey, the weight didn't all come on in 1 month..."
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    When you first start working out and eating right your body is adjusting to the change. The first 4-6 weeks is the endurance phase. After your body builds endurance and gets used to the change then you will start losing. The best formula I have used to find what calories I need to eat is the Harris-Benedict formula. When you use this formula it incorporates your activity level so you don't have to eat back your exercise calories. Many people think its crazy that you have to eat more to lose weight but its true but you also have to eat the right kind of foods. Calories are not the same. If you take a cup of milk and a cup of cream and pour them, the cream will pour slower and that is the same way it passes through your system. Now Im not sure what kinds of foods you have been eating but I just wanted to give you a example to make you think about what you put in your body just in case you have been thinking that all calories are the same. You have to take your time and learn you body. Everyones body is different and you have to be patient. Weightloss is a learning process. There is no quick fix. It takes hard work and dedication. Don't give up! You have came this far and started this journey, finish it. It is so worth it!
  • Lotus1026
    Lotus1026 Posts: 49
    "what is your weight loss goal? 160, 150? and, how many lbs/week are you aiming to lose (according to what you have it for on MFP)?"

    my goal is anywhere between 150-160lb. im honestly do not want to be consumed with the scale so i really dont know what my projection of lb/week i want, according to MFP it set me at 1200cal/day to lose 2lb/week.but i think i might direct my attention to measurments now instead of weight loss, maybe just weigh myself once a month............
  • Sometimes we can all forget to focus on the positives. Are you feeling better now that you're working out more? More energy?

    Maybe avoid the scale for a while if it is de-motivating you. Always try to focus on something good.... because what you focus on expands :):)
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I started taking Oxelite Pro for 1 week now and watching what i eat, way below 1500 cal and worked out 5 days this week. stepped on the scale this morning and lost NOTHING! This is beoynd frustrating for me i just am in a complete give up mode, as sad as that is to say. i have no idea what to do anymore apparently watching what i eat and working out and taking diet pill (which i did not want to result to) isnt doing anything. maybe im overreacting an expecting to much to soon but i need something to motivate me.

    Be VERY careful about taking "diet pills" such as Oxelite Pro.

    They may work up to a point, but they may also have some nasty side effects.

    There are a flood of "reviews" on Oxelite that are nothing more than commercials disguised as reviews.

    I have found one that seems objective:

    It talks about pros (does decrease your appetite) and also the many negative effects on your body.
    That pill simply decreases your appetite, at the expense of potentially damaging your body !
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    "what is your weight loss goal? 160, 150? and, how many lbs/week are you aiming to lose (according to what you have it for on MFP)?"

    my goal is anywhere between 150-160lb. im honestly do not want to be consumed with the scale so i really dont know what my projection of lb/week i want, according to MFP it set me at 1200cal/day to lose 2lb/week.but i think i might direct my attention to measurments now instead of weight loss, maybe just weigh myself once a month............

    ok, I recommend you set a goal. 'i want to lose 50 lbs by X date,' figure out how many lbs/week that would take. I, as MFP and many recommend, do not recommend more than a lb and a half/week. 2lbs/week will more than likely deprive you of calories your body is used to getting. this is especially critical if you were not exercising and recently started back up.

    again, this is speculation, because it's your body, but you did post so I will offer my thoughts and advice.

    trust that food is GOOD for you, it is HEALTHY for you, you CAN eat and still lose weight
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    Measurements are your best bet. You will lose inches before weight most of the time anyways. Also if you did any strength training then you might be retaining water. Remember to drink lots of water and if you are going to weight then you should weigh first thing in the morning before you eat or do any activities.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    eating way under 1500 plus working out is your only problem. EAT MORE. you will still lose weight. Eat above your BMR AFTER working out!!!!

    you will eventually get it and do it, but you have to realize why yourself not from listening to any of us.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm also 5'6" and currently weigh 206. I eat a minimum of 1410 every day. That doesn't include exercise calories (and I probably burn 300-500 per session) which I do eat back. You need to eat more. Give your body the fuel that it needs. And stop wasting your money on pills. You don't need them. I've gone from 230 in December to 206 now without pills.
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    I started taking Oxelite Pro for 1 week now and watching what i eat, way below 1500 cal and worked out 5 days this week. stepped on the scale this morning and lost NOTHING! This is beoynd frustrating for me i just am in a complete give up mode, as sad as that is to say. i have no idea what to do anymore apparently watching what i eat and working out and taking diet pill (which i did not want to result to) isnt doing anything. maybe im overreacting an expecting to much to soon but i need something to motivate me.

    Be VERY careful about taking "diet pills" such as Oxelite Pro.

    They may work up to a point, but they may also have some nasty side effects.

    There are a flood of "reviews" on Oxelite that are nothing more than commercials disguised as reviews.

