Anyone want to start the 30 Day Shred - TODAY!!????!!!



  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I started level 3 yesterday and LOVE IT! After doing Level 1 for 7 days straight, my back was too sore to continue so I had to start doing it every other day. I got used to Level 1 pretty quickly. Level 2 didn't seem harder than Level 1 (except for one of the stregnth moves at the end that I never managed to do all of) but it made me SWEAT like crazy! So far Level 3 is the same, but it's my favorite of all of the levels. I am forcing myself not to do it again today (will go to the gym instead and do some cardio). I have gone down 2 pants sizes and about 4 pounds, but read somewhere that the weight starts coming off more on Level 3. Good luck to all of you! Even if you miss a day (or 2, or 3, or more...) it's ok, just pick it back up. You will have more energy and see results!

    My back started hurting too when I started working out again, I just finished the firm express thin in 30. I thought it might be because they go so fast and I was having a hard time sometimes keeping up. JM goes through things slower so I'm hoping my back pain will ease up some but right now I think ibuprofen and tylenol PM are going to be my really good friends for a while. I'm also hoping the more I do it, the better I will get at it, and the stronger I will become so I don't have to deal with this stupid pain every day.
  • 4nakiaharmon
    4nakiaharmon Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on day 4, but I don't do it every day.....I try to get a good rotation of exercise in....I would love to do it with a group of people. The more inspiration, the better.....I sent you a friend request.
  • Please add me. I started three weeks ago, did four days in a row then didn't go back to it. I let life get in the way AGAIN. Maybe if I'm accountable to a support group I'll actually get further this time.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I started yesterday and today I feel the burn in my abs and thighs. When i bought my DVD from Walmart I also bought 2 IB weights bc I am a wimp and cant do 5IB.... until half way through the routine did I realize I bought 2IB weights... combined. They are actually 1 IB weights:blushing: .. bahaha no wonder my arms dont hurt!!! Lol So today I am going to the store to buy actual 2 IB weights and will keep the 1IB weights for when I get my treadmill back and will just use them while I walk and run. Lol Good luck to everyone! this is a difficult thing to do.. the determination will falter sometimes but just know that you are a better person inside, outside and all around for changing our body to a healthier you. Also remember you will gain weight the first few weeks, I already have, but dont let that stop you. you will see results and you will drop that weight back off after the 30 days. And the inches will come off and you will see a slimmer you!! Promise!!!! :bigsmile:
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I completed day 6 level 1 today. Anyone here feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get! I noticed mention of heart rate monitors. I'm currently looking for one on Amazon. I'm a little overwhelmed. Does anyone have suggestions for a good one that's under $100?

    I'm planning on doing the 30 Day Shred with no rest days. So far it hasn't been that bad. Getting past day five was a milestone!

    I just ordered one from Amazon but I won't get it until later this week. This one has a chest strap so it's supposed to be more accurate. Including shipping it was under $35. I don't need a fancy one, just something basic to help me keep better track of calories burned during my workouts. I read another post about HRMs and some people had said they bought/used the same one with success so I'll stick with this one as long as it meets my needs :) There are a lot out there depending on what you want it to do and how much you're willing to spend. I also saw one at walmart with a chest strap around $50 I think. Here's the link if you want to check it out and they come in different colors too :)
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    I'm doing day 6 tonight. Ended up doing 5 of the 6 nights I'm aiming for last week. Hopefully this week will be better! :] Feel free to add me.
  • I just started tonight and holy moly I'm already sore! Good luck everyone!!!
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member

    I just completed D6L1! This is my 4th go round with the definitely works. I can still use all the motivation, especially knowing that others are out there doing it with me. Please feel free to add me...good luck all!!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    D4L1 down and over with. I'll be glad when the 30 days are up. I'll be glad if levels 2 and 3 don't have any stupid jumping jacks or fake jumping rope in them. For some reason those exercises kill my shins and feet. And not to mention my rear with all the junk in my trunk I have bouncing up and down back there :laugh: :laugh:
  • Linda6580
    Linda6580 Posts: 192 Member
    I started the 30DS on the 25th. Tonight will be my 4th day. It is going pretty good, also already seeing a difference in how long I last with those jumping jacks and jump rope. Friend me if you would like. We all need help and encouragement!
  • poomash
    poomash Posts: 20
    I started my 30DS today and my calf muscles are soo aching..hoping to hang in there for the next 30 days!!
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    Looks like I need to get on board with this. I might just end up going to get it tomorrow. I would need some motivation to get going.