Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 13



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    chrissy - you. are. amazing. :flowerforyou: Those pix were beautiful - no matter what weight! But, you look so happy in the 75 pounds lost one. And healthy. :wink:

    hmo4 - for breakfast, I have 1 cup of Fiber One Frosted Shredded Wheat and a tablespoon of Simply Jif. Yummy! It's not a huge breakfast, but it fills me up, tastes good and gives me energy.

    for those of you doing the couch to 5K program... :drinker: I'd like to start it a little later on in my weight loss. I have tried doing interval jogging on the treadmill, but... it's a little bit painful, actually. :noway: My body isn't good for running just yet.

    Does anybody have the Hungry Girl's 200 Under 200 recipe book? I *almost* bought it, but the $20 price tag has me kind of set back. I did see one of their recipes that I thought looked good, though... and I looked it up online... and found it! BBQ Mango Tilapia. I tried it over the weekend and am having it for dinner all week. I added more mango than it called for, used honey in place of molasses and doubled the recipe. I have either a little rice or corn with it and I :heart: it! It was a quick, cheap recipe. :drinker:

    What's the challenge for this week??

    I really wanted to get that book also and I posted a topic on it. From what I have heard its worth the money. I have some money left on paypal so I might just go on ebay and see how much it cost there. I heard there is a website you can go to. Haven't been there yet however.

    I saw the "Eat This, Not That" book, which was the same price. It's more of a restaurant guide than a recipe book, but I was just flipping through it and it looked good. Anyone have that? Oh, and I did see the Hungry Girl book, too.

    I've flipped thru that at Kmart and it's pretty cool but rather than buy it, I get like a email newsletter from them - for free.....the hungry girl - well I have the cookbok and haven't actually really liked what I've made from it so far - I'd have to think back what I've tried - I am sure some of its good but it's kept me from spending the 20 on the new one and I also get a free email newsletter from them too!

    Kathy - you look amazing - can't wait to be where you are!
    Rach I am so proud that you're doing C25k! When I started it, I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks....
    Jess-I feel you on the sleep - that darn cute puppy likes to play at 130am! She did better last night - hopefully she'll continue to get better and better. Afterall - she'll only be 7 weeks tomorrow.

    did strenghth last night for an hour - probably walk/run tonight. Sunday when I did my run, I did 3.5 miles and I could have done a bit more I think but I set a goal of where I wanted to get to and I did it so I stopped and walked the last mile.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Oh my god.
    My dad came home from fishing yesterday.
    And he brought home the leftover mini doughnuts, cookies, trailmix, and junk they were eating on the ship.
    It was all sitting there in full view.

    And I screwed up my sugar for today and had two poptarts.

    But I'm starting the C25K in a few minute, we'll see how it goes.

    Hey! I started C25K today too! I did day one. I did skip one running interval, but kept up otherwise. Maybe we can be each other's cheerleaders with water cups rather than pom poms :drinker:

    My one problem is that I have no idea how many calories I burned. The distance, calorie, etc things are all burnt out on the treadmill. I'm trying to get an estimate, but I don't have a heart rate monitor, and there's no way I can get one.

    :drinker: C!
    :drinker: 2!
    :drinker: 5!
    :drinker: K!
    :drinker: Couch to 5k! Wooooohoooo! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Here's an estimate for you - two ways - log in your walking and jogging separately with how many minutes for each or a good guesstimate is if it were 30 minutes 300 calories - 40 minutes 400....I run dead on that by my HRM....just some thoughts to get it to where you can log it.
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Hey ladies! Happy Tuesday.

    Cello: I'm planning to do Day 2 tomorrow/Thursday and Day 3 on Saturday. How'd Day 1 go for you?

    HMO: WOW that pic is just amazing! You should be very proud of yourself. Those folks at your work are gonna be knocked over by the "new" you. I sure hope the transition is as smooth as can be.

    Rach: As someone who would rather stay up late than get up early, I feel your pain about getting back on a "normal" schedule. I constantly feel like I'm fighting nature by getting up when I do 5:45a :noway: and I can't seem to get to sleep before 10 or 11pm. Sounds like you're on your way though to it. How goes the job hunt?