    I have found one that seems objective:

    It talks about pros (does decrease your appetite) and also the many negative effects on your body.
    That pill simply decreases your appetite, at the expense of potentially damaging your body !

    I tried taking Oxelite Pro a couple years ago and I felt ill all the time. I agree that most of the reviews on Oxelite Pro (and diet pills in general) are mainly commercials disguised as reviews. I took it because I had hit a plateau in my healthy(-ish) weight loss and was desperate to lose more weight. I had to stop taking the pills within a few days because I felt so sick (I even stupidly went pack on them and cycled on and off to try and negate the bad side effects, but still felt ill all the time). I did stop taking them completely within a couple weeks of starting them and went back to focusing on my more natural weight loss.

    Just my two cents.

    Edit: I never lost an ounce with Oxelite Pro. I lost my 68 pounds the old fashion way of exercise and eating better. (I only gained back 10 pounds after a year "off", plus some vacation weight that jump started my journey onto MFP.)
  • Lotus1026
    Lotus1026 Posts: 49
    i just went in an customized my profile. i uped my calories from 1200-1500 and have a "projected" weight loss of 1.2lb/week. however i am going to concentrate on the measurements for the time being verses the scale
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    You are definitely overreacting. You must be patient for this to work. I went crazy exercising six days a week and eating under goal and did not lose ONE pound in my whole first MONTH!

    But I kept at it and have now lost ten pounds and a bunch of inches. Don't even worry about the scale for a month or so. Take measurements and photos to compare later. It will work, but not if you give up after only a week.

    Go to the Success Story threads and see what others have done. It takes perseverance. You can do this!
  • glacroix
    glacroix Posts: 18 Member
    i just went in an customized my profile. i uped my calories from 1200-1500 and have a "projected" weight loss of 1.2lb/week. however i am going to concentrate on the measurements for the time being verses the scale

    Make sure you take them from a *bunch* of places! Some weeks only certain body parts will lose and others it will be others and that's really discouraging if you only took measurements of say your waist which isn't shrinking while your hips and thighs are, for example!
  • Lotus1026
    Lotus1026 Posts: 49
    Thank you guys so much for all the advise and help!!!!! anything and everything helps!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    It's hard to give you any advice without looking at your diary. But I would guess 100% that this is due to diet NOT calorie consumption and NOT exercise. Staying under a certain calorie count is only half the battle of weight loss. Really it's more about the QUALITY of foods you're eating.

    I think you should ask yourself the following questions:

    1.) How much sugar are you having? If you're eating more than 2 pieces of fruit- you're probably taking in too much sugar.

    2.) How much sodium are you eating? If you're eating more than 1 serving of processed meats (lunch meat, bacon, lox, etc.) OR canned foods of any kind OR frozen meals (excluding plain frozen veggies) OR "diet" snacks like Pop chips, 100 calorie packs, etc. OR ANY FAST FOOD AT ALL. Then you're probably having too much sodium which leads to water retention which leads to slow weight loss.

    3.) How many servings of veggies and LEAN proteins are you having? Try cutting out starchy veggies and only focusing on legumes, peppers, and cruciferous veggies like spinach, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, etc. If you're eating fatty meats try going for a week on just chicken, fish, and turkey.

    4.) How many servings of complex carbs are you having? More than 2? If you're having more than 3 or more servings of carbs AND 3 or more pieces of fruit that's probably too many carbs for your body.

    5.) WATER- are you drinking 13 cups a day? That's what you'd need for your weight without including exercise. Then you should drink an additional 2 cups for every 30 mins you exercise. PLUS if you're taking Oxy Elite pro then you should be drinking 2 cups with every pill. It's a thermogenic so it's job is to raise your metabolism and make you sweat. You have to stay hydrated if you want to see results while taking it.

    Any way- every body is different. You just need to find what works for your body. I understand several people don't think you're eating enough but don't take that as free reign to just eat more food. You have to focus on the nutrition in the food. Best of luck :flowerforyou: You can do it!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    5.) WATER- are you drinking 13 cups a day? That's what you'd need for your weight without including exercise. Then you should drink an additional 2 cups for every 30 mins you exercise. PLUS if you're taking Oxy Elite pro then you should be drinking 2 cups with every pill. It's a thermogenic so it's job is to raise your metabolism and make you sweat. You have to stay hydrated if you want to see results while taking it.

    Where did you fnd that water stat? I know I need more than 8 cups since I'm bigger, but where did you look up how many you or her need?
  • OnMyWay4
    OnMyWay4 Posts: 264
    STOP GETTING ON THE SCALE!! Its a mutual HATE relationship! If you are losing inches then you are doing something right! The scale is the evil little *kitten* that calls you fat because it doesn't distingush the difference between fat and muscle! DO NOT give up or you are just going to keep starting over!
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