Kettlebell Training

I have started training with kettlebells. I can't find them listed in the exercise database. Are they there or do they need to be added? Thanks!


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    "strength training" covers them if you want an entry that's already there.

    If not... below the search box (after you've searched for them to add to the diary" and it comes up empty (even if there are results)
    below that box it says something to the effect of
    "can't find what you're looking for? add to the database"
    with the last part being a clickable link
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    Meredith, I was thinking of starting kettlebells. Would u recommend it? I'm currently 204lbs, I'm doing cardio but was thinking of incorporating some strength training but with a small child and a fulltime job I'm mostly restricted to doing my workouts at home.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    Kettlebells are great for strength, and can certainly be considered "cardio" depending on the program you follow. Wearing my HRM during a 60 minute workout would show burns close to 700 calories. (Art of Strength DVDs)
  • btmadison
    btmadison Posts: 38 Member
    Wearing my HRM I get about 20 cal / minute avg burn. I also get my heart rate way up. LAtely I have been doing 60/30 intervals and my HR can easily hit 160+. 60/30 meaning 60 seconds of an exercise all out, 30 second rest, repeat... This may be the best cardio workout I have ever enjoyed doing that does a crazy burn!

    For example today I did:
    60 seconds 2 hand swing / 30 second rest
    60 seconds kb squats / 30 seconds rest
    60 seconds push ups / 30 seconds rest
    60s right arm swing / 30s rest
    60s left arm swing / 30s rest
    60s kb crunches / 30s rest
    60 second left / right OH press / 30 rest
    60 second clean press / 30 rest

    For your first few times maybe lower the times or increase the rest. Going all out this will create a HIIT / tabata type effect.

    I use a free ap on my android that I set up the interval timing. so it beeps so i dont have to watch the clock for when to rest and when to start...
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    Love, love love my kettle bells! I have a 25 pounder that I use for kettle bell swings 3 times a week and it helped me lose 10% body fat in 10 weeks. It is the best thing I've ever found to really tone the butt. I've lost inches off my posterior and wish the rest if me would catch up, lol
  • btmadison
    btmadison Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah I love them also, I think this one piece of equipment may be the single best portable / home gym solution.
  • oceancharmer
    Interested in trying kettlebells, where should I buy them and how many pounds do I purchase? I currently weigh 159 and exercise every other day:-) THANKS!!!
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    Kettlebells are great. I use them with y Jillian Michaels workout. I've never sweated like that before
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I love kettlebell workouts! Here's a link that I found when I was trying to determine approximate calorie burn.

    Major calorie burning (In a recent study conducted by the highly respected American Council on Exercise, participants burned approximately 20 calories per minute--that's 1,200 calories per hour.)
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • yodapooper
    :huh: I need something to work the top part of my body. Will a kettlebell do the trick?
  • oceancharmer
    I love kettlebell workouts! Here's a link that I found when I was trying to determine approximate calorie burn.

    Major calorie burning (In a recent study conducted by the highly respected American Council on Exercise, participants burned approximately 20 calories per minute--that's 1,200 calories per hour.)
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    :huh: I need something to work the top part of my body. Will a kettlebell do the trick?

    Kettlebell workouts are full body workouts that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. I just recently bought a groupon deal where it offered Kettleworx kettlebell & 10 dvd's. I just started the workouts & I must say I was whooped in 25 minutes! Love it though.
  • btmadison
    btmadison Posts: 38 Member
    30-45 lbs recommended starting weight for male (I started with a 30, I will soon add a second 30 to do two at once instead of going up in weight for now)

    For woman 15 - 25 lbs is a recommended starting weight. Many of the things I have seen on TV such as kettleworx infomercials (which they also sell as a kit in stores) in my opinion is overpriced and VERY low weight.

    MY wife as started with a 15 with practically no previous fitness experience and is doing well with the 15.
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    30-45 lbs recommended starting weight for male (I started with a 30, I will soon add a second 30 to do two at once instead of going up in weight for now)

    For woman 15 - 25 lbs is a recommended starting weight. Many of the things I have seen on TV such as kettleworx infomercials (which they also sell as a kit in stores) in my opinion is overpriced and VERY low weight.

    MY wife as started with a 15 with practically no previous fitness experience and is doing well with the 15.

    I agree, especially for the swings. I was told to get something that I could manage but grow into and i chose a 25 pound for swings. I do 2 sessions of 25 reps.
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    I've been using KBs for several years and with a certified trainer for a year - Jillian Michaels is DANGEROUS!! with KBs - please check out or google Tracy Reifkind. Please learn the safe way to use them so you don't hurt yourself.
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    30-45 lbs recommended starting weight for male (I started with a 30, I will soon add a second 30 to do two at once instead of going up in weight for now)

    For woman 15 - 25 lbs is a recommended starting weight. Many of the things I have seen on TV such as kettleworx infomercials (which they also sell as a kit in stores) in my opinion is overpriced and VERY low weight.

    MY wife as started with a 15 with practically no previous fitness experience and is doing well with the 15.

    I concur. I highly recommend Tracy Reifkind - she lost 120 lbs doing just the swing. She just released her first book which is excellent for beginners, imho, called The Swing.
  • CME37
    CME37 Posts: 16
    How would you log in a kettlebell workout in MFP? Cardio? Strength? Please Advise...
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    It is both, but I log it as cardio based on what my heart rate monitor says.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Here's a link to where I figured my approximate calorie burn (I don't have an HRM)....

    Major calorie burning (In a recent study conducted by the highly respected American Council on Exercise, participants burned approximately 20 calories per minute--that's 1,200 calories per hour.)