Not Exceeding Calorie Count

I always thought I eat pretty well, I try to eat as clean as possible. I just signed up today and after one day of "good eating" in my books I have exceeding most of my allowed intact.

I enjoy eating and feel like i am always hungry any tips on staying within your limits?


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    -Load up on vegetables (non-starchy) - they are low calorie so you can fill up your plate w/o taking a big hit on your calorie budget.

    -Don't drink you calories. Drink water, either plain or with low-calorie flavoring, if you drink soda and don't want to give it up, try a few diet varieties instead to save on those calories.

    -Make sure you're getting adequate protein and fiber in your meals, helps you feel full longer.

    -Plan you meals and snacks in advance so that you know what you can fit into your calorie allowance for the day. Also gives you something to look forward to, rather than you standing at the fridge or pantry and picking things based on what looks good right then rather than what you can fit into your goals for the day.

    -Exercise - if you workout, you get credit for the calories you've burned and thus you get to eat more. :-)
  • veggies and lots of water along with some fruit but watch out there is alot of natural sugars in fruit.

    and if you work out it will give more room to add more cal.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    More low calorie foods made up of mostly fiber and water. Celery, lettuce, peppers, watermelon, and the like. That way, you can keep eating and not exceed your calorie count. Or, get used to not eating. I love to eat too. But I'm adjusting my relationship with food. I can't eat just for the sake of eating. I can only eat when I am truly hungry.
  • 0lightasair
    0lightasair Posts: 42 Member
    I find myself eating often when I am not hungry just because I have a craving for taste. Recently I've been turning to teas a lot to control my appetite. Green and Puerh teas work really well for me to curb my appetitie and I've found a few flavours I like so I can mixx things up to keep from boredom. Icing home-steeped tea and mixing them with carbonated water make for nice soda-variety drinks.

    Eating apples also helps. Apples are quite filling and a low-cal fruit. Try and snack on apples about 30 minutes before big meals. You may find that you eat less during these big meals allowing you more calories for your snacks.

    Avoiding high sugar fruits and high fat nuts always helps. The sweet tropical fruits are a sneaky way for calories to work their way into your diet. For instance, I ate grapes to fill up for months before realizing for calorie heavy they are compared to other fruits.

    Find low calorie foods you do not like to combat munchies. If you hate celery, keep it around for snacks or munching. You'll stop wanting to munch if its something you don't like.

    Raw "negative calorie foods" are your friend. Brocolli and Celery and such are foods which practically portion control themselves. They also keep you full longer as they generally have fibre.

    Lastly, when I first started out, I found myself really hungry all the time because I was used to eating larger portions and constantly thinking about food and calorie tracking. Since then what I've tried to do is manage portions and not obsess too much about the calorie tracker. Pay attention to your carb/fat/protien intake and don't excessively deprive yourself. Find managable ways to fit your favorite foods into your week. This should prevent you from binging. I find wearing a fitted belt (not too tight! You still need to eat.) at meals helps me eat just enough to fill my stomach instead of eating till my tongue is satisfied. This way if I'm stuffing myself, it feels physically uncomforatable and I stop. Find a trick or two like that which work for you. After a few weeks of portion control I find the constant hunger subsides. It feels as though my stomach is now sized to suit my current diet goals.

    Good Luck.
  • thanks everyone all very helpful tips. now on day 2 and noticing how my morning smoothie has quite the sugar. All in all I am noticing the little things to help me progress.

    Since i sit at a desk all day I am much more tempted to munch, I will however try drinking green teas (i enjoy them anyway)

    I find i exceed the protein intake but that's fine just gotta watch that sugar and fat :)
    as much as the idea of counting what you eat sound terrible this really helps and so do the forums.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Hi Richmond Hill - Markham here :)

    It's been said but to sum up;

    Eat lots of veggies
    Drink lots of water
    Hit 25% min daily on protein - protein is what keeps you full, carbs give you energy
    Willpower, willpower, willpower!!

    Best of luck!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I'm also at a desk all day, and I find that when I'm in a habit of snacking, I get hungry at certain times (mid morning and afternoon), regardless of what I've eaten that day. It's a challenge to get through those moments of hungryness! Two things that have helped me is either 1. set a schedule and stick to it - tell yourself that you are going to have a snack at 11, and then when you are hungry at 1030, remind yourself that its ok, you are going to have a snack soon. The other is to do something else before you eat - make yourself drink 2 glasses of water before a snack, etc. The goal is to disassociate the habit of eating/snacking when you aren't really hungry.

    But the thing that helps most is time - once you get new habits set up, you won't be as hungry. It's a pain to get to that point though, so good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    What did you set your weekly weight loss goal to?

    Since you only have 18lbs to go your goal should not be to lose more than 1 lb/week. If you change your goal to 1lb/week you should get more calories to fuel your body.
  • lots of protein!!! eating more than what MFP suggests is best...i shoot for close to my weight in protein if i can. eat greek yogurt instead of regular yogurt. if you want the crunch and feel like 100 calorie bag of popcorn. also you stomach needs to adjust to the new portions...give it a week or two and you will feel satisfied with what you eat at your new portions. satisfied but not full. remember that when you feel full that means you have eatten too much.
  • i changed my weekly loss down to 1pound seems to a bit more workable now. still going to be tricky