    Sign me up for the no late night snacking challenge. I need to put a padlock and chain around my fridge and pantry after 7, however that's not practical with the kids/hubby :laugh: Here's hoping everyone has a great day!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    HMO4 - you look awesome in your new pics!! Girl, you gotta be proud of that swim suit!! You are totally rockin'it!! Woot Woot!!

    So, it's after 7:00 & I just finished up my 3rd piece of fruit for the day & I'm officially done eating!! ... now what do I do??!! LOL!! :laugh: :laugh: Maybe I'll go to bed!! LOL!! :laugh: Oh, I think More to Love is on & Hell's Kitchen!! However, HK always makes me hungry!! :laugh:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    hmo - the new pics look so good! :happy: You should feel really proud of yourself!

    Sani - is the show "More to Love" good? I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen some threads posted about the show picking on overweight people . . . :huh:

    I think I'm slowly gaining my motivation back. I exercised for an hour and a half today . . . feeling the BURN :laugh: but overall it was a good workout.

    I haven't snacked at night yet, either.:smile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks, appreciate the compliments-keeps me encouraged to continue. Tried to do better today, ate carbs a bit later than I should have, but walked about 12300 steps! My Pedometer is awesome! Still lacking in the veggie dept. How do you guys eat lots? I'm just sick of them already!! Gonna do veggies and dip tomorrow. Spent too much $$ at the grocery store, all good stuff though-no crap! Up early again tomorrow to take my girl to the Dr.s. Chat later, have a good one!

    Rach-sorry about the job. Try not to get into a bad rutt. I did, and it's very depressing. Just think, more time to exercise!

    Way to go snackers-What's the challenge for the week?:drinker:
  • cellorocker
    Cello: I'm planning to do Day 2 tomorrow/Thursday and Day 3 on Saturday. How'd Day 1 go for you?

    I was surprised, I actually did pretty well. I didn't find it too difficult. But I was breathing hard at the end, and sweating like a pig. I jumped in the ice cold shower and it felt soooo good. How did you like it?
    I'm doing Day 2 tomorrow.
    My only setback is that my mom doesn't approve of me exercising (don't even ask me why- one day she's saying I never exercise, and that I'm fat, the next day she's getting on my butt because I'm exercising) and my sister and dad make fun of me, so I have to do it when they're gone.

    Day 3 will be Friday. I've got school Roundup on Thursday... I'll finally get my schedule, ID card, and books. On the downside, I'll be going to Starbucks with my friend. Temptation at its highest.

    Oh, and Rach, I feel for you. I've been trying to go to bed around 3 am... and end up lying in bed til my mom goes to work at 4:30. I've got school in 9 more days (counting down :laugh: ) and I'm trying to get back in a normal sleep pattern so I don't show up on the first day of school looking like the walking dead! :tongue:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    So yesterday I went on ebay and bought Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones and it should be coming tomorrow in the mail. That is quick so if she doesn't kick my @$$ the house cleaning that I have to do will. I can't wait and I'm going to wear my HRM while I clean house also. I made that mistake last week not wearing it and I know I burned calories like crazy. I can't wait to try the new DVD. When asking my husband if it was ok he just rolled his eyes. I then said well there are these cool new shoes and he said buy the DVD :laugh: I knew I could get him one way or another. Cheers to me for knowing how to work my hubby. I did pretty good today except forgot my meds at home so I didn't take them until this afternoon bad news for the people that had to talk to me this morning. :tongue: Won't be doing that again. Everyone have a great day and I will give you an update tomorrow (today) at somepoint. :flowerforyou:

