new to weight lose struggle with night eating


happy to start this program i want to loose 70 plus pounds however I struggle with night eating and ideas that might help


  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    Do you have work hours that keep you up later than usual?
    Also, are there more things you can do to tire yourself out more during the day, that you want to rest/sleep, instead of up and munching....
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Are you an evening snacker, like after dinner before bed or getting up out of bed to snack?
  • acelynp2
    acelynp2 Posts: 79 Member
    Brush your teeth after dinner
    Chew gum
    Go to sleep when you feel the urge to eat
    Come on MFP and read the posts
    Read anything to distract yourself or surf the net
    Don't do whatever triggers eating (i.e., watching tv, staying up too late, etc.)
    Quit buying the food you like to snack on
    Basically, keep yourself busy and get to bed earlier

    Good luck!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I keep a couple bowls of vegetables sliced up in the fridge to nibble on at night. Also, air popped popcorn without butter helps. Feel free to add me.
  • lookatme09
    lookatme09 Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same battle. I found I have to fight urges to not munch at night. I have to make myself drink water and if I have no reason to be up, I go to sleep. Good luch to you.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I find that the bigger my breakfast is, the less I tend to want to snack at night. For instance, on days when I eat less than 300 calories for breakfast, I am totally STARVING for dinner by, like, 4pm and the hunger doesn't go away later in the evening.
  • TMBrummer
    Night eating is typically caused from not eating enough during the day or inconsistent eating during the day. Create a pattern that allows you to have a quality snack before bed--8 ish. Make sure that this snack keeps you within your goals.
  • slippymcgee
    I get snacky at night, too. I try to eat a little more during the day so I don't feel as hungry towards the evening. If I do "have to" have a snack, I try to keep it healthy, ie frozen blueberries with some unsweetened almond milk. Best of luck to you :)
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    eat something super healthy. I eat apples at nite.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I am a night time eater so I save a bunch of calories for exactly this reason. I do ok with eating lighter in the day so it's not a struggle to wait for me.

    I make sure to have a nice, satisfying dinner and then about 2 hours later, I make myself a tasty fruit/yogurt smoothie.
    That's what rocks my boat, anyway.

    Just try to make adjustments that suit you and your eating style and don't worry about 'rules'.
    The only rule to follow is To Thine own Self be True.

    I hope you find something that works! :flowerforyou:
  • giddybutterfly
    I also suffer from night eating...for me I literally go to sleep and wake up in the night and will go and eat...sometimes 2 times a night. I will eat crappy foods and I will feel terrible but I still do it. It has nothing to do with hunger.
    A year or so ago when I was trying to lose weight I would keep calories aside to be able to eat at night.

    I changed my habit (sometimes I regress still) but I changed my habit by clearing my cupboards of the bad foods (even though the family was mad) for about 6 weeks. I also cut up some apples and oranges and ate that when I got up in the night. It wasnt eaasy but it did help me to do it less and less.

    I also started to do yoga at night before bed to help me relax and sleep deeper.
  • adawn15_2002
    adawn15_2002 Posts: 1 Member
    I work midnight. Popcorn if u get the low calories kinds and jello sugar free helps a lot. Also find it better for ice cream cravings get skinny cow single serve, Not pint size to get u by. They are only 150 or 160 calories l. Just keep going we all will make it. Some one said the other day. Get out and walk even if u are not fast, u are still lapping theperson sitting on the couch. Just the opposite with caloriesif ur going to eat just don't over do it, but don't completely deprive yourself. Keep up the good work!
  • boogiewoman1
    I too, am a sleep eater. I have waken up to melted chocolate in my bed and even a snack still in my hand. Eat something fiberous about 20 before you go to bed (whole wheat shredded bites cereal) should make you feel fuller. Drink some water before bed too! Good luck!
  • Johnni0923
    Johnni0923 Posts: 14 Member

    My name is Johnni. I have had problems with night time eating as well. A few ideas.

    - create something fun for you to do in the evening that is non-food related
    -start a craft or hobby that keeps your hands busy
    -chew gum
    -brush your teeth
    -ride the craving wave... watch a timer for 5 minutes, if the craving is still there after 5 mins, eat a small well balanced snack and be sure to count the calories

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck!

    PS- I eat pickels at night. For some crazy reason I get this urge for a pickel. And I am not pregnant.
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    If you are at home and not working these ideas may help:

    Read; chew minty gum, brush your teeth; drink at least 20 ounces of water; if you have to have something a protein is more filling. I used to be a night eater; but, I prayed to God and it stopped!
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    I have replaced my night binge eating (I would eat so much chocolate, cake and biscuits) with a piece of fruit and a yogurt which I've been successful with. Damn is it hard, I struggle with not eating these foods (yes you can eat them in moderation sometimes but I just can't do that, I feel the need to eat lots of it).

    My advice is stay strong, think about your ultimate goal and where you see yourself being even in a few weeks.Try the fruit and yogurt thing, after a 3 or 4 days you'll start to get used to it and you will find it can fill you up enough.
  • Maureen01131967
    I like your advice on not to buy the foods that you like to snack on. That is what I have had to do to keep me from eating them. Out of sight out of mind. Sometimes smelling the food will trigger an urge to eat that food but I know it will pass if I get myself active and away from that food.
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    I am a night snacker... I am fine all day, but when I get home I want to continually eat- which is what I am trying to avoid now. I usually read posts on here, but always keep some calories set aside in case I give in to temptation. I usually try to exercise, drink plenty of water, and tell myself I will snack in 10 minutes (which usually turns into 20 minutes or more and often late enough for me to talk myself into going to bed rather than eatting). When I do have a snack, I try to make it something time consuming- like an orange. By the time I peel it and eat it, 30 minutes have passed. If I grab something quick from the fridge I usually want to eat again in 30 minutes. The desire for late night snacking does decrease as you get yourself into a healthy routine... good luch and I hope this helps!:smile:
  • JesBroberg
    This is me! I want to lose 60 pounds at the least and I'm a night eater too! I've been at this for exactly 2 weeks and some things I've been trying:
    -Sugar-free popsicles
    -air-popped, no butter or salt popcorn
    -100 cal packs of goodies
    But most importantly, I allow myself a snack if I want it. I add it to my diary after I eat dinner and then hold on as late as I can before I eat it. Then I force myself to go to bed!
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    I am sitting here at almost 10 PM having been good all day until about 20 minutes ago, and having jsut eaten 1 cup of chex mix and wanting another OH SO BADLY.

    So basically I have nothing to offer except my commisseration.

    But good luck!