Ok my nutritionist made me do this..lol



  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I think my greatest challenge exercise wise is when I HAVE time, it is not a good time for me to exercise due to my diabetes. When I exercise, my blood sugar spikes so exercising right before I go to sleep is not save. I get up at 5:30am and leave for work by 6:15am since I live an hour away. I work as a trainer so I am on my feet all day and walk as much a I can, but I miss running and weight lifting. I know that I may just have to get up earlier, but what little sleep I get I value...completely (I average only about 4 hours a night as it is......) thank you for all of your advice everyone....I will keep you all updated

    Exercise is great, but you can achieve great weight loss with moderate or very little exercise.

    Once you are at a good weight level, I am pretty sure your blood sugar and other things will improve, and you will be able to do the exercise that you used to do.

    I have reduced 44lbs by basically following the MFP idea:
    Set your Goals for weight and weight reduction (I recommend you set your goal to 1 lb/week)
    Log ALL of the food and try to maintain your calories just below your daily calorie limit
    (Now I also watch for nutritional value, etc but that is not necessary at the beginning)

    Good luck and feel free to friend me !
  • ewentzel
    ewentzel Posts: 11
    I don't work full time, but I'm in graduate school full time, and that can be like 2 full time jobs some days! LOL!

    My BF is a type 1 diabetic. He has been struggling with his weight lately too. A few things he does to help himself is eat high protein and high fiber, takes cinnamon and chromium piccolinate (for better insulin usage), and exercise is a must. Your body just uses the insulin better if you get exercise! He's also hypothyroid, so he's got a double whammy there. It's impossible to get blood sugar under control if you don't have your thyroid under control, so watch for that, just in case. He was diagnosed as a diabetic about 5 or 6 years ago, but only last year did he learn he was a type 1. When the thyroid went is when he learned this.

    I found I MUST make time to exercise in my crazy schedule. As I said, I'm a graduate student, working on my PhD in Chemistry, I'm also a small business owner (making jewelry, selling at festivals), and live a fairly active social life! If I don't exercise, I don't function properly, and none of it gets done! Carve out half an hour a few days a week to start. You'll be thanking yourself in no time!

    Good luck to you!

    OK PLEASE tell me how you have a social life???? LOL I am working on my PhD in Education and with papers...I have NO social life...