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Cello - my mom NEVER really approved of my exercising an hour a day when I 1st decide to get myself healthy. She always bought mostly healthy foods, but exercise was not at the top of her list. She says it takes too much time from her day.:huh: She didn't make fun of me though. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. But keep exercising no matter what, and soon your parents will learn to accept it.:smile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Cello - I wanted to say hang in there! It's really hard when you don't have the support at home & as far as making fun of you.. :noway: Not cool! They'll get it soon! You'll be happier, healthier & fit & then they'll just be proud of you!! Hang in there!!
    OH ya, as far as starbucks.. they have some really delicious low-cal alternatives!! They're really wonderful as far as making suggestions on what they can make for you depending on what you already like. My low cal favorite is a light cofee iced frappuccino!! It's all whipped up with ice & super yummy for about 90 calories!!

    j_g - congrats on the jillian video!! You'll have to let us know just how great it is!!

    fitgal - More to Love is pretty good, it's just I really feel for these girls. Most of them are falling for this guy because he says he likes girls with curves & a few of them have never even dated before! I foresee alot of them getting their hearts crushed!! I'm just waiting for the big twist when they send in the swim suit models in a few weeks (just my theory :wink: )

    So, I did good with the no after dinner eating last night!! So proud of me!! It really is a mental thing!! While watching Hells Kitchen, I could not believe all of the commercials for food!! No wonder I'm always "hungry" when watching tv!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    My weight is 192.6 today
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh MAN am I sore!!! I need to find some sort of exercise to do today, probably a dvd of some sort. I'm still trying to adjust my sleep! Since I didn't sleep at all the night before last, I crashed at around 5pm yesterday. Slept til a buddy of mine texted me at 11:30pm to see if I wanted to get coffee. :noway: Of course I did though. :laugh: Then after that I hung out with another friend and didn't make it back to bed til about 3am. Only slept in til 9:30am this morning so I should be able to get to bed at a decent time tonight.

    I've got to 'rearrange' my mom's basement today....ugh. She over took the one tiny area I had cleaned to workout in, with fake christmas trees and old broken tvs, etc. :grumble:

    Well I'm off to make breakfast and try to loosen up my stiff body a bit! :flowerforyou:
  • cellorocker
    I only got 6 hours of sleep last night. It's more than I get normally during the school year, but when I'm used to functioning on 12-13 hours of sleep, I feel like I've been hit by a bus.

    I've got housework to do today- cleaning out my closet and my bookshelf, some laundry, and organizing the cabinets under the sick in the bathroom.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Before I read everyones comments I want to tell everyone that I have offically lost 50lbs. I'm crying I am so happy. I have 23 more pounds and I will have hit my goal. A friend helped me clean my house and i burned 1,572 calories. :drinker: Everyone have a wonderful day.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    My weight is 186. -1 pound from last week. I have to see if it lasts before I update my ticker.

    jg - 50 pounds?!?! That's awesome! :happy: That's around what my overall goal is. So what kind of results are you seeing because of that weight loss? I need some motivation!:tongue:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Before I read everyones comments I want to tell everyone that I have offically lost 50lbs. I'm crying I am so happy. I have 23 more pounds and I will have hit my goal. A friend helped me clean my house and i burned 1,572 calories. :drinker: Everyone have a wonderful day.

    WAY TO GO JESS!!!!!!!!!!
  • cellorocker
    Before I read everyones comments I want to tell everyone that I have offically lost 50lbs. I'm crying I am so happy. I have 23 more pounds and I will have hit my goal. A friend helped me clean my house and i burned 1,572 calories. :drinker: Everyone have a wonderful day.

    Wooh, that's awesome.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    My weight is 186. -1 pound from last week. I have to see if it lasts before I update my ticker.

    jg - 50 pounds?!?! That's awesome! :happy: That's around what my overall goal is. So what kind of results are you seeing because of that weight loss? I need some motivation!:tongue:

    I would like to say that I have more motivation but I can't. However, I have noticed that the more I loose the more I wanted to loose more. I took before and after pictures that is a BIG motivation for me.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Before I read everyones comments I want to tell everyone that I have offically lost 50lbs. I'm crying I am so happy. I have 23 more pounds and I will have hit my goal. A friend helped me clean my house and i burned 1,572 calories. :drinker: Everyone have a wonderful day.
